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General Discussion Thread IX

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I want my post count back! I was more than half way to Level 4!

Yeah, I would suggest holding off until we know about the May 8 backup. Thats what I am planning to do at least.


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First Post
As Velmont stated, over in the thread in Meta, they have found out that there is no more recent backup. Barring what we can get back from the Googlel cache, the last 5 months are gone for good.


First Post

I have just sent my laptop away for some repairs as it has failed ( right before the big plunge) it will be gone for 6 weeks. It of course holds all the information for my characters, which I thought would always be availiable for me on LEW of course. (they are backed up on my laptop - but alas its gone.

So, I have no character information. I went here to what Erekose13 was able to recover however, I am not able to get any actual posts from it. I can down load it and unzip it and it even says there is data in there but nothing happens after that. I get an AOL icon that is an HTML page but when I try to open that it nothing happens. Has anyone been able to actually recover a character from that posts link?

I dunno if the games are going to go on or not - it seems as if people are haning out till we see if the May 8th thing is possible. I just don't wanna get left behind if the games do go on for the next 6 weeks. I have started to remake the guys from scratch but...well that sucks!


Now if one of the people on any of the games.....could help me recover Zurd and or Jik'tu that would be swell.


First Post
DerHauptman said:
I dunno if the games are going to go on or not - it seems as if people are haning out till we see if the May 8th thing is possible. I just don't wanna get left behind if the games do go on for the next 6 weeks. I have started to remake the guys from scratch but...well that sucks!

It won't be possible. There will be no more recent backup. Look at the link I post in my last message, you'll haev a more complete answer. Sorry!


First Post
DerHauptman said:
Now if one of the people on any of the games.....could help me recover Zurd and or Jik'tu that would be swell.

Does your email provider have a copy of the character files you sent for submission to the judges for Living Enworld when you leveled to 2nd? Worth a shot, as I need Zurd to be up and running sooner than 6 weeks.

Knight Otu

First Post
I believe I mostly repaired the rules and mechanics thread (I know the index isn't updated yet). The one thing I am certain is missing is Kahuna Burger's Share XP proposal. Does anyone have the text of that one? Is there anything else that was approved still missing?


First Post
DerHauptman, the following sblock's contain your characters (as extracted from the files Erekose13 posted). They are missing the UBB code, so you'll probably have to reconstruct the character sheet (does anyone have a link to the sheet format?).

Name: Jik'tu
Class: Cleric
Race: Orc
Size: Medium
Gender: Male
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Deity: Tarusk
Domains: Blood; Destruction

Str: 20 +5 (10p.) Level: 1 XP: 0000
Dex: 12 +1 (04p.) BAB: +0 HP: 9 (1d8+1)
Con: 12 +1 (04p.) Grapple: +5 Dmg Red: XX/XXXX
Int: 06 -2 (00p.) Speed: 30' Spell Res: XX
Wis: 14 +2 (10p.) Init: +1 Spell Save: +X
Cha: 08 -1 (02p.) ACP: -5 Spell Fail: XX%

Base Armor Shld Dex Size Nat Misc Total
Armor: 10 +4 +2 +1 +0 +0 +0 17
Touch: 11 Flatfooted: 16

Base Mod Misc Total
Fort: 2 +1 +3
Ref: X +1 +1
Will: 2 +2 +4

Weapon Attack Damage Critical
Morning Star +5 1d8+5 20x2
Light Crossbow +1 1d8+ 0 19-20x2

Spells: Cleric all spells known

0th Level: 3
1st Level: 2+1 (1 regular; 1 Bonus; One domain)
2nd Level: None
3rd Level: NOne

Languages: Orcish and Common

Abilities: Darkvision out to 60 feet;
Light Sensitivity - Orcs are dazzled in bright sunlight or within
the radius of a daylight spell

