Fort Knocks - knight otu judging


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If the Hoar Sons are handling all of the mounts, Artax hands off his mule to them and draws two daggers, using any remaining action to interpose himself between the bats and the horses.

If the Hoar Sons are just handling their own mounts, Artax will lead his mule away from the bats while drawing a dagger with his free hand.

Either way he tries to recall anything he might have learned about bats such as these. (OOC: Knowledge(Nature)Knowledge(Nature) concerning Giant Bats (1d20+6=10))

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Happy that he´s not riding a horse, Nodis thanks some random hod as he tries to put as much people as he can between him and the bats before starting to concentrate.

[OOC: Move 5 feet away of the bats and manifest Astral Construct I, using the Overchannel and Talented feats to improve the manifester level by one. The construct will have the improved natural attack option. I´ll post all the stats the following round, when it appears.

If Nodis is in the front row (sorry, the map isn´t very clear to me) then just move away from the bats and draw the crossbow.]


Rurik moves to a middle position on his ledge, steeling himself for the inevitable onslaught of bats.

[If there's no position on which to improve his angle, Rurik will remain where he is, an attack still readied for any bat that moves to him.]

Kahuna Burger

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In the chaos, most of the Hoar Suns keep their wits, taking the reins of the party's horses and mules to keep them from panicing and forming up around Susan who they obviously wish to protect. Andrew moves frorward to the other side of brother E's bat (brother=b=blue ;) ) and while his attacks are frustrated, he does help distract it and allows one of the monk's blows to land home. The giant bat lashes back out at the young monk, inflicting a savage scratch. (bat 2 takes damage and deals 7 points out in return to E.) Rurik trades blows with 'his' bat (rurik=r=red) doing some damage and taking 9 himself. Rainca (=bloodshed=redish brown) trades fruitless attacks with bat 4 while Skeeter lands a hit with his flail on the same target. Artax (=ranger=forest green) swings at the same bat Brother E is attacking but misses, and Nodis (=lime green for no good reason) manifests his power. Finally, you hear Susan call out an incantation, and feel energized for the next attack. (casts bless, +1 to attacks)

ooc: please either link to your character or include attack damage and ac figures in your post.

edit, forgot map


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Eusebius reels back from the vicious slash the bat delivers. Blood pouring from the gash which has opened up from his neck to his waist, he pauses just a moment to consider his options. Thankful that Artax is close to him, he cries out, "Artax! Your wand - I am sorely wounded!" Then, trusting to his companion's faithfulness, he launches himself back into the fray. Encouraged by Susan's blessing, and fiercely determined not to fail his friends, Eusebius attacks.

HP 2/9
AC 16 (including dodge bonus)
Flurry of blows +2/+2 (including effects of Susan's bless and Andrew's flanking)
Damage 1d6+1 20/x2
Attack #1 = 7
Attack #2 = 14

How do I find the postid to link to my character sheet?
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Artax edges closer to Brother Eusebius and pulls out the Mortalist's wand (provoking an AoO from the bat) and then calls on its power to heal Brother Eusebius. (also provoking an AoO, and healing the brother for 1d8+1 if successful)


Nodis, AC 14, 11 hp, 3 power points left.

As Nodis finishes concentrating, a clump of milky mist coalesces into a crude, short humanoid figure with large fists, just behind the closest bat, and tries to clobbe it. [attack here, 14+5=19 including the flanking bonus, damage 6]

At the same time, Nodis starts tries to build his energy again, and he feels the warm point of psionic eergy in the back of his brain again [ooc: getting psionic focus again ]

Small Construct
Hit Dice: 1d10+10 (15 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 18 (+2 Dex, +5 natural, +1 size), touch 13, flatfooted 16
Base Attack/Grapple: +2/–1
Attack: Slam +3 melee (1d6+3)
Full Attack: Slam +3 melee (1d6+3)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: —
Special Qualities: Improved natural attack, construct traits, darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision
Saves: Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +0
Abilities: Str 15, Dex 15, Con —, Int —, Wis 11, Cha 10
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First Post

azmodean said:
Artax edges closer to Brother Eusebius and pulls out the Mortalist's wand (provoking an AoO from the bat) and then calls on its power to heal Brother Eusebius. (also provoking an AoO, and healing the brother for 1d8+1 if successful)
PHB, page 141, Table 8-2, Standard Action: "Activate a magic item other than a potion or oil" - Attack of Opportunity? No!



OOC: If it's the same bat, it probably only gets one AoO, anyway.

If Rurik slays his bat, he will take a 5 foot step to his closest ally, and use his Cleave feat to take another swing at whichever bat is threatening him:

Cleave Attack (if necessary) (1d20+9=18, 1d10+4=12)

[on edit: that ally is Br'er E. Rurik's 5-foot step will be to F3 (again, presuming much).]
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