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game conduct...am i being anal?


Durifern said:
And it's not because I bore them or it isn't fun but because other things particularly gf's are simply more important....

Sorry, looking around under the desk for my jaw here. Except in an emergency, it's just RUDE to interrupt a social activity with other people to go chat (by phone, or SMS) with somebody else not present. If I told my GM "No, I'm not hanging up the phone, I'm chatting with my girlfriend right now," I'd be asked to leave, and rightly so.

In an emergency, or when there is some urgent need to speak to an outside person (by whatever means), the polite thing to do is excuse oneself, leave the room, and take the call/message/whatever as briefly as possible.

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My personal pet peeves at the table are conversations while I'm trying to get the game back on track (usually after taking part in said conversation myself, so my own fault :p).

Players reading and drawing is ok with me, mostly as I'm one of the odd-ball people who can pay attention to what's being said while reading or drawing.

In all, those rules are ok, just be sure to let the players know them, and why you feel that they are necessary. And remember, it's a game, and for everyone (The DM included :p) to enjoy.


I have to disagree with the drinking too..as long as everyone is of age and agree not to drink too much, drinking can help RP...I had more then a few really shy players in my last group..and after a glass or two of wine..really opened up and tried to RP and did well. Eventually, over the course of a year..they got to where they could RP without drinking.

And I agree with your table rules. But I agree with many of the posters here...explain why you feel these rules are important and why they are necessary in your opinion.


First Post
mythago said:
Sorry, looking around under the desk for my jaw here. Except in an emergency, it's just RUDE to interrupt a social activity with other people to go chat (by phone, or SMS) with somebody else not present. If I told my GM "No, I'm not hanging up the phone, I'm chatting with my girlfriend right now," I'd be asked to leave, and rightly so.
Make that 45 min. :rolleyes:
Well, to top it off it´s not that I checked back what the common sense is here before I said a single word. But fact is that I´m standing rather alone with my opinion so I have adapt to some extent.
Maybe I should add that phone calls/sms made while we are playing are said to be important, whatever that means, and it wouldn´t get that much on my nerves if it wouldn´t take him so damn long. But now he´s got T9, here´s hoping that speeds it up considerably. :)
It´s definitely not as bad as it may sound and I have to add that I hate cell phones with a passion or at least people constantly fingering and checking it. So you could call me biased. ;)


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Thanatos said:
I have to disagree with the drinking too..as long as everyone is of age and agree not to drink too much, drinking can help RP...I had more then a few really shy players in my last group..and after a glass or two of wine..really opened up and tried to RP and did well. Eventually, over the course of a year..they got to where they could RP without drinking.

And I agree with your table rules. But I agree with many of the posters here...explain why you feel these rules are important and why they are necessary in your opinion.

If you're all adults and of age, and no body is excessive I would say fine. I say not at my table. I don't drink and I don't want my kids seeing people drinking in my house. That's why I also have the no drink rule.


Durifern said:
But fact is that I´m standing rather alone with my opinion so I have adapt to some extent.

Maybe you need new players, if you can't beat some manners into this bunch. If it's not an emergency, or a quick can't-be-delayed message ("Pick up a loaf of bread on your way home"), then it can wait.If he says no, it can't wait, then tell him to pack up his character sheet and come back some time when his attention isn't occupied by something so urgent.

I'm not biased against cellphones in the least, but I am biased against people who think that having a girlfriend excuses them from displaying basic courtesy to their friends.


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mythago said:
Maybe you need new players, if you can't beat some manners into this bunch. If it's not an emergency, or a quick can't-be-delayed message ("Pick up a loaf of bread on your way home"), then it can wait.If he says no, it can't wait, then tell him to pack up his character sheet and come back some time when his attention isn't occupied by something so urgent.

I'm not biased against cellphones in the least, but I am biased against people who think that having a girlfriend excuses them from displaying basic courtesy to their friends.
Very true.

If this kind of thing keeps happening and the players want to keep it up then go ahead and comprimise. They can take all the calls and such (I find myself at a loss as to how I don't know what SMS is) they want. They just have to do it in the other room so as not to distract the DM (and everyone else, if they care).

It doesn't matter if they take their character sheet with them or not as said character will just disapear (continuity errors are fine) until they get back. That will keep them from getting killed while he's not in the room. It will also, over time, crop up at just the wrong moments. The tank will disapear while holding back an Owlbear, the Cleric will vanish in the middle of healing intensive battle, the Wizard will not be there when a Fireball would really make things easier. Soon, you'd have the other players urging GF boy to hurry or, even, not take the call.