Feats: Scribe Scroll

Skill Points: 2 Max Ranks: 4/2
Skills Ranks Mod Misc Total
---------------------------Class Skills------------------------------
Concentration 0 +1 +1
Craft 0 -2 -2
Diplomacy 0 +0 +0
Heal 4 +2 +6
Knowledge (Arc) 0 -2 -2
Knowledge (His) 0 -2 -2
Knowledge (Pla) 0 -2 -2
Knowledge (Rel) 0 -2 -2
Profession 0 +2 +2
Spellcraft 0 -2 -2
---------------------------Untrained Skills-------------------------
Appraise 0 -2 -2
Balance 0 +1 -4 (-5 ACP)*
Bluff 0 +0 +0
Climb 0 +5 +0 (-5 ACP)*
Disguise 0 +0 +0
Escape Artist 0 +1 -4 (-5ACP)*
Handle Animal 0 +0 +0
Intimidate 0 +0 +0
Jump 0 +5 +0 (-5 ACP)*
Listen 0 -1 -1
Move Silently 0 +1 -4 (-5 ACP)*
Ride 0 +1 +1
Search 0 -2 -2
Sense Motive 0 +2 +2
Spot 0 +2 +2
Survival 0 +2 +2
Swim 0 +5 -5 (-10 Double ACP)*
Use Rope 0 +1 +1

Equipment: Cost Weight
Scale Mail 50gp 30lb
Heavy Wooden Shield 07gp 10lb
Morning Star 08gp 08lb
Light Crossbow 08gp 08lb
Backpack 02gp 02lb
Waterskin 01gp 04lb
Flint and Steel 01gp 00lb
Rations x10 05gp 10lb
Spell Pouch 05gp 08lb
Explorers Outfit 00gp 08lb
Clerics Vestments 05gp 06lb
Bed Roll .1gp 05lb
Caltrops x4 04gp 08lb
Holy Symbol 01gp 00lb
Rope Silk 50’ 10gp 05lb
Empty Sack x2 .2gp 01lb
Blood Cup* (flask) .3gp 1.5lb
Acid x3 30gp 03lb

Total Weight:126lb Money: 25gp 30sp 200cp

Lgt Med Hvy Lift Push
Max Weight: 133 134-266 67-400 800 2000

Age: 20
Height: 6'07"
Weight: 275lb
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black
Skin: Green Gray

Appearance: Jik’tu has an orcish face, he has large lupine ears and
reddish bloodshot eyes regardless of the hour. He bears a large scar over
his left eye which looks like the eye was lucky to remain in his head.
He has large tusks, the lower left tusk is chipped. He has the semi-blank
stare that is common of those with slow intellect.

He wears a suit of scale mail that looks like it has seen a lot of wear,
his cloak is a mustard yellow color with a dark blood red trim, the cloak
looks like it is red at the bottom as well where it drags the ground but
upon closer examination this is actually dried blood. He carries and
impossibly large pact with a round wooden shield strapped over his shoulder.
He has a largish morning star hanging from his belt it appears to be made
with a metal that has a reddish tint. He is a large specimen of his species
wide and tall with huge muscles bulging under his armor, his legs look like
a pair of tree trunks.

Background: Jik’tu is a cleric of Tarusk but tries to hide that fact
when he travels among the lesser races.

Jik’tu is a simpleton, but is wise enough to know it and is slow to speak
and slow to take long term actions. He is young and has little if any
experience in the world, that is why he is out among the lesser races – he
is being groomed for a position of leadership within his tribe and he is on
a vision quest - a quest to collect souls for the afterlife.

This quest is a form of self imposed exile from his tribe where he is supposed
to live among the lesser races and fight until he feels he has reached his full
maturity, when he does he can return . He is supposed to sew terror, fear and
destruction among the weaker races.

Now, Jik’tu being a simple soul, lacks any real goals in his quest save to take
as many lives as possible so that when he dies he will have many slaves in the
afterlife. It is the belief of his people that when one kills a sentient being its
spirit is bound to serve him for eternity.

He has turned to adventuring life because he tried being a mercenary but found he
was not suited for the discipline required of a soldier’s life. That and the high
attrition rate of his squad mates seemed to grow around him. So he has come to the
city of Orussus because he heard of some tournament and the free nature of the
Red Dragon Inn.

Also it has been a little hard of late to gain acceptance and jobs and he has been
told that Orussus’ cosmopolotin nature almost gurantees access to prey and souls and
his ability to walk freely among them.


