I was reorganizing someone of my books and laughed at a few I own that I'm just never going to play. Some I tried to play at some point but for whatever reason bounced off the system. Others I read and just didn't even try to play. I don't necessarily want to get rid of them because there's something interesting about them, I just know I'm never going to get a game going. I'll start but what are yours?
- Leading Edge Aliens Adventure Game - all the ease of play of Phoenix Command in one place! Some interesting lore ideas even if they're no longer Aliens canon.
- Millennium's End - No interest in the system after buying several of the books in like 2000 or so.
- Alternity - I tried to love this game but it was not to be. Unfortunately I bought like every book in the line including the awful StarCraft boxed set before figuring out I wasn't interested in the system. Some good lore ideas with Star*Drive and Dark•Matter though.
- MERP - Mostly bought and used for the lore and maps. I only managed to play a couple sessions of the game. I just don't think RoleMaster is for me.