D&D 5E ForgedAnvil D&D 5E Character Generator


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Looks to me like there's an error in Start!N34
The formula reads: =VLOOKUP(F34;Tables!$FQ$6:$FY$5003;2;FALSE)
This brings up a false value, because of the 2. Changing it to 6 brings about the problem that the formatting is not accepted (due to the "d").

I found a possible solution to be: =VALUE(VLOOKUP(F34;Tables!$FQ$6:$FY$5003;6;FALSE))

Strangly, something like =IF(F34="Select…";"";VALUE(F34)) doesn't work either because of the formatting issue of N34...

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Clayton Thomson

First Post
For 2.28 Beta 8 RC, custom spells do not show up in list of spells for the respective class in Spells Known / Prepared when setting the spells on Spellcasting tab. However, custom spells show up in Look Up and Class Features.

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Screen Shot 2018-08-26 at 3.48.18 PM.png


  • Screen Shot 2018-08-26 at 3.48.18 PM.png
    Screen Shot 2018-08-26 at 3.48.18 PM.png
    53.6 KB · Views: 859

Just chiming in to say that this thing is quite incredible. Basically, because my knowledge of DnD 5e is a bit iffy, the ability to have this tool generate and show basically _everything_ possible is great to make sure you can browse the sheets and see all your abilities.

I print the main ones out and keep them in sheet protectors as "reference" and just have a single blank normal paper page to track HP's, Spell slots used, charges on items, etc etc, so that I don't scribble on the actual printer ones. Writing on them then erasing and doing it again is too much wear/tear on the nice printout.

The only personal changes I have made to the sheet is to remove color backgrounds from cells because I reprint the Log Page out after a session, and wanted to save color ink, upped some fonts because I have bad eyesight (other people at the table can read the sheets fine, I asked), so yea, it works great as is. I have tried to think up suggestions for possible layout changes, but can't really think of any.

The only thing I might actually try, just for a laugh, is to set up a "vanilla, Adventurers League Character Sheet" background image, then import fields from ForgedAnvil across to it, so if a GM asks me for a copy of one of my characters for record purposes, I can print off something that is actually used a lot where I play. I have been asked before (change of GM's) and all they really wanted was what is in the usual 2 page AL (stats, spells and gear basically) handing them full ability list printouts is overkill - and a waste of my ink :) as well.

Very impressed. Keep up the great work.

This is a good idea that we can consider going forward. However, don't look for it anytime soon.

Can there be an option to make a bow a hex weapon. I see in beta 8 it does it for melee weapons but not for ranged.

Asking the community, should we just change the hex options to always being available?

Looks to me like there's an error in Start!N34
The formula reads: =VLOOKUP(F34;Tables!$FQ$6:$FY$5003;2;FALSE)
This brings up a false value, because of the 2. Changing it to 6 brings about the problem that the formatting is not accepted (due to the "d").

I found a possible solution to be: =VALUE(VLOOKUP(F34;Tables!$FQ$6:$FY$5003;6;FALSE))

Strangly, something like =IF(F34="Select…";"";VALUE(F34)) doesn't work either because of the formatting issue of N34...

Check your version. I believe it was fixed for Beta 8. If not, it is corrected in beta 9.

For 2.28 Beta 8 RC, custom spells do not show up in list of spells for the respective class in Spells Known / Prepared when setting the spells on Spellcasting tab. However, custom spells show up in Look Up and Class Features.

Fixed for Beta 9


Assuming you are talking about the Hexblade's Hex Warrior feature, I am fine with including ranged weapons as long as they do not have the two-handed restriction (unless Pact of the Blade).


First Post
V2.28 Don’t know if this has been reported yet. Fighter Archetype Arcane Archer. Prestidigitation does not show up in cantrip list with Druidcraft.

Also is the a walkthrough on setting up a sub class or can someone PM me? Trying to put the homebrew cleric of Eilistraee from DND Beyond in and am getting a little turned around.



Trying to put the homebrew cleric of Eilistraee from DND Beyond in and am getting a little turned around.

Just looking at the D&DB writeup and it looks mostly straight forward, except the Bonus Proficiency, which is for all swords (but only swords). I am not sure how to limit the custom page to only swords. I suppose that the generator could be expanded to allow select categories such as "swords". I have some ideas here that might work, but they almost certainly are not implemented already. For now you would probably just need to select the most likely swords to include (long sword, short sword, rapier, scimitar).

What sort of trouble are you having?

Also, keep in mind that v2.28 is still in beta and has known (and unknown) bugs that make using it more challenging. I imagine that the custom page will probably be among the last part to be finalized.


First Post
I started to put it in on the custom page, just wasn't sure about the drop downs. I think on the example that's in there for Sorcerer it has 1's inputted but that's not in the drop down list. Only none, 2, and some others. Didn't know how much transferred up to the block above. Was mainly curious if there was a PDF walkthrough for that like the old one for using the sheet in general when it was still up publicly. I'm sure I'm making this entirely harder than it is. :)

Voidrunner's Codex

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