- 25gp for Tournament[/sblock]

Name: Zurd

Class: Half-orc Paragon/Sorcerer
Race: Half-orc
Size: Medium
Gender: Male
Alignment: Neutral
Deity: Mongrel

Str: 14 +2 (4p.) Level: 1/1 XP: 1075
Dex: 14 +2 (6p.) BAB: +1 HP: 11 (1d8+1d4)
Con: 10 +X (2p.) Grapple: +0 Dmg Red: XX/XXXX
Int: 10 +X (4p.) Speed: 30' Spell Res: XX
Wis: 09 -1 (1p.) Init: +2 Spell Save: +X
Cha: 15 +2 (13p.) ACP: -X Spell Fail: 15%

Base Armor Shld Dex Size Nat Misc Total
Armor: 10 +3 +2 +X +X +X +X 15
Touch: 12 Flatfooted: 13

Base Mod Misc Total
Fort: +2 +0 +2
Ref: X +2 +2
Will: +2 -1 +1

Weapon Attack Damage Critical
Dagger +3 1d4+2 19-20x2
Ranseur +3 2d4+2 20-X3
Scimitar +3 1d6+2 18-20X2

Spells per Day: 5/4
Spells Known: 4/2
0th: Detect Magic; Daze; Acid Splash; Prestidigitation (DC13)
1st: Shield; Color Spray (DC13)

Languages: Orc; Common

Abilities: Divided Ancestry; Monstrous Mien (+4 Intimidate); Summon Familiar

Feats: Persuasive

Skill Points: 18 Max Ranks: 5/2.5
Skills Ranks Mod Misc Total

Climb 1 +2 -1 +2 (-1 ACP)*
Craft (Alchemy) 4 +0 +5
Handle Animal 4 +2 +6
Intimidate 4 +2 +6 +13 (Misc Mods;+4 from Class/+2 From Feat)*
Jump 1 +2 -1 +2
Listen 0 -1 -1
Ride 0 +2 +2
Survival 1 -1 +0
Swim 1 +2 -2 -1 (-2 Double ACP)*
Appraise 0 +0 +0
Balance 0 +2 -1 +1 (-1 ACP)*
Bluff 2 +2 +2 +6 (+2 from feat)*
Concentration 0 +0 +0
Diplomacy 0 +2 +2
Disguise 0 +2 +2
Escape Artist 0 +2 -1 +2 (-1 ACP)*
Heal 0 -1 -1
Move Silently 0 +2 -1 +1 (-1 ACP)*
Search 0 +0 +0
Sense Motive 0 -1 -1
Spot 0 -1 -1
Use Rope 0 +2 +2

Equipment: Cost Weight
Studded Leather 25gp 20lb
Throwing Daggers x6 12gp 6lb
Ransuer 10gp 12lb
Scimitar 15gp 4lb
Backpack 2gp .5lb
Bedroll .1gp 1.25lb Ea @ 3
Waterskin 1gp 1lb Ea @ 3
Flint&Steel 1gp 0lb
Collar&Leash 4gp 1lb Ea @ 2
Day I/Rats .5gp 1lb Ea @ 9
Doggie Backpack 8gp 4lb Ea @ 2
Caltrops 1gp 1lb Ea @ 5
Spell Pouch 5gp 2lb
Travelers Outfit (Green) 0gp 5lb
Travelers Outfit (Blue) 6gp 5lb
Travelers Outfit (Purple)6gp 5lbs
Dogs War 25gp 150lbs Ea @ 2

Total Weight: Money: 10gp 7sp 0cp
(Z) 51lb
(Kurg) 14.25lb

Lgt Med Hvy Lift Push
Max Weight: 58 116 175 350 1750

Age: 17
Height: 6'01"
Weight: 180lb
Eyes: Bright BLue
Hair: Black
Skin: Fair with only a little hint of the orcish grey. He lacks the characteristic orcish coarse hair in the obvious places. His skin is smooth and soft.


Animals: (not Companions just a trained friend)

Names; Kurg (male) (CR1) Dog, War**: Medium Animal; HD 2d8+4; hp: 13; Init +2; Spd 40 ft.; AC 16 (+2 Dex, +4natural), touch 12, flat-footed 14; Base Atk: +1; Grp +3; Atk: Bite +3 melee (1d6+3); full Atk: Bite +3 melee (1d6+3); Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; SA: Trip; SQ: Low Light Vision, Scent; AL N; SV Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1; Str 15, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 2, Wis12, Cha 6.

