Fort Knocks - knight otu judging


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Now that sounds like a plan. So how about this, when we come upon the fort, find a nearby fallback position, then proceed inside, and once we've cleared out any undead in the area we barricade the mine shafts until we are ready to proceed.

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[Last post for a week, maybe two, from Rurik. If the party enters combat before I can post for him, it's pretty easy to fight Rurik in the standard melee 'tank' manner. Rurik always closes to melee and attacks with his +1 waraxe and his shield at melee range, if possible. He will also look to flank an opponent with another of his party, and further, attempt to use his Great Cleave feat, whenever he can.]

Rurik nods his head in acceptance of the tentative 'plan.'

'E only thin' I'd add would be ter nah und'restimate the speed o' the zombies, Br'er Eusebius. If yer quick'r 'n them, so much the better, but 'tis not wise ter pr'sume tha' they canna hit ye as easily."

"An' it ought ter be easy ter lay rock down a' the entrances until we're ready ter open 'em. I have me 'quipment wi' me."

At the end of the evening, Rurik locates Brannam's house, and grabs his complement of rest in front of the hearth.

Come morning, Rurik awakens at dawn, washes his face and dons his armor, bids his cousin a heartfelt farewell, and stops by the livery to take possession of his horse. Mounted, he joins the Hoar Suns at camp, and sets out with them.

Rurik stays close to the point of the non-scouting pack while mounted, or at the back if either Rainca is near point, or more stealth forward is needed, to act as rear guard. Rurik will assist at camp as he is able, making campfires and clearing sleeping areas.

Kahuna Burger

First Post
Moving ahead of the group, Atrax and Brother E spot a group of seven skeletal creatures, four of whom apear to me armed with mining picks while the others are unarmed. They are perhaps 60 feet away when they are seen, and the majority of the group is around 100 feet back. You are still on the main road at this time, but very near the mine road.


First Post
Gesturing to Brother Eusebius, Artax attempts to withdraw back to the main group without being noticed.

If the skeletons notice them and move to attack:
[sblock]Artax runs back toward the group while calling out a warning to get ready. We've been spotted by seven skeletons! Get ready to fight them![/sblock]

If not noticed:
[sblock]Artax will return to the group and let them know of the skeletons. There are seven skeletons about a hundred and fifty feet down the road, three are unarmed and the rest have mining picks. The unarmed ones can still attack with their clawlike, bony hands though. Let's see if we can ambush them. My plan is for Eusebius and I to go back and hide along the border of the road about sixty feet from the skeletons. The rest wait just a bit and then move foward along the road, when you see the skeletons, stop and throw something at them or shoot at them to get their attention. When they come after you, back up a bit and then get ready to hit them when they come in range, Eusebius and I will jump out and attack them from behind when they reach you.
In the future, we should be able to do away with the extra planning like this. If we're scouting ahead and you see us hiding or see an enemy ahead of us, get their attention and fall back unless they look like they're too tough to fight amd we'll attack from the side. If they look really tough or unusual, we'll fall back to discuss the situation.

If the skeletons notice, but do something besides charging blindly, I'll have to consider my actions more carefully. :)

OOC:[sblock]Any chance of taking 10 when/if Eusebius and Artax go to hide next to the road?[/sblock]


First Post
Following Artax's lead, Eusebius falls back quietly and stealthily to the main group. Listening to Artax's plan, he nods, hefting his longspear thoughtfully. Recognizing that a spear probably won't be so effective against the skeletal forms of their enemies, he will drop it and close to bludgeon them with his hands and feet. He will, however, make sure that he and Artax flank a single opponent if possible, so as to aid one another in their attacks.


In case the battle starts (when the scouts come running or we ambush the skeletons), Nodis steps behind any fighter, out of melee, (5 foot step) and will start to manifest Astral Construct, using again the Overchannel and Talented feats.


I'm back!

Rurik notices the two scouts moving back to the group, and halts his horse as quietly as he can.

Dismounting, he draws axe (+1) and shield where he lands, waiting for Eusebius and Artax to return, in case his noise draws unwelcome attention...


Registered User
Rainca draws in on herself, alternately chanting and growling as she prepares herself for the battle to come. Come Bloodfather. The Mother recedes and battle approaches. She stamps quietly, moving her axe in short, swift strokes. She straightens, panting, eyes lit with a bloodlust held barely in check.

"Show Rainca the Grey Vulture's restless children." She looks right on the brink of exploding into violence, she walks carefully the line between control and rage. She inclines her head at Nodis as he slips behind her. "Shelter behind Rainca, she will keep you safe."

OOC: Sorry for my prolonged absence. It should be over soon. Soonish.


ooc: Is this game still going? It´s been 15 days since the DM´s last login, and anyway we´ve playing for 6 months and we´ve not even reached the mines. Thisis going too slow for my taste, and I´d like to pull out my character and try another game.

Kahuna Burger

First Post
Someone said:
ooc: Is this game still going? It´s been 15 days since the DM´s last login, and anyway we´ve playing for 6 months and we´ve not even reached the mines. Thisis going too slow for my taste, and I´d like to pull out my character and try another game.
15 days? that nothing!

er.... mostly nothing....

Look, pretty pictures!

Codes as before. Brother E (blue) and Artax (green) are on either side of the road, while Rurik (red) and Rainca (blood red) move towards the skeletons (black squares), and Nodis (light green) and Susan (lilac) hang back behind Andrew (orange) and skeeter (yellow). If I have not captured the essence of the plan, please clarify where you want to be.

(now that I ahve finally sat down and done the damn battlemap, I expect to be less fearful of this thread)


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