Games Workshop And Cubicle 7 Announce Warhammer Fantasy Role-Play 4th Edition

While details are still forthcoming, Cubicle 7 and Games Workshop announced today that Cubicle 7 will be publishing a fourth edition of the classic British role-playing game, Warhammer Fantasy Role-Play. The new edition will launch "later this year." The new edition will take direction from the first and second editions of the game rather than the third edition recently published by Fantasy Flight Games.

According to Cubicle 7 CEO Dominic McDowall, "Like so many gamers I grew up on Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay. It's an iconic setting and I'm thrilled to be working on this new edition of the game. Our team have a huge breadth of experience with Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, and I’m excited to be able to bring the Cubicle 7 approach to the Old World. We’ll be revealing more of our plans in the coming months, so subscribe to our newsletter and keep an eye on our website!"

More details will come as we learn them.

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combat was deadly and assumed theater of the mind (you had a whole wargame if you liked minis.)

Not quite. Both 1E and 2E fully supported minis based combat. Only 3E presumed fully TOTM. That said, the minis rules were not made essential in play in 1E nor 2E, so those who didn't want them didn't have to use them.

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I'm not familiar with WFRP. What is wrong with the age of sigmar?

AoS is from Warhammer Fantasy Battle. It's a poorly defined setting with little fluff yet developed.

It's also a grab bag with Warhammer 40K crossovers.

The Warhammer Fantasy RP/Battles Old World was rife with fiction (and complained about poorly executed bad german joke names). There's 25 years accumulated fluff.

I guess the 3rd edition version of WFRP must be the equivalent of Wotc's 4E D&D. But I do get it, publishing companies must make money and putting out new versions of iconic games every 3 to 4 years is the way to go.

Anyway, hopefully the new version will be very much like the 2nd edition of WFRP, a cleaned up and very well received RPG. But new company redoing WFRP probably means massive changes.

Sold! I know some people enjoyed it, but 3e was a swing and a miss for me.

I haven’t run a Warhammer Fantasy campaign in ages, but maybe it’ll be time to rectify that when this comes out.

Not quite. Both 1E and 2E fully supported minis based combat. Only 3E presumed fully TOTM. That said, the minis rules were not made essential in play in 1E nor 2E, so those who didn't want them didn't have to use them.

*tips hat*

I was a player and I guess my GM never saw fit to use them or even let us know that was an option.

I guess the 3rd edition version of WFRP must be the equivalent of Wotc's 4E D&D. But I do get it, publishing companies must make money and putting out new versions of iconic games every 3 to 4 years is the way to go.

Anyway, hopefully the new version will be very much like the 2nd edition of WFRP, a cleaned up and very well received RPG. But new company redoing WFRP probably means massive changes.

The new edition will take direction from the first and second editions of the game rather than the third edition recently published by Fantasy Flight Games.

I would assume not, but sometimes the definition of "direction" can get stretched after the fact.

*tips hat*

I was a player and I guess my GM never saw fit to use them or even let us know that was an option.

2E: p 127 Sidebar "The Tactical Map" discusses same; p. 132 "Combat Examples" shows square battlemat with lettered tokens; p 240 has the map gridded off in 2yd grids (as is standard for 2E tactical mapping); the tail end appendices include 1"=2yd templates for several spells.

1E: p 115, "The Scene of Battle" very very strongly implies use of minis. To the point of mentioning a requirement for a square foot of table space to draw or set up the scene. P. 117 bottom is all the facing exemplar diagrams... which show even the bases (most square, tho' a horse on rectangle, and a man on circle and on hex are also shown...

Fantasy Flight Games puts out quality products. But I think their version (3e) of WFRP implemented several things that deterred new players:
- $100 price tag on core boxed set
- Specialty dice
- Limited the amount of players in core set

I hope Cubical 7 avoids these pitfalls.
Simple. Just do a regular ttrpg. Done.

I've got all of the 1e and 2e stuff and I am currently running a 2e campaign. Super excited by this I hope it is great. They have a sale from me no matter what. I loved the 1e fluff and the 2e mechanics.

The 3e WFRP/4e D&D comparisons rang true for our group as well.

I'm one of the few people who really liked 3rd edition. But it may be because it was my first exposure to Warhammer Fantasy.

Now I'm off to my Amazon wishlist to see if I want to pick up anything before 3e goes from 'dead' to 'collectible'.

I'm with you, I like 3e best, I just have to track down a copy of Hero's Call....

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