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World of Kulan DM
Ok, I can't help myself

Kip, here's another one for you. She's a companion of Jason's whose full name is actually Jason of the Dark. I got permission to use some old 2nd Edition characters off the site linked below. (Thanks again to Andrew and the rest of the Fallow's Cross players.)

Fallow's Cross Adventurers WWW Site

Anyway, this next character is named Marie Goldmane.

Race: Half-silver elf, looks like a full-blooded silver elf
Classes: 11th level rogue, 9th level wizard
Age: 34 half-elven (161 elven)
Alignment: Chaotic good

Strength 13 (+1)
Dexterity 18 (+4)
Constitution 12 (+1)
Intelligence 18 (+4)
Wisdom 12 (+1)
Charisma 14 (+2)

Possessions: +2 frost dagger, belt pouch (x2), breastplate of command, cape of the mountebank, cold weather outfit, courtier's outfit, crystal ball, spellbook, spell component pouch (x2), small steel mirror, thieves' tools, traveler's outfit, waterskin, winter blanket.

Description: Half-elf, 5'6", slim but wiry. Mid-length blonde hair, hazel eyes. Attractive, but with a hard edge. Marie is now physically a silver elf, but is still, in reality, only a half-elf. (see attached image for the piece of artwork the original player used in the Fallow's Cross campaign.)

Alternate World of Kulan Background: Marie was born in the city of Raell in 715 N.C. Her mother was a half-elf and her father was the silver elf adventurer Lassarail Goldmane. He left to return to his homeland of Silverleaf when she was five. Her mother considered this a rejection and died of a broken heart a few months later leaving Marie to find her own way on the dangerous streets of Raell.

After surviving a few years with a gang of children, she was taken in by a brothel but was forced to earn her keep once she reach the age of ten. She did, however, befriend a roguish man called Andruvai. He was from a land far to the east called Kanpur. He taught her how to use her hands and feet as weapons, so that even when she was completely naked, she could still defend herself. Although he was over twice her age, they became firm friends and, when she reached fourteen, lovers.

Andruvai brought her into the Thieves' Guild of Raell. She continued to work the street, but instead of selling her body, was collected information from the many street gangs, which roamed the decadent city. As time went on, Andruvai also introduced her to an old friend, Geldbart. It was he who taught Marie her first cantrip.

When she was eighteen, she discovered she was going to have a baby. Andruvai promised to look after them and they arranged to be married. Tragedy struck a few days before: Andruvai was killed. Marie was devastated to be alone again. With the help of Geldbart and the guild, she bore a baby girl a few months later. A while after, she discovered the truth behind Andruvai's death. False allies a power struggle within the guild murdered him. Marie vowed to take revenge.

Placing her daughter in the care of Geldbart for safety, she began conspiring with factions outside the guild to destroy the guildmaster, whom she held responsible for her lover's death. Sadly, they discovered her betrayal, in an attempt to kill her they destroyed the house of Geldbart where they believed she was hiding. There were no survivors, although there was a rumor that someone had been seen carrying a sack away just before the house was consumed by fire.

At this, Marie was driven almost over the brink, but realized she had to get out of Raell and away from the influence of the Thieves' Guild. She ended up hitching passage in disguise to Fruen on a ship. Over the next three years she worked and adventured her way southwest to Rivenwood. There she worked in a feast hall in the dock ward.

Marie remained there for nearly two years before deciding to take to the road again heading toward Ciros. Passing through Fallow's Cross, she met Coromir and Jason. Her first adventure with them was a trip into one of the tombs in the Spirit Rift.

In her time with the Fallow's Cross Adventurers, she has incurred the wrath of The Opposition by retrieving stolen red dragon armor. As a consequence, she also crossed swords with and defeated a cornaguon.

Then the silver elf adventurer Lassarail Goldmane manipulated Coromir into taking a trip into Caer Amylinyon. When he turned up at Fallow's Cross, Marie suddenly attacked him cursing like she had never before. It was thus revealed that Lassarail was her father who had deserted her and her mother twenty-five years before. She eventually reconciled with her father revealing the scarred ears that were her half-elven heritage. She eventually took Goldmane as her last name.

