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Gary Gygax has passed. RIP beloved father of RPG's. (merged)


Umbran said:
I cannot begin to count the number of hours of enjoyment this man's work brought to me and my fellows. I wish his loved ones peace in equal measure.


Thank You Gary Gygax. Rest in Peace.

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Geron Raveneye

The more this sad piece of news settles, the more it chokes me up, even though I never met him, or even conversed with him outside a few posts on the internet. I look at my shelves and see his work on them. I look at my life, and find many of my friends being there only because I got to know them through his work. He was half a world away, and yet his ideas, his dreams, and his desire to share them touched my life, and changed it, in some parts for the better for certain.

My condolences go out to his family and his close friends. I hope they can take a small amount of comfort from the fact that, for all that we quarrel amongst ourselves sometimes, Gary Gygax ' work created a big community united by creativity, imagination, and fantasy...a community that will miss and mourn him along with them.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
I sure hope the mainstream media mentions how long his shadow is when they cover his death. Without Gygax, I'd argue fantasy fiction wouldn't have had the resurgence it had in the late 1970s (meaning no Lord of the Rings movies and maybe not even Harry Potter), a very different computer games industry and, yes, no Warcraft series or World of Warcraft.


Its kind of odd to think that this man who has died, whom I have never spoken to, met or seen outside of static pictures on the net has had along with the others (Dave Arneson) who helped at the time, made such a huge and lasting impact on my life due to thier creation some 27 years ago.

I don't think there will ever be adequate enough words to express how much the roleplaying his creation (Dungeons and Dragons) meant to me or continues to mean to me.. PnP roleplaying changed my life, introduced me to history and fiction in ways i could never have contemplated before and gave spark to my imagination like nothing else before or since.

thank you, you will be missed Mr Gygax

gone, but never forgotten..
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