Games I own that I'll never play (again)

I've got three boxes full of stuff that's been sitting in my basement for so long I don't remember what's in there... Some Mutant&Mastermind, various 3e book, some Rolemaster. There's got to be many more.

One such box I keep as "works of art/collectables", things I thought were well done or have enough sentimental value I don't want to part with just yet; most of my Planescape books and box sets, some Birthright domain books, The One Ring 1st edition, Warhammer Fantasy Role Play 1st edition, 2E AD&D PHB, FR Savage Frontier and The North boxset, Some of the prettier Ars Magica stuff, and even some old RPG catalogues, early GW "how to pain miniatures" guides.

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All the games I mentioned before I wouldn't mind playing again, even Star Wars (so long as I wasn't running it). There is really only one game I would never play or run again even if offered money.

7th Sea 2nd Edition - A setting that should be full of drama and tension has it completely sucked out of it by the system.

Pathfinder 2e. I’ve honestly tried four times to have some success with it and failed all four times.
It took me 4 times to get to where I was happy with the system (even though the AP was bad). Now in my 5th campaign attempt, it's finally gelling. I don't normally give a game that many tries - probably wouldn't have with PF if I'd been more content with 5e.

It took me 4 times to get to where I was happy with the system (even though the AP was bad). Now in my 5th campaign attempt, it's finally gelling. I don't normally give a game that many tries - probably wouldn't have with PF if I'd been more content with 5e.
Do you think part of the previous 4 attempts was player buy-in? I know you’ve mentioned not liking an AP.

Here's what's on my shelf. There are probably more in the basement or attic.

Ars Magica 4th Edition - never played
Call of Cthulhu 4th Edition - played a few short scenarios
Champions - played maybe five sessions, messed around a lot with character creation
Noir - played once
Adventures in Fantasy - never played - bought to save it from a thrift store
RuneQuest - never played - bought to save it from a thrift store
Macho Women with Guns - never played - it was a gift

Do you think part of the previous 4 attempts was player buy-in? I know you’ve mentioned not liking an AP.
I had some pretty good buy-in, overall. Here's a quick breakdown of the campaigns (and why they didn't work).
1) Age of Ashes - Combination of a brutally hard AP, transitioning to VTT during the pandemic (before the technology had caught up), and some player incompatibilities.
2) Extinction Curse - Early TPK killed the group's desire to play.
3) Abomination Vaults - Repetitive and boring design, fights too challenging.
4) Quest for the Frozen Flame - Boring and massive plot holes. Didn't stick with the promised theme.
5) Kingmaker - so far, so good. The Kingdom rules are dreadful, however. Hopefully we drop those soon.

I think I only have two systems in physical copy on my (very limited) gaming shelf that I wouldn't say, "Yes, I'd run/play that in a heartbeat."

I'll hang on to my copy of Mechwarrior 1e soft cover pretty much forever for the lore and art, though I'll never play it. If I was going to run a 'Mech campaign these days it would be in Savage Worlds.

I also have a WEG Star Wars 2e Revised that my wife rescued from a thrift store, which I also only keep for the lore (though I have eight or nine FFG Star Wars supplements as well).

My hardcopy collection is down to two 14 in. x 30 in. (42 m x 75 cm) shelves. It basically encompasses anything I'm willing to GM, 3 or 4 old D&D 3 / 3.5 setting books, and 4 PF 1e adventure path booklets.

Ironsworn + Starforged
FFG Star Wars
Night's Black Agents
Swords of the Serpentine
The One Ring (1e or 2e)
Burning Wheel
Court of Blades

If it's only something I'm willing to play but won't GM, that stuff I keep in PDF only.
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I think I only have one system in hardcover on my (very limited) gaming shelf that I wouldn't say, "Yes, I'd run/play that in a heartbeat.

I only keep my original Mechwarrior 1e soft cover for the lore and art. I'd literally never play it; if I was going to run a 'Mech campaign these days it would be in Savage Worlds.
Savage Mechs

Out of curiosity, what were the reasons it didnt take?
The shortest explanation is that the system is overly designed and regimented, inflexible in places, and the math so very tight. The resolution process for something like stealth is so specific, the dying/ dead/ wounded/ healing paradigm, locked or silo’d options that I’m not sure needed to designed that way, and more.

It make me sad too, because I am the target audience for that game. When it was released I was on a cruise to Alaska and made sure I got the WiFi package so I could grab the pdf on release day. I participated in the playtest. I’m a crunchy, rules over rulings, complicated combat, character options guy and I just can’t make it work for me. The play experience with characters constantly going down just hasn’t been fun for us.

It doesn’t help that most the 2e APs don’t interest me all that much so there’s a content gap I haven’t filled.

I really wish they hadn’t tried to hard to be 4e and not be 4e at the same time. Cause that’s what the game feel like sometimes. I like 4e, I think it does what PF2 wants to do in a cleaner more elegant way.

I’ve returned to running core rulebook only PF1 game for my live group on Friday nights. We’ll see if I still love that game.

The shortest explanation is that the system is overly designed and regimented, inflexible in places, and the math so very tight. The resolution process for something like stealth is so specific, the dying/ dead/ wounded/ healing paradigm, locked or silo’d options that I’m not sure needed to designed that way, and more.

It make me sad too, because I am the target audience for that game. When it was released I was on a cruise to Alaska and made sure I got the WiFi package so I could grab the pdf on release day. I participated in the playtest. I’m a crunchy, rules over rulings, complicated combat, character options guy and I just can’t make it work for me. The play experience with characters constantly going down just hasn’t been fun for us.

It doesn’t help that most the 2e APs don’t interest me all that much so there’s a content gap I haven’t filled.

I really wish they hadn’t tried to hard to be 4e and not be 4e at the same time. Cause that’s what the game feel like sometimes. I like 4e, I think it does what PF2 wants to do in a cleaner more elegant way.

I’ve returned to running core rulebook only PF1 game for my live group on Friday nights. We’ll see if I still love that game.
Yeah, I feel much the same. Im still on board for PF1 CRB plus APG.

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