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Gaming W/Jemal - FinalFantasy D&D (Going Again!)


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Um, can we have two black mages? I've had a drow wizard I've been wanting to play for a long time... >:)

EDIT: Oh, and I was wondering if I could use the anima mage PrC from Tome of Magic. It has the FF-type summoning, and plenty of offensive power.

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Sound of Azure

Contemplative Soul
Shayuri said:
What? No wacky genius tinkermage?

Hee hee

Who's gonna fly the rocket airship then? Huh? HUH?!

An NPC named Cid, I guess. :)

I'm interested, though I've never done PbP before. I'd probably go for the Best Friend and/or White Mage role.


For character concepts, I want a bit of background/personality, and a brief description of the character and what you envision his abilities as. Maybe a suggested class/prestige + Level. Leave full Background + Stats/etc for later.

You can give multiple concepts, in fact I'd like to see TWO from each interested player, and they must be different archetypes.

Also everyone keep in mind that Submitting an acceptable concept does not mean you're in the game. FIrstly, I'm saving a couple spaces for my friends (Hopefully they'll show up). Secondly, I'll be going with the team that looks like it'll work together, and make the most interesting

Shayuri : Genius/Tinkermage could work as an Archetype. I was originally planning on including "engineer" but wasn't sure what to do with it for Requirements/Benefits.
Do you have Ideas on that?

Brother_A : Everybody misses stuff. ;)

Ark : All cool ideas, though I particularily like the Intelligent Speaking Krenshar. Reminds me of a scary version of Red XIII from FF7.

Ethan : It's not based on any particular Final Fantasy for story, just the same "type". The feel I'm going for though would be a sort of combination of FF1, 3, and (Obviously) 7.

Thaedrus : No heresy, jus give us your adress so we can fix a societal wrong.... ;) J/k. No, it shouldn't cause a problem. As stated before, I'm basing it off the Final Fantasy RPG "Feel", but if you've played ANY Video game RPG I'd imagine you know what I'm talking about.

Voda : Was kinda expecting that. ;) And yes, I left out the "Reformed Villain" Specifically, b/c he'd have to be a badguy that gets beaten IN character, THEN joins the group.

Which reminds me, i may be introducing other characters (Specifically more powerful/strange ones) later in the story, so the original cast may expand. If anybody wants one of those characters that joins later (Such as the above mentioned Reformed Villain), mention it now.

Hmm, In fact, any takers for creating a Villain that the PC's can (hopefully for them) beat in a boss fight and convince to join them?

WarlockLord : No problem, Multiple mages are ok. As for the PrC, I'd have to see it first.

Azure : Cool, just write up a concept and I'll look over them.

Because I expect a fair amount of interest, Recruitment will close either after the weekend, or when my friends have checked in, whichever comes first.


First Post
As it happens...I might.

One idea would be sort of "magitech" where the engineering was still basically magic, but based on cool little steampunky gadgets instead of wands and spellbooks.

A core d20 wizard or sorceror could easily be made into a gadget mage with just some flavor text adjustments, and perhaps a PrC along the lines of "Effigy Master" (which I -love-) or "Maester" (without the racial prereq). Gadgetspells might not require verbal components, for example...but each spell might require a focus to cast. In fact, you might even forgo the expense of a spellbook, instead relegating that cost to the various foci needed. Pay 50gp per spell level for the doodad needed to cast it, and as long as you have your "gadgetbag" of stuff, you can prepare the spell for the day.

Spell prep then becomes a matter of properly adjusting/powering up the gizmos, of which a magineer only has a limited amount of "power" per day, based on level (as per wizard).

Mechanically, no REAL difference. Oodles of difference in flavor.


I'm in so many game already, but I'd love to play something like this...especially if I can take Effigy Master. :)


First Post
Ok, I'll drop in concepts for the two roles I'm most interested in, if I have time...

The Criminal - Always fun to play...

The Face - I've just finished watching the movie 'Thankyou For Smoking', and am thinking of a concentrating on someone who can talk circles around people. Diplomat-come-spin doctor type...


Shayuri - Cool.

Sin - Allright, just write up some concepts if you want.

Avalon - As stated in post 2, Core+Complete for races/classes, and anything else(PrC's, feats, etc) from other books you have to ask. Don't worry too much about mechanics though, as stated we aren't making characters yet.

Voda Vosa

First Post
I will let WarlockLord be the mage, I was hoping to get the villian that gets defeated and joins later.

Mun-Thot Hassar

Profession Warlock, hobbies bringing Chaos.

