D&D 5E ForgedAnvil D&D 5E Character Generator

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Agonizing Blast has a prerequisite of knowing the Eldritch Blast cantrip before it can be selected (or even seen), so if your character doesn't know EB the generator doesn't offer AB as an option.


First Post
version 2.28 Beta 8

In this build I started off selecting sword bard, but then switched to lore bard. When I did the switch remnants of the sword bard trait remained and would not disappear. This is shown on Character sheet 1 in 2 places:

1. active features still has the defensive, slashing and mobile flourish.
2. my Fighter 1/ Lore bard 6 is showing 2 attacks per action when it should be 1 attack per action.



First Post
version 2.28 Beta 8

Sword Bard

On the Start Tab:

1. The sword bard is supposed to be proficient with medium armor at 3rd level. However in my 20th level sword bard test build, on the Start tab it was listing all medium armors as Not proficient.

2. In the Character Details column, the bard college feature (fighting style) lists all of the fighting styles despite the fact that I had chosen dueling. On previous character builds I believe this section usually only lists the specific fighting style chosen (doesn't it?).



Switching sub-classes of a class can be tricky, as the selections you made for the first sub-class may become greyed out, but not reset. Even if the selection is greyed out, the generatot see it as a valid selection and it will affect other things. If you are switching sub-classes, it is best to reset everything related to the first sub-class before selecting another sub-class. So, if you start off with a swords bard and then decide the character is a lore bard (for example), make sure everything unique to a swords bard is reset before switching to lore bard.

As for the Fighting Style. the selection offered is based on all classes present. Since your test character has a level of fighter, all fighting styles are offered, even if only some are valid for the sub-class.

The lack of proficiencies for some classes is a known bug, and will be fixed in a future release. Overrides can fix the problem for now.

Dakota Pevino

First Post
Hiya. I had been using the 2.27 version. I sent an email for the 2.28 version awhile back. So patiently waiting on that.
Anyway, my issue is multiclassing spells. The come up with the ## in the spellsheet, then as #na in the spell casting.

I was up to page 137 in forum posts before I said I should ask first. Hahah.

Any resolution? Specifically life cleric 3, land Druid 2 level 5 total.


Error's like that are typically either a bug in the generator (though version 2.27 is quite stable and bug-free in my experience) or the result of data entry errors. Of the two, I would bet on data entry as the cause of the error. Probably something wasn't filled in on the Start page. Without a copy of the character, it is very hard to be more specific than that.

Voidrunner's Codex

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