But, to ease things up, I'd let them show up anywhere they want to when they return. The Tank can show up in front of the Blue Dragon (between him and the Wizard) and the Cleric can pop in by a downed comrad. The rogue can Flank someone. Of course, this only applies if they've been gone a while and you shoudn't let the players abuse it.


First Post
Lela said:
(I find myself at a loss as to how I don't know what SMS is)

SMS = short message service
Send a text message to another cell phone. It's widely used particularly by teens. For me it's the epitome of useless chatter at least 99% of the time.

How widely spread are cell phones in the US?

Djeta Thernadier

First Post
Drinking at the gaming table...hmmm....

[rambling] I know an awful lot of people who can not hold their liquor and while it might be amusing to watch drunk D&D once, I'd certainly not want to play in a group like that. I don't drink often, and I can't ever imagine wanting to during D&D , when I want to be in focus. I'd be concerned about someone whose dependence on drinking was such that they needed liquor at the gaming table to relax or have fun. Of course, there are those who might argue that I have a dependence on diet coke which I drink while gaming. And there are those who might have a beer during games because it tastes good. But if they drink so much and so often that they can kick back 3 or 4 beers during a gaming session and not be affected (i.e.. it's the same as soda to them) ; then I'd still be concerned as to how they'd built up such a tolerance. I know big guys can handle a lot more alcohol than me , but still. I'd be concerned. Played in a game last week where one of the guys who never drinks had a beer and I could kind of tell he was getting more "silly" as the night went on. Made it really annoying to play with him. But I guess if drinking & D&D are your groups thing, then it's your call. But if it's only one person and they are disrupting the game, it's time to intervene.

Perhaps I am biased against cell phones. I am one of those people who gets seriously aggravated at people who feel the need to chat on their cell phone everywhere they are, esp.. on public transportation or when they are with a group of people. I've ridden on trains next to people who talked the whole way and it drives me nuts. I recall once going out to dinner with a friend and having her chat on her cell phone 2/3 of the night to her boyfriend while I just sat there. MojoGM once drove 2 hours with a guy who made him turn down the radio while he talked on his cell phone so he had to just drive 2 hours listening to this guy chat. (I'd seriously have considered leaving the guy at the nearest train station). If I were gaming with someone and he or she decided that was the perfect time to chat with their significant other or conduct extensive business via phone, I'd leave the group. Maybe I'm flawed or something , but I just can't stand it. Luckily most people I know and game with agree and turn their phones off or set to vibrate mode during the game. And I don't have a problem with brief necessary conversations (i.e.. Running late and letting someone know etc.). But just chatting? It can wait. Text messages are a little better, but really, there's no need during the game (unless it's an emergency).

Likewise, I can't stand people who blow off their friends because of a new (or long term) boyfriend/girlfriend. If your significant other demands that much time from you, then perhaps you should consider not gaming for a while. I can see if occasionally things come up (i.e. emergencies or scheduled events) where you might have to skip a game, but if it's frequent, that's not fair to the other players. For instance on what would have been our next game, MojoGM and I have to go to my cousins wedding. We let everyone know in advance and rescheduled. Maybe it's different for us because our significant other is in the gaming group (2 of the gaming groups anyway). But he is involved with another group that I am not in and I can't ever imagine having a problem with him spending one day every other weekend away from me. Likewise , if I joined a group he was not involved in, he would not have a problem with it either. I personally could not be with someone who did not respect my friends or my hobbies. But that's just me.

I hope I don't sound too cantankerous...I just can't stand a lack of common courtesy and I fear that in these days of cell phones and other such technology that allows constant communication that many people tend to forget that not everyone wants to hear their personal phone calls. I also have been involved with people who have had drinking problems and I worry about folks who drink liquor like it's soda or water. And I think there should be a special ring of hell reserved for people who blow off their friends because of a new relationship. It's one thing to spend less time; or to simply grow apart, but I have had several "friends" in my life ditch me completely after finding a significant other and it's one of the very few things that will truly get me angry and that I have hard time forgiving. But that's just me.

I think having a Rules of Conduct is fine if it gets to the point where you need one. Again, luckily for me, no one in my "main" group does any of these things, and my significant other is in the groups I'm in.


Ok. I'm done :)

Voidrunner's Codex

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