D&D 5E ForgedAnvil D&D 5E Character Generator


Not sure if this was brought up before, how do you apply other magic items such as Bracers of Archery and Cloak of protection?

Cloak of Protection: for AC use the Other area of the Armor block on the Start page. For the saving throws, on the Start page in Block 1 enter 1 (or increment by 1) for all Saving Throw adjustments.

Bracers of Archery: In the "Additional Weapons and Armor Proficiencies" area add Longbow and Shortbow if you do not already have proficiency in them. For the +2 damage, there are more elegant ways, but a Q&D version is to use the damage override of your bow weapon and add 2. For a longbow it might be ="1d8+"&DEXMod+2.

Take note of what you change so that it can be undone if you stop using that magic item.

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Not sure if this was brought up before, how do you apply other magic items such as Bracers of Archery and Cloak of protection?

Exactly what I wanted to ask as well. I did find Cloak of Protection as an option in my inventory, but I do not see any way to "put it on".

What I ended up doing was go to the start tab, scrolled down to "armor & shield", selected the other armor, pressed F2 and changed the name to Cloak of Protection, and did the same with Properties and added "AC +1, Saving Throws +1 (Death Saves as well)". Then I selected in Armor Class the +1 option. Next I went back up to my stats and used the option to adjust my saving throws, and changed all of them to +1.

All the time I somehow had the feeling that I genuinely missed some easy option, as the inventory list was very extensive and it seemed weird to put that list in without also giving options to use them.


I started to put it in on the custom page, just wasn't sure about the drop downs. I think on the example that's in there for Sorcerer it has 1's inputted but that's not in the drop down list. Only none, 2, and some others. Didn't know how much transferred up to the block above. Was mainly curious if there was a PDF walkthrough for that like the old one for using the sheet in general when it was still up publicly. I'm sure I'm making this entirely harder than it is. :)

I just entered the Cleric of Eilistraee based on the information on D&DB. All you need to enter on the custom page are:
Class: Cleric
Name: Eilistraee
Level Gains: (enter feature text)
Weapon Proficiency:
1: 1 (sword of your choice)
2: 1 (sword of your choice)
3: 1 (sword of your choice)
4: 1 (sword of your choice)
Spells: 1 Eilistraee's Moonfire (this will need to be added as a custom spell, first)
Domain Spells:
1st: 1 1:disguise self 2:feather fall
2nd: 3 1:calm emotions 2:enthrall
3rd: 5 1:mass healing word 2:tongues
4th: 7 1:divination 2:locate creature
5th: 9 1:commune 2:raise dead

All of the rest of the custom options you can leave blank and the generator will use the default entries.

Edit: It just occured to me that entering only swords for weapon proficiencies may be an issue that may prevent standard choices such as Simple Weapons from being available. If so, replace one sword with "Simple Weapons".
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Matt McNiel

I noticed that a Druid advancing to 4th level & choosing the Spell Sniper feat only had "Thorn Whip" available as a cantrip to choose for that feat in the Druid list. Wouldn't Produce Flame qualify due to it being capable of being thrown & hence requiring an attack roll? Or is it because it's optional to throw it and not a required roll when you cast the spell that it is not counted as available? I wasn't 100% sure why it was not available there on the Character Generator BETA8.


Actually all cantrips with attack rolls should be available to choose from. The feat doesn't specify 'ranged attack'.

I noticed that a Druid advancing to 4th level & choosing the Spell Sniper feat only had "Thorn Whip" available as a cantrip to choose for that feat in the Druid list. Wouldn't Produce Flame qualify due to it being capable of being thrown & hence requiring an attack roll? Or is it because it's optional to throw it and not a required roll when you cast the spell that it is not counted as available? I wasn't 100% sure why it was not available there on the Character Generator BETA8.


I noticed that a Druid advancing to 4th level & choosing the Spell Sniper feat only had "Thorn Whip" available as a cantrip to choose for that feat in the Druid list. Wouldn't Produce Flame qualify due to it being capable of being thrown & hence requiring an attack roll? Or is it because it's optional to throw it and not a required roll when you cast the spell that it is not counted as available? I wasn't 100% sure why it was not available there on the Character Generator BETA8.

FA is telling you that Spell Sniper probably isn't worth a feat. Try Warcaster and never worry about casting with items in your hands, make OPP attacks with spells, and get ADV on Con saves to concentrate while taking damage. Try Alert and go first more to get your stuff off early. Try Resilient to patch up some save. Check out the Character Optimization forums.


First Post
Such a great tool that has made my transfer from 1e to 5e possible, even enjoyable!

Really appreciate all the effort that has been put into this.

I was wondering if there is a password for editing or some way to format fonts, etc. I am hoping to allow a smaller font to incorporate more backstory and adventure notes with going off the page. Any hints much appreciated.



Really appreciate all the effort that has been put into this.

I was wondering if there is a password for editing or some way to format fonts, etc. I am hoping to allow a smaller font to incorporate more backstory and adventure notes with going off the page. Any hints much appreciated.


The "Bad" News: The Start, Spellcasting and Custom pages are locked behind a password, and last I checked that password was not being shared for any reason.
The "Good" News: The CSI-CSV password is empty (there is no real password there) and only is in use to prevent accidental changes. Right-click the page tab you wish to change, unprotect it, make the changes you want, and then I highly recommend you re-enable the protection. The unprotetcted pages can definitely have the font size made smaller or even the font changed if you so desire.


This is strange, but I've got 2.28b8 and when i enter in items on CS II, I'm not getting any weight calculated. At all.
I also tried to do the dropped backpack on the last line of inventory and it's taking the text, but showing up blank on the screen.
I don't see anyone else with the problem so figuring this might be Excel artifact? But curious if anyone else has seen it.


This is strange, but I've got 2.28b8 and when i enter in items on CS II, I'm not getting any weight calculated. At all.
I also tried to do the dropped backpack on the last line of inventory and it's taking the text, but showing up blank on the screen.
I don't see anyone else with the problem so figuring this might be Excel artifact? But curious if anyone else has seen it.

Nevermind. If you enter items on CSII without having your stats filled in it will not calculate the weight probably because something about your strength or another stat is in the calculation. Once I filled in the stats, the items got weight, and the Dropped Backpack magically appeared on the last line already. Like buttah

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