Gary Gygax has passed. RIP beloved father of RPG's. (merged)

Isida Kep'Tukari

This makes me so sad. My condolences to the Gygax family.

My father started teaching me 2nd edition D&D when I was in junior high in the mid-90s, I got in on the ground floor of 3e when I was in college, embraced 3.5, and am looking forward to giving 4e a try.

D&D opened my world to sweeping vistas of fantasty. It helped me with thinking of imaginative solutions, cooperation, and working with people I might not otherwise. It exposed me to a wide world of fantasy art, made me learn to budget my money so I'd have enough for the next D&D book, and help me make some friends I'd have otherwise never met.

It has helped my ability to write action scenes and given me the ability to be creative on my toes, to accept anything the players throw at me.

If it weren't for D&D, I'd have never met my husband, as we met on the WotC boards and there is no way I'd have crossed paths with him normally (he lived in England).

E. Gary Gygax, you've given us worlds of fantasy that have translated into strength, flexibility, friendship, and love in the real world. You will be missed.
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This news is hitting me like a gut punch.

I never layed eyes on the man in person, but I owe him more then I could possibly thank him for.



Friends I will take to my grave.

These are things that cannot be bought or sold.

But this perfect stranger gave them away.

Thank you, Gary.

You left this place better than you found it.
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First Post
My condolences to his family and friends.

Thank you Gary Gygax for the way you influenced my life and the endless hours of enjoyment you gave to me though the game you created.

Rest in peace.

And once again - Thank You.

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I thought of saying something cute, something clever.

In the end I say this:

Gary, you brought a raw group of notes into an order that others might be able to use them as a real game. I was able to buy these rules back on Labor Day Weekend, 1975. I have gamed ever since.

Thank you for bring ing me to my favourite hobby. I know you know you touched many lives.

Pax tecum.


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Gary, to me, was first and foremost a teacher.

Gary taught me English -- without which I wouldn't even be able to convey this message. He taught me Math. He taught me a love for History and Mythology. He taught me the difference between "melee" and "milieu". And more than anything, he taught me that imagination has no limits -- even if graph paper does.

Even though Gary shuffled this mortal coil, his immortality is all but assured. Characters he created -- and not a few of which were named after him through anagrams -- are still part of stories being told by people around the world.

Gary has been, is, and will be a part of our lives.

Now Gary and Dave C. Sutherland III can stop messing around and start cranking awesome modules with amazing maps for those angels up there.


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His imagination brought to life a very wonderful thing. Through his actions and his works he inspired others to create their own fantasies and find a wholesome use of their time and creativite talent.

I know he will be missed by friends and family for a lot more than his contributions to the role-playing world. I extend my condolences for the loss.

Gary, you old coot, if you can see this, save me a spot at your table in Heaven. I want to play in one of your games when I get up there. :)


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Gary was a true gentleman, to coin his phrase, a Gentle Writer, and he will be missed.

At the expense of sounding truly geeky, I hope every time those funny dice hit a table somewhere, Gary is smiling somewhere else.

If one must have a claim to fame, giving a gift of enjoyment to millions via your creation and its offspring isn’t a bad one. Not at all.

Thank you Gary.

The Eternal GM

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I never met E.Gary Gygax. I never played original D&D. I still feel oddly struck by this, especially reading all the posts here. The forefather of our hobby has passed away.

For those who drink, raise a glass
For those who sing, do so sweetly
For those who feast, take pause
Our friend and finest of us is gone


Very sad, I heard it on the radio today when I was picking my son up from school. Gary blessed me with years of enjoyment in this wonderful hobby.

Voidrunner's Codex

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