A crisis came when a random setting of the summoning circle took the party containing Marie back to Raell. Within a few hours, the Thieves' Guild found she was back in Raell. She went missing, taking the amulet with her. The guild had taken her captive, holding her in Raell's underground slave market, torturing her to find out all she knew about the betrayal seven years ago.

The faction, she had allied with seven years ago, raided the dungeons and captured her. They used more subtle methods, employing a psion, who pulled from her mind the existence of the amulet and summoning circle. They raided the slave market again to retrieve the amulet, which had been left behind. Eventually, the party rescued her and a little girl, Heather who helped Marie kill the cruel psion. At this point, Marie realized that Heather was the daughter she thought had died.

Returning to Fallow's Cross, the two went away for a holiday as well as trying to track down information about a missing magical sword of Aerdrie. They ended up in Braggue, in the Kingdom of Stonn and got involved in a problem with pirates on Thyer Island. Marie was feebleminded when a pirate sorcerer used her own scroll against her. Heather got her back to the mainland where the friend who had helped them, turned out to be an assassin in the pay of the Dark Reborn, came very close to killing the duo.

Since Heather arrived Marie's persona has softened considerably. Her hatred of elves has also disappeared and she actively tries to be as elven as possible. Sadly, her father has fallen from favor with certain members of Silverleaf's hard line, upper elven society after acknowledging her as his daughter and heir. This hasn't stopped her father from remaining friends with the High One of the Silver Leaves, Menkhar Silversun. In fact, the two elven men share a kinship due to the High One adopting the half-elven child, Jeddar into his house (to the chagrin of his wife).

Recently, she was contacted by the church of Corellon to try to retrieve a holy book, supposedly written by the god himself from the ruins of Caer Amylinyon. The problem, apart from it being in Caer Amylinyon, was that there were two factions after it. The ones who contacted Marie were the radicals, keen on recovering it because they agreed that half-elves should be allowed full status in the Kingdom of the Silver Leaves. The second were the conservatives who wanted things to remain as they are and did not want any new interpretations of Corellon's writings to disturb the status quo.

Realizing she could not do it on her own, she went to the Fallow's Cross and persuaded Coromir to help. They departed for Caer Amylinyon, without realizing that Jason had decided to follow them. After being ambushed by trolls in the swamp surrounding the elven ruins, Jason revealed himself and the three continued on to the place they believed to be the entrance to the crypt containing the book. They had to pass a guardian who would judge their worthiness, and once past it, they were confronted by a group of elves from the other faction led by none other than Lassarail, her father.

He explained that this was his chance to redeem himself in the eyes of silver elf society. Coromir was very annoyed and threatening. Marie however, was heartbroken, realizing that she could not allow either to come to blows. She resolved that if it should come to that, she would have to try to interpose herself - rather her life that either her father or Coromir. An agreement was reached, however, where by the silver elves would make an attempt to recover the book first. If they failed or did not return within nine hours then Marie, Coromir and Jason would try.

Nine hours came and went and the three descended and after several dangers were overcome, found the book - but there was nothing in it. It was nothing more that the cover of the book - no pages were within, and it looked as if they had been removed some time earlier. Returning to the surface, they met again with the silver elves and explained what had happened. Once the truth about the book was verified they went their separate ways, leaving the book itself in the safekeeping of the Church of Corellon.

In Spring of 748 N.C., a miraculous transformation took place. After performing a great service to the High One of the Silver Leaves, Marie was offered a reward by the elven monarch. She asked to have the stigma of her father's acknowledgement of her removed. He explained that this was not possible even if he wanted too. It was a racial purity concern with the silver elves. The root cause of the problem was her being half-elven. Menkhar offered an alternative solution - to change her into a full-blooded silver elf. After carefully considering it for, oh, say a full five minutes, Marie agreed excitedly. She now looks completely like a full-blooded silver elf.

It has had its downsides however. Coromir's immediate reaction was, "Marie, they've taken away your personality!" People are reacting to her differently now. They expect her to be snotty and rude. (Well to be honest, they always did to some extent, but now it seems to be almost compulsory.) She has yet to reveal the transformation to her father. Since Heather hasn't been seen for a few weeks (Marie has been in touch with her via sendings), people are interested to see what Marie's ascorbic daughter will make of all this.