Mun-Thot was the child of a very powerful family. They lived in abundance, the money never was a problem, and all that little Mun needed, was there for him.
Needless to say that this kind of life spoil the boy a bit.
He was always wanting something, and really gets crazy when he couldn't have it. At first the boys caprice wasn't such a problem, but whit time, he grew weary, at adultness his wishes for woman and parties finally made his family founds to run dry. Careless, Mun-Thot continues dilapidating the few money they have, until his home wasn't his anymore.
At that point, living in the streets, Mun realizes that his times of richness were just a lost of time. "Money? Power? I'll give you power!" he thought in his cold nights, under the city bridge. So much anger he store in his soul, so much hate for his once easy life, that the hidden powers of a warlock unleash.
One morning, when he waked up, frozen, and angry as usual. Rubbing his arms for some heat, he walked up into the streets, in his search for food.
After a successful robbery to a trash pile, he was eating some spoils, when he saw a horse pass by, with an elegant lord ridding it, wealthy as he was once.
A mad wrath took Mun-Thot, he started hitting the air with his fist, in the direction of the noble man, screaming. From one of those hits, a ray of purple eldritch energy got shoot and hited the man in the head, making he falls from the horse. Scared and happy at the same time, Mun ran off, chased by the noble guards.
Upon the discovery of his hidden powers, Mun-Thot became quite a problem for local militia, always killing wealthy persons he found in his way, and taking their money. But he was not a simple thief, he did this in revenge, he wanted to destroy the rich and wealth. But the money wasn’t bad.
After a few months, the local oligarchy hires mercenaries to deal with Mun. After some time the mercenaries finally force Mun-Thot to leave the city. He keeps killing them, but they were too much! He departs, hoping to find wealthy people to kill.

Mun-Thot wears a big heavy robe over his chain shirt –a gift from a corpse-, with a ragged cloak that covers his face, only his shiny purplish eyes can be seen. He carries a staff made of an oak branch.


First Post
'The Face'

Jon Jon McCoy has worked in PR pretty much all his life, even as a youngster his diplomatic style of reasoning was quite evident. As the years past, his linguistic prowess went from strength to strength, always finding loopholes in arguements to exploit, developing the knack of adding 'spin' to subtly divert unwanted attention from the main points. Jon Jon is good at what he does, and loves doing it. So good infact that he's worked for several huge organisations as a 'frontman'. No stranger to the celebrity lifestyle, Jon Jon is constantly on the move, 'defending' the 'innocent' organisations from the 'witch-hunting' populous or studying the latest threats against him, usually by using his clandestine connections from the underground world from which he rose, to gain inside knowledge on his opponents, which he uses with supreme tact, sometimes able to 'stun' them into silence with a subtle 'reference' to some of the info he is privy to. All in all, Jon Jon's 'such a nice guy' to most people he meets, though very few know the truth - Jon Jon's a devil in the guise of a saint, armed with a serious vocab & an undeniable charisma, he's quicker than a rattle-snake, more slippery than a jellied eel, and has bite so deadly that most people can't even deduce what chewed up the victim!

As for ingame - if you're familiar with FF7, I was thinking of a PR frontman for something like 'Shinra Corp', recently fallen from his position, maybe an 'underground' friend is in need of assistance...

If you've more detailed info on the setting it'd be easier to work out how/why he's hooking up with the rest...

Villian coming up...


First Post
The anima mage PrC is in Tome of Magic. It requires the ability to bind 2nd level vesitges (you can do this with a feat) and cast 2nd level arcane spells. It increases both Soul Binding and has a full arcane spellcasting progression. It also has an ability allowing you to give up your bound vestige abilities to add free metamagic to a spell. If I've violated copyright, I'd like the mods to remove this part of the post.

Razravkar V. Istari

Profession: Wizard/Anima Mage
Hobbies: Developing new spells, telling jokes, and goofing off.

Razravkar is quite an unusual drow. He left this homeland, as he was sick of backstabbing, politics, and assassinations, viewing the chaos as unstable weakness. He was trained in wizardry from a young age, but got into the binding of vestiges later. This is forbidden lore aming the drow, and influenced him is his decision to leave. He is quite cunning and powerful, but disguises himself as a slacking goof-off, who, while fun to be around, is no threat. This illusion is usually dispelled when he enters battle.

As for my other concept, he's a mascot. He's...

(Ok, this is stupid. Even for me.)

Nek'hzar used to be a typical hydra, robbing caravans for treasure. One day, a great chef happened to be in this caravan. He pleaded with the hydra to accept a meal in exchange for his - the chef's - life. The intrigued hydra agreed, and soon became hooked on good cooking. Soon, the hydra hired himself out to do odd jobs in exchange for meals.

I can't say how either of these guys joined the party, as we don't have enough information. If Nek'hzar is too powerful, he could also be a villain the heroes fight and then he signs on.

As for looking at the PrC, do you want me to email it to you, or should I just drop it in favor of something else?

Voidrunner's Codex

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