Games I own that I'll never play (again)

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aramis erak

Due to dislike of mechanics: AD&D1, AD&D2, D&D 3, D&D 3.5, T2K 1E, Alma Mater. Bureau 13. ALIENS adventure Game (LEG). Mechwarrior 1e, 3e. Tales from the Floating Vagabond.

Due to Setting: Traveller T4, and TTNE. Aliens Adventure Game. Rifts.

Due to doing it right taking too much planning time: Buffy, Angel, Hero System 4/5/5,5 and Champions 2, 3, 4. Castles & Crusades,

Because my players can't cope with it: Blade Runner, Rolemaster, Spacemaster.

Because there's just too much lore for me to learn: Harn (setting), Talislanta

Because there's too much deep lore for my players: Harn, Talislanta. Renegade Legion Legionnaire, Mechhwarrior 2e,

Because the publisher or author comes across to me as a total schmuck: anything by Mongoose. Anything by Zac Smith or Mandy Morbid. Or, since lockdown, Jim Lot/LotFP.

Lost the bespoke cards: Marvel Super Heroes Adventure Game

Theme issues for the foreseeable future: Paladin: Warriors of Charlemagne, Sorcerer. A whole raft of indie RPGs, most especially Grey Ranks. Tales from the Floating Vagabond. WoD (any)

Special: D&D 5E - combination of so-so mechanics, publisher shenanigans about the OGL, overly corporate, moving towards microtransaction model, just done with it,

Special: MegaTraveller: I have come to realize I no longer enjoy running it enough to make use of it preferable to the thematically similar ALIEN or Coriolis (both Free League), or Star Riders (TFOS post-earth sequel)

Special: Dragonraid: only one objectionable mechanic (quoting scriptures to cast magic), not horrible mechanics. Not its intended audience, either.

Because older editions are so much better: TOR2e, Traveller T4 & T5. WOTC Star Wars, WEG d6 Star Wars 2 revised. Decipher Trek
Because newer editions are so much better: WEG d6 SW 1E & 2 Revised. FASA Trek, Decipher Trek

Thing is, if I have the core, never say never. There is also a gulf between playing and running. I'll probably never run 5e, never have, never run Starfinder 1e, Mindjammer Fate, or Scum and Villainy. Mythras print is just way to much eye strain to read. I might play in one of these games, though it would mostly be a favor to the group, as the interest in them is rather low. PDF is ton, I don't even count those.


i've got one big box full of 'pathfinder' 2e and another big box of 'starfinder' stuff and i'll never play either one (and will hopefully be getting rid of them, soon.)
that being said! i have a number of games that i will probably never play again but i like them enough to keep them (and sometimes use for ideas in other games) like 'ars magica' (a nearly complete collection) and 'dark conspiracy ' (a complete 1e collection.)

Im occasionally tempted by the Starfinder core book on my shelf. I’m just not sure what I would get that would be significantly different or better than something I hacked together in SWADE.


I think the only system I've played that I've said "Never again" to is d20 Future. Please note that I said Future, not Modern. d20 Modern was a fairly sound base, even if it should not be interfaced with D&D 3x. But d20 Future failed. In ways that I cannot fully express without going into an unhinged rant.

The Soloist

I think the only system I've played that I've said "Never again" to is d20 Future. Please note that I said Future, not Modern. d20 Modern was a fairly sound base, even if it should not be interfaced with D&D 3x. But d20 Future failed. In ways that I cannot fully express without going into an unhinged rant.
Yes, d20 Future was a disappointment. I've replaced d20 Modern with Modern AGE.

Thomas Shey

Oh, gods. I probably have--a hundred? Two hundred?

The reasons range from not a fan of the systems, dislike the tone, don't think I could run it properly, or, the most common, don't really have a player group that would want to engage.

Voidrunner's Codex

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