D&D 5E ForgedAnvil D&D 5E Character Generator

Beta 8: The Forest Gnome subrace is not included in the PHB Source, does show up with All sources enabled

Also, Would it be possible to include the Maneuver DC for Battlemaster fighters under Active Features? Right now it displays the dice size and the charges.

Thanks for your great work, both as a DM and a player.

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V2.28 Beta 8. In the custom subclass section of the generator. On Beta 7, 8 ( not sure about 6 can't find my copy) the feat gains doesn't have level numbers like in beta 5. EX 1, 6, 14, etc. It now has none, 0, char or wis, choose 2 from ...., and 2, and that's what shows up in the drop downs for the different things you can select for the class your making.

Feedback on V2.28 beta 7

Made an 11th level Human Druid of the moon, outlander background.

The first Hit dice roll is set to 1 and it doesn't allow me to change it.
It's giving me spots for 7 languages rather than the 4 I should have.
The Human 1 feat isn't showing up only Druid 4 and Druid 8, though under feats it says I should have 3

This is a great sheet please keep up the great work.

Feedback on V2.28 beta 7

Made an 11th level Human Druid of the moon, outlander background.

The first Hit dice roll is set to 1 and it doesn't allow me to change it.
It's giving me spots for 7 languages rather than the 4 I should have.
The Human 1 feat isn't showing up only Druid 4 and Druid 8, though under feats it says I should have 3

This is a great sheet please keep up the great work.

The current available version is v2.28 BETA 8, and most (or all) of what you mention has already been fixed. For now, however, there a workarounds for the issues with BETA 7 that you mention.
For the 1st level hit points being 1 instead of the normal maximum, after level 20 there is a place to add additional HP. Just add the missing amount there. (Druid is a d8, so add 7.)

The extra languages is because the option below the languages has a 3 in the Feats? override. Either blank out that 3 or set it to 0, and the number of languages should be as expected.

For a human, you only get a free feat at level 1 if you are using the variant human. The standard human only gets +1 to all 6 stats. I find the standard human is generally disdained because all you get is that +1 to each stat, and most will be with "junk" stats. However, they can be more useful if you are playing a more M.A.D. class, or know that you will want to multi-class to a less than optimal multiclass option.
If you are using the standard human and the number of ASI/feats is still wonky, you can adjust that number with a Feats? override. A -1 in the override will reduce the number by one.
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I apologize for my ignorance, but I don't know if this is a problem or if I'm just using the sheet incorrectly.

I am on v2.27. I have created a 3rd level human cleric. My GM has added the 2nd level spell "Healing Spirit" to the spell list for Clerics in his game.

When I go to the Spellcasting tab, at the top of the spell list is a big orange notification that says "TYPE THE NAME OF THE SPELL FOR SPELLS NOT IN YOUR CLASS LIST."

When I follow this instruction and type "Healing Spirit" into one of the blue spell selection fields for level 2 spells, I see a couple of hashtags show up to the right, but the words are shown properly. However, when I then look at the Character Sheet III tab, in my spell list where I should see "Healing Spirit" I see #N/A.

I also note that as a 3rd level human cleric with a 19 Wisdom, the sheet is telling me I have 11 Spells Prepared. By my calculations, this should say 7.

Something is clearly wrong. Is it me? Or is it the sheet?

Thank you for your time and work on this wonderful tool.
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I apologize for my ignorance, but I don't know if this is a problem or if I'm just using the sheet incorrectly.

I am on v2.27. I have created a 3rd level human cleric. My GM has added the 2nd level spell "Healing Spirit" to the spell list for Clerics in his game.

When I go to the Spellcasting tab, at the top of the spell list is a big orange notification that says "TYPE THE NAME OF THE SPELL FOR SPELLS NOT IN YOUR CLASS LIST."

When I follow this instruction and type "Healing Spirit" into one of the blue spell selection fields for level 2 spells, I see a couple of hashtags show up to the right, but the words are shown properly. However, when I then look at the Character Sheet III tab, in my spell list where I should see "Healing Spirit" I see #N/A.

I also note that as a 3rd level human cleric with a 19 Wisdom, the sheet is telling me I have 11 Spells Prepared. By my calculations, this should say 7.

Something is clearly wrong. Is it me? Or is it the sheet?

Thank you for your time and work on this wonderful tool.

Get the lastest version.

And you have extra spells prepared because you need to select your Domain spells, they are always prepared. Look at the bottom of the spell choice for each level of spell selected for the spell choices.

When the generator says the number of spells prepared, it includes the Domain Spells that your cleric always has prepared. Because your cleric has 2 domain spells for 1st level spells and, being a 3rd level cleric, 2 more for 2nd level spells, the generator calculates 7 (wisdom 19) + 2 (1st level domain spells) + 2 (2nd level domain spells) = 11 prepared spells.

Healing Spirit was released with Xanathar's Guide to Everything, which is not supported by v2.27. To use this spell with v2.27 you will have to enter this spell as a custom spell on the custom page.

The orange text on the spellcasting page is referring to spells that are not normally part of your classes list of spells, but are on another's class list and are in the generator's database. Adding custom spells will add them to that database.
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Just to clarify things (I hope!), there are two different kinds of "extra" spells, but a class never has both kinds. If the class has these "extra" spells, they are either Domain spells (always prepared) or Expanded spells (additional choices). In both cases, the spells may not be something that members your class can normally cast, but if the spell is on your Domain or Expanded spell list you can. For instance, a Fireball isn't normally a cleric spell, but it is a Light cleric 3rd level Domain spell, so for Light clerics it is a cleric spell and they can cast it. All other restriction still apply, though, unless a specific rule for your class says otherwise. For bards, spells gained with their Magical Secrets feature are Expanded spells (spells they know, but are not always prepared.)
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v2.28 beta8

Sword Bard
The 3rd level Bard College Feature (Bonus Proficiencies) which grants the class proficiency with medium armor is not being recognized in the Start tab, nor on the tab Character Sheet I. It is listed as "not proficient" (disadvantage.)

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