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[FULL] Fledgling Eberron Game

Sebastian O

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EN World - Back In Action!

Average starting wealth is listed at the start of the Equipment chapter in the PHB (right where it gives the GP range for each class).

So, with all the downtime this weekend, you've all had plenty of time to work on those characters, right? ;)
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Here's my character concept, please let me know what ya think, DM:

Name: Blu
Race: Changeling
Class: Ranger

While much is suspected about the ranger known commonly as Blu, nothing is known for sure. Among the farms and wilderness towns in Aundair which she wanders, the story is passed that she simply wandered out of the mysterious Whisper Wood one day without a word or a glance to anyone... Some folk believe that she is a product of whatever mysterious happenings take place up on Whisper Rock, but most look to her actions to judge her and not from whence she came...

Blu is a quiet, reserved and slight young lass, who dresses in simple, hand-made clothes a ridiculously wide brimmed hat and carries little save her totem-drenched walking stick and threadbare backpack. One might be sure that she was half-elven or even human if it were not for the strange slight blue cast to her skin, from whence she gets her name. Blu does not seem to mind the looks, taunts and jeers, however - she merely bears them all with a downcast look and a subtle smile; as if she is pleased.

She spends her time, for the most part, wandering from town to farm, from glen to dale simply helping those that she finds in need. The help she gives is not lavish or heroic, but more often everyday and ordinary: she pulls weeds out of gardens just as much as she helps save stranded children in the tops of apple trees.
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Captain Tagon

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Will get a sheet up sometime Tuesday or Wednesday. Finishing up some stuff for school now but after that I'll get it worked out. Might change the character around though since we're already fighter heavy.


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Celebren of the Silver Wind

Ok, here we go for a starter... lots of tinkering on that one, but that guy is already starting to grow on me.

How much is the average starting gold for monks? it's awfully little I know...
I'd really like to have that Silver Flame Arrow Pendant, doubt I can afford it though ;)
Oh, yeah.. do Monks need to be lawful in Eberron?

Name:		Celebren of the Silverwind
Gender:		Male
Race:		Half-Elf
Class:		Monk 
Alignment:      Lawful Good
Deity:          Dol Dorn and the Sovereign Host

[U]Ability	 Score	Mod	Cost	[/U]	Level:	1st	XP:      0
Str:	  12    +1	 4 		BAB:	+0	HP:	 9 (1d8+1)
Dex:	  15	+2	 8      	Grap:	+1	AC:	14 (+2 Dex, +2 Wis)
Con:	  12	+1	 4      	Speed:	30'	Touch:  14
Int:	  12	+1	 4		Init: 	+2	Flat:   12
Wis:	  14	+2	 6		ACP:    -0             
Cha:	  10	  	 2              Action Points:  8

[U]Saves	Total Base	Ability	Feat    Special [/U]           
Fort:	  [B]3[/B]    2	+1	0	0                    
Ref:	  [B]4[/B]    2	+2	0	0       
Will:	  [B]4[/B]    2	+2	0	0       

Spell Save: +2 vs. Enchantment             

[U]Weapons		Attack	Damage	Critical   Range     Special[/U]
Club             +1     1d6+1    20/x2     10 ft. 
Longsword (not proficient yet)	
Sai              +1     1d4+1    20/x2     10 ft.   +4 to disarm
Unarmed Strike   +1     1d6+1    20/x2

Shuriken (10)    +2     1d2+1    20/x2     10 ft.

Heroic Spirit               (1st level feat)
Improved Unarmed Strike     (Monk class feat)
Monastic Training (Cleric)  (Monk bonus feat)

Immunity to sleep spells, low light vision, elven blood
Flurry of blows

Skill points: 20	

[U]Skills			Total   Ranks	 Ability   Feat    ACP       Special[/U]
Balance                 +5        3       +2
Climb                   +3        2       +1
Concentration		+3        2	  +1
Diplomacy               +3        1                             +2 (Race: Half-Elf)
Gather Information      +2        0                             +2 (Race: Half-Elf)		
(Religion)              +5        4       +1
Listen                  +5        2       +2                    +1 (Race: Half-Elf)                                             
Move Silently           +5        3       +2
Search                  +2        0       +1                    +1 (Race: Half-Elf)
Spot                    +5        2       +2                    +1 (Race: Half-Elf)
Tumble                  +3        1       +2                    

Common, Goblin and Elven.

[U]Equipment            Quantity        Cost         Weight [/U]  
Club (Practice sword)    1          0  gp      3  lb.                   
Sai                      1          1  gp      1  lb.
Shuriken                10          2  gp      1  lb.
Monks Outfit             1          0  gp      0  lb.
Holy Symbol (Wood)       1          1  gp      0  lb.
Backpack                 1          2  gp      2  lb.
Waterskin                1          1  gp      4  lb.
Bedroll                  1          1  sp      5  lb.
Sack                     1          1  sp      .5 lb.
Case, map or scroll      1          1  gp      .5 lb.
Flint and Steel          1          1  gp      0  lb.
Trail Rations            1          5  sp      1  lb.

Total Weight: 18  lb.

[b]Gold:[/b]         2
[b]Silver:[/b]       8

[u]Carrying Capacity[/u]
[b]Light Load:[/b]  	       43 lb. or less
[b]Medium Load:[/b]           44-86 lb.
[b]Heavy Load:[/b]            87-130 lb.

