D&D 5E ForgedAnvil D&D 5E Character Generator

Dakota Pevino

First Post
Multi class spells all screwy.

As far as I’m aware from using this generator heavily and often, everything is filled out right.

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Dakota Pevino

First Post
Multiclass spells issue

as far as I’m aware, everything is inputted correct. Same as I always do. Only difference is the multiclassing.


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You have a blank cantrip choice. No idea if that would cause problems.

You are using the Tortle race, which in version 2.27 means you are using the Custom page. If not there already, make sure you are using the first (left-most) column of custom race, as the 2nd and 3rd may be bugged. It might also help to have screenshot(s) of the custom page where it is used.

Dakota Pevino

First Post
2.27 multiclass

I have tested multiclass on other builds, they don’t come across the problem... not exactly sure where the issue lies. I much prefer to update, but after sending a couple emails, I’m unsure. Am I supposed to type a secret password or sentence or anything? A 10 page essay?

been quite awhile waiting for a reply.


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I am just a user, same as yourself, and am under no compulsion to provide help. In fact, even the people who are/were developing this tool are not oblitagated to help, either. I am trying to help, but what issues that I have seen so far are, as far as I know, minor and should not cause problems. However, that blank entry for your first cantrip does concern me, as there should be no blank entries for cantrips.

Dakota Pevino

First Post
Yes, thank you

Your comment makes it seem like I offended someone for asking for help. I’m unsure where that came from, as I’ve only asked for help and uploaded pictures that people asked for to try and help. I’m sorry for whatever I did or said though :(

as I posted the picture above in response, the cantrip options are blank for the first line. I’ve tried to input manually, and it doesn’t make a difference, nor does it even show up on the spellsheet.

ill attatch a picture of it filled in.

also, again, if updating to the newest update makes a difference, do you have any ideas, passwords, or tricks to getting a response from the email? Or about how long does it take to get a reply?

John Kelley

First Post
I love how this sheet is thought out and I love that many things can be added, but because I am frustrated with my ability to customize this character generator, I am going to try and code this in Python. I want to make it easier to add new classes or customize Hit Dice, Spell Lists, etc.

This frustration came about as a result of me playing the new Artificer class, enjoying it, but being annoyed that this sheet's idea of what an Artificer is doesn't gel with the Unearthed Arcana source from which I'm drawing my class.


This generator does not support Unearthed Arcana material, period. The Artificer is a new Unearthed Arcana class, so it is not supported. If you can make the UA material work with the provided tools, have at it, but a new class will be tricky at best, and completely unworkable at worst. As always, in these cases, the pencil and paper method still works just fine.

edit: fixed a 'typo'
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Dakota, if you wish me to take a look at the character, you may send a copy of it to conandar[at]new[dot]rr[dot]com and I will see if I can find the problem.

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