I guess I should explain more about what a silver elf is. Think like high elves but more graceful. Almost like a grey elf.

Here, read this!

WARNING: Possible World of Kulan Story Hour spoilers ahead.

Elf, Silver

The silver elves of the Great Forest have one of the oldest kingdoms in existence on Harqual. The Kingdom of the Silver Leaves has existed since before the rise of the Empire of Swords. Being the oldest existing kingdom on the continent allows silver elves to have an unique perspective on the events of the last few thousand years. While even the oldest of the silver elves alive today was born several hundred years after the end of the Divinity Wars, the race as a whole understands where humanity has been. The elves worry that humanities natural tendency to destroy themselves could plunge the continent into endless war again. They work towards teaching humans to work together or at least behave diplomatically to each other, whenever they can.

Silver elves are the most commonly encountered elves on the continent, which is surprising considering the insular nature of most of their people. In truth, most of the silver elves encountered in human lands have chosen to live beyond the bounds of the Kingdom of the Silver Leaves. These elves aren't necessarily outcasts from the kingdom but in most cases they have shed the traditions of their people completely and behave more 'human' then elven. The Kingdom of the Silver Leaves will allow any silver elf to return to the elven way of life, as long as the elf wanting to come home wasn't cast out of the kingdom.

The greatest city of the silver elves is simply known as Silverleaf. Most humans refer to silver elves as being from the city-state of Silverleaf in the Great Forest to those from other lands. In truth, their are as many as six other great elven cities around the shores of Lake Silverleaf it's just that most humans have never heard of them. The Kingdom of the Silver Leaves is an enigmatic place full of strange wonders, beautiful glades and cultivated gardens. The first five miles around Lake Silverleaf in any direction is considered lived in and tamed by elven standards. Most humans don't notice that much of a difference until they come within a mile of the lake. Silver elves are extremely protective of their lands even going so far as to place powerful magical wards close to the lake and lesser wards the further one gets away from the city of Silverleaf. Humans that blatantly destroy nature in the Great Forest usually find themselves escorted out of the forest by a patrol of very well-armed elven rangers.

Silver elves tend to be very chaotic in their youth but then migrate towards neutrality as they get older. This change takes place over long periods of time and the most venerable of the continent's silver elves are true neutral in alignment. Silver elves are one of the only races as a whole that believe completely in the tenets of the Balance. They often ally themselves with the druids of Daghdha and the Majestic Dragons of Harqual. Syliphiinax, The Majestic Green, lives within the boundary of the Kingdom of the Silver Leaves and is one of their greatest allies. Many silver elves belong to an order of knights, sponsored by these Dragons of the Balance, called the Knights Majestic.

Silver elves tend to get along with most humans and some dwarves but rarely will they consider an individual of one of these two races a personal friend. Dwarves are too gruff and humans don't live long enough to become lasting friends. More often silver elves will befriend forest elves, hairfoot halflings, and forest gnomes. The forest elves now live alongside the silver elves in their kingdom due to the recent events in the southern half of the Great Forest. The experience has drawn the two races together more than they ever have been before. Hairfoot halflings are considered a kindred race, even though they don't live as long, and most of the hairfoots that do live north of the Great Expanse live in the Kingdom of the Silver Leaves. Silver elves remember when gnomes used to live north of the Great Expanse and are glad to meet one whenever they have a chance. Silver elves find them delightful and as kindred to their race as halflings.

Beyond these common races silver elves have been known to ally themselves with fey creatures of all sorts including brownies, pixies, satyrs, sprites, etc. They get along with a race of reclusive forest giants known as the vonakyndra, as well as the following forest dwelling races: centaurs, krenshars, treants, and unicorns. It is rumored in human lands that silver elves are aligned with a intelligent race of benign dire wolves with powers similar to that of winter wolves. If these rumors are true then who knows what other allies the silver elves might have deep within the foliage of the Great Forest.