[b]Age:[/b]    18
[b]Height:[/b] 5'5"
[b]Weight:[/b] 130lb
[b]Eyes:[/b]   blue
[b]Hair:[/b]   ravenblack, now cropped short to less than a fingers width 
[b]Skin:[/b]   suntanned copper

Name: Celebren of the Silverwind
Race: Half Elf
Class: Monk

Not too long ago, Celebren was just a minor Deckhand on a lyander ship that sailed the southern seas of Khorvaire. Though he always lacked the talent to make a decent sailor, he was well liked and respected among the crew. He never shied from a task and had a knack for calming hot tempers and settling frequent disputes that often plaque a vessels crew on long and arduous journeys in the tight living conditions of a ship.

The turning point for Celebren came on a stormy night when the ship was sailing too close to the coast of Dargoon. Having lost the course in the lashing winds, the lyander vessel fell prey to one of the small bands of hobgoblin pirates that often lurk in those dangerous waters.

The crew fought bravely, and Celebren among them, though he himself does not remember the haunting night too clearly.
Only when the fighting had ended and the crew had miracoulusly driven the pirates back to the sea with barly a man wounded that Celebren was told by the crew and his captain of his reckless fury that matched the howling winds and the silvery shimmer that had surrounded Celebrens during the desperate fight, bringing alight the windblown spray.
To this day, this particular crew toasts to the "Silverwind" that may blow all scoundrels back into the waters.

Knowing the signs so obvious, the captain took young Celebren to a Temple of the Silver Flame at the next big harbor (Sharn), along with a generous donation for his saved ship.
There, Celebren was initiated into the faith of the Souvereign Host as well as the martial training of those who follow Dol Dorn for the last few months while serving as an acolyte and apprentice watchman at the holy site.

So far he has not yet managed to repeat the miracle and his teaching is far from complete. Infact, this new prodigy is at best a mixed blessing to the Temple he now calls his home.
As his teachers frequently note, he can't yet wield the weapon of Dol Dorn without skewering himself and all to often tries to avoid the boring routine of templelife by "getting lost" in the the city of Sharn.

Celebren is short, lithe and lissom, leaning physically closer to his elven than to his human ancestry.
Having few earthly belongings, he usually wears the wide cut, white garment common among acolytes in the service to the Souvereign Host. Around his neck hangs a simple and wooden version of arrowhead-symbol of the Silver Flame as well as a cord with a few seashells, a gift and good-luck charm from his former crew.

Due to his service at the Temple, he is cleanly shaven and his black hair cropped short, brining out the slight elvenlike tips of his ears. In secret, Celebren greatly misses his shaggy hair and the small goatee he just managed to grow at the end of his sailoring career.

Celebren also carries a wooden practice sword (club) that he frequently uses to train spinning swordmoves and flamboyant attack routines (every so often ending with the sword clattering on the floor or bruising an unwary bystander).
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Sebastian O said:
Rayex: I'll allow material from pretty much any product published by WOTC. Some other 3rd party publishers should be fine too (Green Ronin, Malhavoc, as examples). Still, just to be on the safe side check with me first, and be prepared to provide a reference if I don't own the book in question.

I am thinking of an exalted wizard. His family was wiped out during the war, and he swears to fight evil and help the needy. Cliche, yeah. He'll be a really good guy, something thats new for me.

Tor L'Tha

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so fast!

its amazing how hard it is to join a eberron game. i hope you have a open spot to a karakter :)
im gonna look after this string han if its place to one more, im going to post a karakter in no time.
im thinking of a warforged, fighter, ranger or rouge. well i was to describe him, but im witing for autorization. :heh:

alternates party? :)
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Sebastian O

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Ashy: Blu looks great, go ahead and work up the character sheet. It seems like everyone always wants to play a warforged or a shifter, so I haven't seen a changeling in action yet. Should be fun!

Capt. Tagon: Hmm, maybe a cleric or rogue? I dunno...party balance is well and good, but you should run a character you'll really enjoy. Anybody have any suggestions?

Zweischneid: Average starting wealth for a monk is 12gp, 5sp. Nope, not much. At a glance, your character looks good, although I haven't crunched the numbers yet. Official char. sheet aproval will be coming soon. I haven't seen any official ruling for the alignment of monks in Eberron, but I'm gonna say that yes, he needs to Lawful.

Rayex: Can you reference the source for an exalted wizard for me? It's not ringing a bell, and I don't want to thumb through dozens of books, when I can just ask instead. :p

Sebastian O

First Post

Zweischneid: Okay, just have a few questions/clarifications about Celebren.

1. Need his height, weight, eye color, hair color, age.

2. I figure total Search bonus as +2 (+1 for race, +1 for Int mod), not +4.

3. You can take one additional language as a bonus if you like (Common and Elven are automatic).

4. With your new knowledge about starting monk wealth, you know that your silver holy symbol isn't going to happen, right? Wood will have to suffice for now.

5. Can you reference the Denying Dance fighting style for me? I'm not familiar with it.

That's it for now! Thanks!
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First Post
Sebastian O said:
Ashy: Blu looks great, go ahead and work up the character sheet. It seems like everyone always wants to play a warforged or a shifter, so I haven't seen a changeling in action yet. Should be fun!


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