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Found a brake in the Linguist Feat. I know it worked in earlier versions, but in Beta 8 it is broken.
View attachment 100523

It does list a +3 to max Languages, but it isn't adding it to the total number of Languages.

View attachment 100524

Yes, it does. Look at the bottom of the screenshot you posted. See the Feat area? Enter a 3 there and your 3 new languages will be available.

Not everything is cut and dried. Sometimes to get what you want it takes a few steps before the desired result is achieved.


On another note, how can I make the sheet update my abilities when I attune to a certain item in character sheet 2? It doesn't seem to update my strength.

Magic items will not automatically update stats they change just by listing them on Sheet 2. The appropriate changes will need to be made on the Start page, as well.


First Post
Yes, it does. Look at the bottom of the screenshot you posted. See the Feat area? Enter a 3 there and your 3 new languages will be available.

Is this a change by design? and if so, why? earlier versions didn't require this extra step.
Just trying to follow the reasoning for changing this feat.


First Post
Magic items will not automatically update stats they change just by listing them on Sheet 2. The appropriate changes will need to be made on the Start page, as well.

Thanks for the response!
Where do I change/add them on the start sheet? I tried putting them 'on' by typing "Gauntlets of Ogre Power" into the hands textbox in the equipment worn box (9).
Whenever I add or remove text there, my strength doesn't get updated to 19 so I'm a little confused as to where I should be doing what exactly.

Thanks for the response!
Where do I change/add them on the start sheet? I tried putting them 'on' by typing "Gauntlets of Ogre Power" into the hands textbox in the equipment worn box (9).
Whenever I add or remove text there, my strength doesn't get updated to 19 so I'm a little confused as to where I should be doing what exactly.

On the start tab, in the ability scores section, there is a column called "Magic Modifier"
In the cell for Strength (AP18), paste the following formula:

=IF(StartEquipmentWornHands="Gauntlets of Ogre Power",MAX(0,19-SUM(T18:AO18,H18,N18,Q18)),"")

Checks for the exact text in the item slot
If True, Subtract your starting score, your racial and class bumps & all ASIs gained from 19. This number represents what value needs to be to get a final ability score of 19. If you already are above 19, this would be a negative #, so the max function makes sure the result isn't sub zero.

If you wanted to leave out the IF part and just put in the formula, it would be just =MAX(0,19-SUM(T18:AO18,H18,N18,Q18))
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[v2.27 - 2.28 BETA8]

How can I set my monk's Unarmored Defense? Even with override maximum AC is 19.

Could you add "Unarmored Defense (MONK)" (10+dex+wis) and "Unarmored Defense (BARB)" (10+dex+con) to "10. ARMOR & SHIELD / ARMOR" drop-down list?
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Voidrunner's Codex

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