But their strangest allies are the wild barbarians of the Northlands. Divided by harsh wilderness and the Greystone Mountains, one would think that the barbarians would be the least likely allies to their people. It is the bond of friendship between Corellon Larethian and Cronn, the head of the Pantheon of the North, that has brought about this friendship. Silver elves don't worship Cronn but they do honor him, as much as the barbarian of the Northlands honor Corellon. The silver elves living in the very northern section of the Great Forest, just before you reach the edge of the treeline, live more like the barbarians than silver elves. These 'silver wilds' as they are nicknamed by humans tend to wander north during the warmer months and trade with the barbarian tribes.

Racial Abilities: Silver elves have all the elven racial traits listed on page 16 of the D&D Player's Handbook except as follows:

> Automatic Languages: Common, Elven and Sylvan. Bonus Languages: Centaur, Draconic, Dwarven, Giant, Gnoll, Halfling and Orc.

> Favored Class: Regular silver elves favor the Ranger class, while 'silver wilds' favor the Barbarian class.

Whoops, how Cult of the Dragon get in there. should be an evil adventuring group called The Opposition.
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World of Kulan DM
old Marie pic

Whoops, forgot the image. Here you go. And whenever you can get around to it is fine.


  • marie.jpg
    15.2 KB · Views: 1,201
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First Post
Hey Kip, I know I just posted request, but another friend would like a pic so.....

Male Human Barbarian/Rouge
20 Years Old
Long Black Hair
Mitheral Shirt
Migthy Composite Longbow
Good Cloak
Moderatly Muscular
Standard Traveler's Outfit
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The tingling means it’s working!
Wow! You rule!

What a generous offer! Here's another request for you:

Chaotic good Wood Elf Ranger 1/Rogue 2
5' tall, 126 pounds, long copper hair, green eyes. Very attractive, but tends to stare (that's the -1 Cha penalty). Sarcastic, fancies himself a lady's man.
Str 16
Dex 16
Con 10
Int 12
Wis 12
Cha 8

Feats: combat reflexes, hold the line.

Weapons: long spear, magic rapier, mighty composite longbow, armor spikes, spiked gauntlets. He tends to use his longspear, then draws his rapier and fights with that in one hand while holding the longspear in the other.

Armor: masterwork (spiked) studded brown leather armor, of a desert nomad style. Buckler (with a device of a bear rampant on a green field) on left arm. No helm.

Notable equipment: green cloak, white shirt, dark pants, gloves, backpack, belt with pouches, potion and weapons (weapons on belt: whip (small of back), handaxe(right hip)), boot dagger, quiver, alligator-skin boots, sharktooth necklace (one tooth).

Pose ideas:

Ready to receive charge/fighting with longspear
Fighting with rapier, longspear in left hand
On guard/fighting with rapier and armor/gauntlet spikes (maybe with left arm cocked for a punch)




First Post
Adds another Wow you rule

these are great, I also have a request :)

Dieb'Dazar Misthawk, 7th level (Sky)Druid
Human, 1/4 seelie, 1/4 sky spirit folk(stats as pure human, the other two are just for cosmetics)
6'2" 133 lbs
Hair: white with silver 'mist-like' specks, eyes blue-in-blue with cat-like pupils

Tattoos: one in center of forehead, two eagle like tattoos around eyes(like the nightelf box on WC3)

Str 10
Dex 18
Con 13
Int 14
Wis 19
Cha 12

Feats: weapon finesse(h2h), spell themantics, tracking, natural spell

Weapons: h2h(kinda tai chi/crane in appearance), throwing blades(knife-like darts) in various hidden pockets,

notable equipment: scroll case across strapped across chest, 2 belt pouches, water gourd, greywood MW flute, jambiya, and a MW herbalist kit, cadin'sor, leather bracers

Common manifastations of casting spells: eyes glowing like points blue-white and crackling with electricty, mist, and weak winds.

Animal Companion:
Salk'arrna, a female mountain cat with silver-grey fur

Pose ideas:
crouching next to animal companion, tracking
standing with palm up, mist coiling up his arm into a shape of an misty eagle, animal companion standing, curled slightly around his legs
pretty much anything else, would kinda like a pic that includes both him and the cat though

ps. yes I know I included colors in the desc, that was mostly to be throrough, I can color meself

pps. thank you, thank you, thank you in advance

some base images:

close up tracing of face, colored by a friend:

lame attempt by me done by mostly by tracing :D :

example of a mountain cat:
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