D&D 5E ForgedAnvil D&D 5E Character Generator

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Hiya FA and assistants,
I know we're still working on getting all the bugs out of the new material, but I've got a feature request:
Season 8 of Adventurer's League has some new rules, and as much as I don't care for them, I'm still playing under them.
Could we get some extra columns on the Adventure Log sheet for tracking Advancement Points and Treasure Points?

Thanks for all the work you do...


Fields NE15 (and repeated through NE30) on Tables Tab needs to have the formula changed to =IF(NB15="","",NA15*ND15*NB15) This will fix the gems area where the total doesn't calculate based on quantity field, it will now take quantity into account.


First Post
Hi to everyone, I've sent a mail to getlink56enw at gmail com but I still haven't received any answer. Some can give me the latest version?


First Post
You are missing a + after 56. It's getlink56+enw

I have another question: is there a specific reason that stone sorcery is missing? Or will it be added some time in the future?


I have another question: is there a specific reason that stone sorcery is missing? Or will it be added some time in the future?
Stone Sorcery seems to be from Unearthed Arcana, which means it's unofficial, playtest material. This sheet only includes material from officially published sources. It won't be added until it becomes official.


Unearthed Arcana material is playtest material and is subject to change, sometimes a little and sometimes a whole lot, so the designers of this generator have decided that none of that material will be included with this tool. That being said, you can generally add new subclasses yourself on the Custom page, as long as the details don't vary too widely from the established norms.

Voidrunner's Codex

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