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General Discussion Thread II


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rgordona said:
Container (Fades) 4pp/rank [You get 5pp to spend on sub powers for every rank]
Strike (Accurate, mighty)
Protection (Impervious)
Enhanced Strength
etc (You could put APs in here if you wanted)
Boost: Others only. (limited to powers in the container)

[Faded powers recover at a rate of 10pp/hour of rest (with a minimum of an hour), food and water must be consumed]

Drawback: Powerloss if the substance is scraped off recovery as per fades
Complication: A villain systematically collecting the lost fluid might be able to make use of it.

(I belive you need to predetermine the order you lose points from the container, it might be simpler to put fades on each power individually.)

Container? Power from the suppliment?

If some is scraped off of him, will it regrow in time? If so, then it's not a Device, it'd be more like the Power Loss drawback.

If it's something the characters body secretes, can he give some to an ally and keep some for himself? The whole "grants power to others" seems to fall more to things like the Empowerment power (from Ultimate Power -- it's basically Shapeshift with Affects Others and Others Only), rather than a Device per se, simply because Devices tend to stay with the same character and aren't given out, at least not on a regular basis.

It can be regrow but for rules/plots purposes there could only be the original amount in existence. So if it's given or taken and used then It's fades from them and can be regrown. If it's taken and hoarded... I'd be boned till I stole it back.

Ah for the regrow time I'd say a 1 pp/hour just to keep it simple and organic.

Since I don't have these suppliments, could anyone email me a description of Container and Empowerment?

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LogicsFate said:
Container? Power from the supplement?

Sort of. Alternate form from the core book is an example. (Superspeed is another though it is much harder to see.) The forms in the core book (Energy, liquid, etc) are just examples. You buy Alternate Form with the descriptor "Liquid Skin" and then pick any powers you think are appropriate to be contained with in it.

(Both forms of device are flawed container powers.)

(It is explained in much more detail in UP but there is nothing which is not in the core book.)

It can be regrow but for rules/plots purposes there could only be the original amount in existence. So if it's given or taken and used then It's fades from them and can be regrown. If it's taken and hoarded... I'd be boned till I stole it back.

Ah for the regrow time I'd say a 1 pp/hour just to keep it simple and organic.

Hmm tricky, I am getting am picturing a guy with some kind of liquid metal skin. When he punches someone (or whatever|) bits of the metal fly off and form droplets on the floor. These droplets then congeal and (slowly) make their way back to the hero when they are re-absorbed into the skin. (A bit like Terminator 2) Can I check if I have the concept right?

You might want to ask for ideas on how to model that at Atomic Think Tank. (Which is full of people with much better knowledge than me.)

My suspicion is that this might be a -1 flaw on a container with a dynamic Array inside. (Which is flawed to fade.)

My worry with this is that bookkeeping could get very tricky.


First Post
rgordona said:
Hmm tricky, I am getting am picturing a guy with some kind of liquid metal skin. When he punches someone (or whatever|) bits of the metal fly off and form droplets on the floor. These droplets then congeal and (slowly) make their way back to the hero when they are re-absorbed into the skin. (A bit like Terminator 2) Can I check if I have the concept right?

You might want to ask for ideas on how to model that at Atomic Think Tank. (Which is full of people with much better knowledge than me.)

My worry with this is that bookkeeping could get very tricky.

It might make more sense that way but it's only control by the person thouching it, so it's fly off, and by appearance and fuctionality evaporate a.k.a. "plot" away.

You might be right, maybe I'll just hit up my other Idea for now and keep working on it. :\

Hand of Vecna

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rgordona said:
HoV - What would Dr A's attitude be to making technological modifications to a magical device? I was thinking a touch of technology intermixed with the magic might be nice, but if Dr A would not deign to touch such an item or would insist on taking it apart to find out how it worked first I might not ask. (Especially as the Scientist is hiding out in Japan, rather than sitting in his lab or the ready room.)
He'd probably unravel/destroy it in an attempt to find out how it works. And get frustrated because he'd not be able to learn anything from it.

(Plus, whether or not Magic & Tech can work together in the LS-verse is a GM call. In DC and Marvel, I'm fairly certain they don't get along well [Doctor Doom's magic-tech hybrids being the only exception I can readily think of].)

Hand of Vecna

First Post
Are submissions for the Task Force International Database still being accepted from us lowly non-GMs?

File Designate: R3327-V

Name: Blŏzan
Real Name: Unknown, possibly Not Applicable.
Location: Throughout Germany.

Current Status: Inactive

Known Powers: Blŏzan’s powers mostly involve the evocation and shaping of fear. He can simply create raw fear within a victim’s heart (Emotion Control), or show a victim his greatest specific fears (Acute Analytical Ranged Detect Person's Fears, and Phantasm Illusions). With the latter power, he often scares the victim so badly that a heart attack ensues (Linked Fortitude save Damage effect). If he wants to cause fear in a large number of people, he’ll rely on his Drain Wisdom power and Intimidate checks.
As a spirit of evil and fear (or so he claims), Blŏzan can also fly, teleport, and become incorporeal. His claws are preternaturally sharp (Penetrating), and wounds caused by his antlers resist conventional forms of medical treatment (Incurable).
Blŏzan is vulnerable to being on “holy ground” and near “holy objects,” particularly those of the Æsir and Ásatrú faiths.

Abilities/Equipment: See known powers, above.

Description: Blŏzan resembles a muscular man with a stag’s head and antlers, but the antlers are black and the deer fur (and his body in general) is speckled with ever-bleeding wounds and suppurating sores. He wears no clothes, but a mass of fur/hair covers his waist. He has claws on his hands. His feet are human feet, not deer’s hooves.

Brief History: Doctor Archeville fought Blŏzan in August of 2006. It claimed to have been “awakened by the increase in terror” from the discovery of some unexploded suitcase bombs, and that he would “make the streets run red in honor of the Norse Gods and Elves.” Though Archeville steadfastly believed that he was merely a deluded Neo-Pagan metahuman, the super-scientist nevertheless found himself deeply shaken, both physically and mentally, by their first battle. After taking some time to heal and re-strategize – and trying not to listen to the advice of Hexe, a too-eager “witch” who claimed to know exactly what spells and charms to use against the spirit – Archeville planned to trick the villain into entering an Old Norse church, which he hoped would feed into the villain’s “delusions” and “send him into a catatonic state.” The ploy was not as effective as Archeville had hoped, and it was only the arrival of Hexe and her circle-mates that prevented the church from becoming Archeville’s tomb.
To this day, Archeville does not talk about what Blŏzan showed him.

--OOC Information--
Known Appearances: None in-game as of yet.
Availability: Restricted.
Contact: Hand of Vecna.
(Note: He is based on the character Samhain from Champions Universe. Blŏzan is Old High German for "sacrifice," and 3327 spells FEAR on a phone's keypad ;) )
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First Post
Just wanted to mention that I've still not heard anything about my new character J-SIN's approval status. I emailed hero4hire (I think?) quite a while ago, and he said in this thread that he'd forwarded all the relevant emails to other judges.


First Post
I understand that, but he said that he'd already forwarded all the emails (thus, presumably, mine included) to all the other judges.

Voidrunner's Codex

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