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[Full] The Scarab (D&D3 Planar Adventure)

I am now looking for 4-6 players to participate in a Play-By-Post D&D3 planar adventure here.

My requirements are:

1st level characters. Standard classes from the PHB and Psionics Handbook characters are ok. I foresee level increases during the game!

Character Creation: 30 Build Points according to standard rules in the DMG.

Alignments: No evil characters allowed.

Starting Funds: Maximum starting gold. This gold can be used to buy non-standard items such as potions at the price listed in the DMG.

Sources: All of the WOTC handbooks are approved, as is the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting and the Manual of the Planes.

Origins: Characters will begin as the newly recruited team-members of an 'Exploration Society' known for obtaining hard-to-get museum artifacts for an interplanar art museum. Don't make any assumptions!

You can email me at peter@the-never.net or respond here if you have any questions. I tend to be an open-information GM: character sheets are posted publicly, and we'll coordinate certain things here in the OOC area.
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Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
Check that. Here's a PsyWarrior I had around. How's this work?

Ashan Asarath
Male Elf Psychic Warrior 1; Size M; HD 1d8+1; hp 9; Init +4 (+4 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 16 (+2 leather armor, +4 Dex; 14 touch, 12 flat-footed); Atk +1 melee (dagger 1d4+1/19-20/x2, heavy pick 1d6+1/x4, shortsword 1d6+1/19-20/x2), +4 ranged (dagger 1d4/19-20/x2, longbow 1d8/x3); SA None; SQ See below; AL LG; SV Fort +3 (+1 Con), Ref +4 (+4 Dex), Will +1 (+1 Wis); Str 13, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 11. Height 5 ft. 5 in., Weight 121 lb., Age 129 years.

Skills and Feats (8 ranks, 2 feats): Autohypnosis +1 (2 ranks, Wis –1), Balance +6 (2 ranks, Dex +4), Concentration +2 (1 rank, +1 Con), Stabilize Self +2 (1 rank, +1 Str), Tumble +6 (2 ranks, Dex +4); Power Attack, Psionic Weapon.

Elf Abilities: Immunity to magic sleep spells and effects, +2 racial saving throw bonus against Enchantment spells or effects, low-light vision, Elf weapon proficiencies (rapier, all bows), +2 racial bonus to Listen/Search/Spot; Psychic Warrior Abilities: Psionics, Free Talent (0-level) Manifestation 3/day

Psionic Combat Modes: Mind Thrust, Thought Shield
Psionic Powers (2 pp/day, 2): 0-level: Burst, Valor.

Equipment: Peasant’s Outfit, Leather Armor, Daggers (3, +1/+4, d4+1, 19-20/x2, 10 ft., P), Heavy Pick (+1, d6+1, x4, P), Shortsword (+1, 1d6+1, 19-20/x2, P), Longbow (20 arrows, +4, 1d8, x3, 100 ft., P), Backpack (bedroll, winter blanket, 2 sunrods). Encumbrance 49 lb. (light load). 10 gp, 5 sp remaining.

Personality: Rather grim and generally humourless, Ashan tends to make a horrible first impression, despite a fairly commanding presence. Although he believes that order is the best possible solution in all circumstances, he tends towards the spirit of mortal laws — the laws are undoubtedly meant to be obeyed, but if there's a greater good, then laws are indeed made to be broken. Ashan has spent much time studying classical fighting styles and techniques and usually favors them in place of newer, flashier schools of combat. In his dealings with others, Ashan can be almost maniacally loyal to people that have done him a good turn.

Description: Ashan is exceedingly tall for an elf and possesses a well-maintained and athletic build. It is possible that he would be considered good looking if it weren't for his stand-offish body language and the scars that adorn his face and neck. He favors simple, loose clothing and generally wears sandals as footwear. Most of his shirts cut off just below the elbow, revealing a webbed mess of tattoos all over his forearms and hands. Similar tattoos continue up his arms and onto his shoulders.


Edit — modified personality to fit where he seems to be going.
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First Post
Well count me in. :D

Won't take me long to put a character together.

Edit: You ok with the Oriental Adventures book? I was thinking of taking a nezumi monk. I was also thinking of working towards Shintao Monk (in Oriental Adventures) then Weightless Foot Ninja (in Dragon Magazine). If its not ok it'll be easy to come up with an alternative. :)
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A Planar campaign sounds awesome.. I've been debating joining this for several hours, and I finally decided that I DO have time.

I'll get a character together and post it here soon.. just gotta decide on class concept.

Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
Peter said:
That looks great, Kajamba Lion! Now if I can just get three more characters...

Good deal. I had him lying around from another campaign that never got off the ground, so I modified him a bit and here we are. Do you want a history? Are we using the Great Wheel?



First Post
Any more room for another character? :) If so, a halfling transmuter is what I'd like to try... :)
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