D&D 5E ForgedAnvil D&D 5E Character Generator

[v2.27 - 2.28 BETA8]

How can I set my monk's Unarmored Defense? Even with override maximum AC is 19.

Could you add "Unarmored Defense (MONK)" (10+dex+wis) and "Unarmored Defense (BARB)" (10+dex+con) to "10. ARMOR & SHIELD / ARMOR" drop-down list?

The calculations should take care of that if you select None from the Armor list.

Edit: Select none from the armor drop-done.
On CS1, you can see an AC breakdown between your HP & AC.
The first line should be 10+WIS/CON, the next +2 if shielded and then below that, your Dex.

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First Post
On the start tab, in the ability scores section, there is a column called "Magic Modifier"
In the cell for Strength (AP18), paste the following formula:

=IF(StartEquipmentWornHands="Gauntlets of Ogre Power",MAX(0,19-SUM(T18:AO18,H18,N18,Q18)),"")

Checks for the exact text in the item slot
If True, Subtract your starting score, your racial and class bumps & all ASIs gained from 19. This number represents what value needs to be to get a final ability score of 19. If you already are above 19, this would be a negative #, so the max function makes sure the result isn't sub zero.

If you wanted to leave out the IF part and just put in the formula, it would be just =MAX(0,19-SUM(T18:AO18,H18,N18,Q18))

Is there a way (in the excel sheet) for magic items to be automatically processed or do I instead have to change/input things into certain cells to get the desired effect like this?
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Is there a way (in the excel sheet) for magic items to be automatically processed or do I instead have to change/input things into certain cells to get the desired effect like this?
Nope, there are too many magic items, and too many possible effects, for that to be effectively coded in. You have to make the appropriate changes yourself.


Is there a way (in the excel sheet) for magic items to be automatically processed or do I instead have to change/input things into certain cells to get the desired effect like this?

In theory, yes, they could all be automated. However, it would require a TON of work. Almost anything *can* be done with code, but then the cost of that effort has to be taken in to account. Coding all of the magic items has been deemed beyond the scope of this project.


[v2.27 - 2.28 BETA8]

How can I set my monk's Unarmored Defense? Even with override maximum AC is 19.

Could you add "Unarmored Defense (MONK)" (10+dex+wis) and "Unarmored Defense (BARB)" (10+dex+con) to "10. ARMOR & SHIELD / ARMOR" drop-down list?

The calculations should take care of that if you select None from the Armor list.

Edit: Select none from the armor drop-done.
On CS1, you can see an AC breakdown between your HP & AC.
The first line should be 10+WIS/CON, the next +2 if shielded and then below that, your Dex.

Thank you for your response.
Somehow importing my character from BETA6 to BETA8 broke the Character Generator.
Everything looked normal, but all dropboxes were empty upon selection. Also rising my Wis from 18 to 20 was not increasing my AC. That was the problem.
I started clean and everything works correctly now.


Thank you for your response.
Somehow importing my character from BETA6 to BETA8 broke the Character Generator.
Everything looked normal, but all dropboxes were empty upon selection. Also rising my Wis from 18 to 20 was not increasing my AC. That was the problem.
I started clean and everything works correctly now.

It is fairly normal for the import function to break during the beta phase, so this is not too surprising. Glad you figured out what the problem was.

Thank you for your response.
Somehow importing my character from BETA6 to BETA8 broke the Character Generator.
Everything looked normal, but all dropboxes were empty upon selection. Also rising my Wis from 18 to 20 was not increasing my AC. That was the problem.
I started clean and everything works correctly now.

I believe that imports from before beta 7 to beta 7+ may experience issues.

Marco Piampiani

First Post
Just chiming in to say that this thing is quite incredible. Basically, because my knowledge of DnD 5e is a bit iffy, the ability to have this tool generate and show basically _everything_ possible is great to make sure you can browse the sheets and see all your abilities.

I print the main ones out and keep them in sheet protectors as "reference" and just have a single blank normal paper page to track HP's, Spell slots used, charges on items, etc etc, so that I don't scribble on the actual printer ones. Writing on them then erasing and doing it again is too much wear/tear on the nice printout.

The only personal changes I have made to the sheet is to remove color backgrounds from cells because I reprint the Log Page out after a session, and wanted to save color ink, upped some fonts because I have bad eyesight (other people at the table can read the sheets fine, I asked), so yea, it works great as is. I have tried to think up suggestions for possible layout changes, but can't really think of any.

The only thing I might actually try, just for a laugh, is to set up a "vanilla, Adventurers League Character Sheet" background image, then import fields from ForgedAnvil across to it, so if a GM asks me for a copy of one of my characters for record purposes, I can print off something that is actually used a lot where I play. I have been asked before (change of GM's) and all they really wanted was what is in the usual 2 page AL (stats, spells and gear basically) handing them full ability list printouts is overkill - and a waste of my ink :) as well.

Very impressed. Keep up the great work.

Voidrunner's Codex

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