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Kip, that ratrider is freakin' GREAT! I'm just so impressed. Hey, we're both in Boston; if you'll let me buy you coffee some time, it'd be my pleasure!

And yes Sialia, she's in. With a portrait like that, how can I say no?

Kip the Bold

First Post
Piratecat said:
Kip, that ratrider is freakin' GREAT! I'm just so impressed. Hey, we're both in Boston; if you'll let me buy you coffee some time, it'd be my pleasure!

And yes Sialia, she's in. With a portrait like that, how can I say no?
Hey Piratecat, we've met before. I'm a friend of Chronosome, and we played a game of Feng Shui once with Dr. Midnight. You also ran a game of Paranoia that I played in back at PegCon '01. I'm glad you like the ratrider, its one of my favorites :D


Name merges with face, and I suddenly realize who you are. Doh!

Good thing, too; I'd hate to buy coffee for someone I don't like. :)

Magic Rub

First Post
Kip, if your still in the sketching mood I'd love to see your take on my mage Gratis
(& yes I know it means "for free" in a bunch of diff lang's). I've sketched him up myself but I'd love to see what someone else's take would be on him.

Male Sun Elf
Hair: Mid back long, golden blond (not that color will matter unless I'm as blessed as Sialia)
Eyes: Like black pearls floating in pools of gold (again it doesn't matter, it's here more for flavour)
Ht: 5'-0"
Build: Slim
Alignment: Neutral Evil

Str 12
Dex 12
Con 12
Int 24
Wis 12
Cha 12

Long sword (almost never used)
Cloak of the Arachnid with a Broach of shielding neck clasp (inscribed with personal rune)
Spell component bandoleers
Specially constructed 200 page master tome
Plain silver ring

Persona/character traits/history:
A Paranoid schizophrenic, obsessive compulsive, megalomaniac, bigot, with aspirations of world domination (the forgotten realms). Spending most of his hours advancing his arcane might through study & obsessive practicing, testing, & experimenting, has made him anything but sociable. He is blunt & to the point, not prescribing to the normal verbal social niceties of normal people. Telling you what he wants directly, & rarely smiling. He loathes the touch of other beings, with the sole exception of his Imp, & is a self professed 137 year old virgin. Cleanliness is paramount to Gratis, spending 1 hour each morning & evening magically cleaning himself, his familiar, & his food. Mending even the smallest of imperfections from his garments. He has aspirations of lichdome in the near future, not for the typical reasons of increased power, no, those are but a small side benefit. The true reason for his quest for undeath is to eliminate the need to consume the filth of food & drink, and to stop the rot & decay of his own body, Gratis is a confident man with a high, & in fact overlydeveloped self esteem, "Elminster is an Idiot", but he is in constant fear for his life, convinced that it will end before his will is made reality. He loathes(!!!!) all Sorcerers & Psionics, as they are nothing more then lazy, doing nothing to gain a power which he constantly toils to increase & maintain. This hatred is equally strong for "half breed" races, such as Half-orcs, & Half-elves. Gratis has an on going smear campaign/propaganda war to spread his "justified" views across the realms, in a hopes that one day all peoples may see 'the/his' truth about them. Despite his darkness Gratis is hard to anger/enrage, & most often holds a level head under pressure. Currently with the aid of his dutiful demon familiar, Imp-Heccubus, Gratis leads (or at the very least thinks he leads) his adventuring party, in his ongoing quest for power.

Ok so that was the long version.:eek: If your inspired I look forward to seeing what you come up with. If your not, and/or don't have the time that's cool.


Magic Rub
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