D&D 5E ForgedAnvil D&D 5E Character Generator

John Kelley

First Post
This generator does not support Unearthed Arcana material, period. The Artificer is a new Unearthed Arcana class, so it is not supported. If you can make the UA material work with the provided tools, have at it, but a new class will be tricky at best, and completely unworkable at worst. As always, in these cases, the paper and paper method still works just fine.

Which is why I'm going to create a modular version of this application in Python. It'll allow me to simply make class modules that will be indexed at run-time rather. It'll ultimately be a more flexible version of this sheet. I'll even have an export function that will populate an XML or Excel sheet for editing. First step, though, reproduce this sheet in modules.

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Which is why I'm going to create a modular version of this application in Python. It'll allow me to simply make class modules that will be indexed at run-time rather. It'll ultimately be a more flexible version of this sheet. I'll even have an export function that will populate an XML or Excel sheet for editing. First step, though, reproduce this sheet in modules.

I look forward to the results.

Tadd Cousins

First Post
Which is why I'm going to create a modular version of this application in Python. It'll allow me to simply make class modules that will be indexed at run-time rather. It'll ultimately be a more flexible version of this sheet. I'll even have an export function that will populate an XML or Excel sheet for editing. First step, though, reproduce this sheet in modules.
That would be really awesome to see.


First Post
Is there any plan to update the Forged Anvil sheets to include Advancement Checkpoints and Treasure Checkpoints from season 8? Maybe a radio button for XP based advancement or checkpoints?


Is there any plan to update the Forged Anvil sheets to include Advancement Checkpoints and Treasure Checkpoints from season 8? Maybe a radio button for XP based advancement or checkpoints?

That would be cool, but I would not hold my breath at this point. The original creator went M.I.A. after receiving a WotC C&D order, and the team that took over has not been heard from for some time (we are still waiting for a non-beta version with the Xanathar material). WotC wants you to use D&DBeyond and is actively suppressing cool (and free) tools like this one.


First Post
That would be cool, but I would not hold my breath at this point. The original creator went M.I.A. after receiving a WotC C&D order, and the team that took over has not been heard from for some time (we are still waiting for a non-beta version with the Xanathar material). WotC wants you to use D&DBeyond and is actively suppressing cool (and free) tools like this one.

Wow. That's a real shame... When did WoTC hit the original creator with a C&D letter?

I know that I have received a response by the new team once or twice, but it has been a while. I suppose they want to avoid the same letter. Its a shame that D&D Beyond isn't that great/requires an internet connection. I know that the WiFi at my local game shop isn't great. Plus I've found that pen & paper is just better sometimes.


Wow. That's a real shame... When did WoTC hit the original creator with a C&D letter?

I know that I have received a response by the new team once or twice, but it has been a while. I suppose they want to avoid the same letter. Its a shame that D&D Beyond isn't that great/requires an internet connection. I know that the WiFi at my local game shop isn't great. Plus I've found that pen & paper is just better sometimes.

I don't actually know that ForgedAnvil got a C&D order, but EN World most certainly did, and it seems a fair guess that FA did as well, with his sudden disappearance following WotC's C&D to EN World which pertained to the generator. I am fairly certain that FA has been on this site since, but if so, he hasn't touched this area with the proverbial 10' pole. With the lack of communication from the team, it leaves one to wonder if they, too, received a similar letter.


Hmm, it's gotten kinda quiet around here.

Anyways, I've observed a bug in 2.28 Beta 8:
I'm building a Sorcerer (Shadow)/Warlock (Celestial) 3/3, and something seems off on the spell lists.
If I don't have 'All' Sources selected, then Hex is not showing up as a choice in my level 1 warlock spells, and Phantasmal Force is not visible choice for level 2 sorcerer spells. This is an AL legal char, so I'm sticking to just PHB and Xanathar's. I suspect some PHB spells aren't flagged correctly on a hidden reference table.

Additionally, the 'Eyes of the Dark' feature says that I learn the Darkness spell, and it doesn't count against spells known. I see this listed on the Active Features section, but I wanted to add Darkness on the Spellcasting page as well. On that page, the Prepared/Known counter shows that I've now got one more spell than I should have. I can override that with an extra spell up above, but it would be nice if the sheet did that math for me.


Hmm, it's gotten kinda quiet around here.

Anyways, I've observed a bug in 2.28 Beta 8:
I'm building a Sorcerer (Shadow)/Warlock (Celestial) 3/3, and something seems off on the spell lists.
If I don't have 'All' Sources selected, then Hex is not showing up as a choice in my level 1 warlock spells, and Phantasmal Force is not visible choice for level 2 sorcerer spells. This is an AL legal char, so I'm sticking to just PHB and Xanathar's. I suspect some PHB spells aren't flagged correctly on a hidden reference table.

Additionally, the 'Eyes of the Dark' feature says that I learn the Darkness spell, and it doesn't count against spells known. I see this listed on the Active Features section, but I wanted to add Darkness on the Spellcasting page as well. On that page, the Prepared/Known counter shows that I've now got one more spell than I should have. I can override that with an extra spell up above, but it would be nice if the sheet did that math for me.

The sheet handles spells that way, cleric domain spells are handle the same way. You just have to put Darkness in.

I think spell sheet has to be set to all and then you just have to choose the right spells for the material. I don’t think the sources choices applies anywhere but the start page.

Voidrunner's Codex

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