Skills and Feats: Jump +8*, Listen +5, Spot +5, Survival+1*; Alertness,
*Dogs have a +4 racial bonus to Jump; They also have a +4 bonus to Survival when tracking by scent.

Carrying Capacity: A light load for a War Dog dog is up to 100 pounds; a medium load, 101–200 pounds; and a heavy load, 201–300 pounds. A riding dog can drag 1,500 pounds.

Trip (Ex): A dog that hits with a bite attack can attempt to trip the opponent (+1 check modifier) as a free action without making a touch attack or provoking an attack of opportunity. If the attempt fails, the opponent cannot react to trip the dog.

Tricks = Attack/Down/Defend/Heell/Perform/Track

**Notes for clarity: This category includes large working breeds such as collies, huskies, and St. Bernards; Krug is a Caucasian Mountain Dog (Also called the Ovcharka) a breed of Russian herding dogs popular in the Caucasus mountain ranges of Central Russia. It is one of the oldest breeds and recent archeological finds support that it may have been the first breed domesticated by man. They are known for their ferocious nature and overprotective nature with regards to their owners. They average 30” at the shoulders and about 150lbs. Females are slightly smaller than males. They make excellent dogs and are used for a variety of security roles within the Russian Army and Police. ( OOC: If anyone is interested I have several pictures as I have one myself. They can be scary to watch in action!) Link: http://esquirecaucasians.com/

Facial: At first glance and from a distance Zurd’s orcish blood is not obvious.
He lacks the characteristic gray shade of “pig”mentation; he lacks the large
protruding forehead but has a bit of the typical jutting jaw. He has the
characteristic tusks but they are well proportioned and not obtrusive. His
tusks are capped with silver. He has a cruel scar just over his right eye (a
reminder of his tribal heritage). His bright blue eyes give him an otherworldly
gaze that some find unnerving especially when they are the focus of his ire
and stare. (gotta account for the +12 Intimidate at 1st level somehow)

Body Type: He appears as a well-proportioned and well-muscled man of
just above average height.

Clothing: He wears foppish clothing, in loud shades of blue and purple.
He wears a broad brimmed travelers hat with a large feather plume from
some bird or another, which is dyed light blue. His midnight blue cloak
is made of wool and has a large hood suitable for traveling. His breeches
are charcoal grey and made from a simple but durable cloth. His shirt is
lavender with ruffles and fluted sleeves. His clothes are immaculately
clean and well pressed.


Zurd, spent the first part of his life in an orc tribe known as the Skin
Takers aptly named for the trophy that they commonly kept after raids.
He was small in childhood and way too human for his father to stomach.
Zurd survived only because his mother – a human slave knew how to
keep her master content. She gave up much of her dignity to save her
son from his cruel father’s drunken wrath and orcish ire. Zurd’s mother
was a woman of high breeding among her people and when the older males
went off to war or to raid she spent time teaching him their ways. She
longed for him to have the chance to escape the bonds of his tribe and l
ive in the world of men. She taught him to appreciate fine cloth, to bathe
daily, to eat with utensils and to do so in a manner consistent with the
customs of the high bred. She told him stories of the lavish halls and huge
manors with their cushioned divans and lavish feasts and of the servants too.
Not servants like his mother and the other women were to the tribe but
helpful people who when treated with kindness actually liked to serve
their masters. Zurd longed for this life of luxury and plenty. No more winters
of starving, no fear of a knife in the back over a bucket of water.

Thug, Zurd's father, was a warrior of little account in the tribe, a mere
scout. Zurd was, as his son, little more than a slave himself due to his
father’s low status. He grew up the butt of jokes about his short tusks
and girlish features. He was a male though and as a male of the tribe he
learned to fight; when it came to weapons he chose a thin quick blade from
the stores. He didn’t have to fight anyone for it either - good for him! He
was really good with a spear, the weapon of the cruel orcish god, and picked
up a particularly useful long one with a dual hooked blade under the spearhead.
(The Ransuer) He learned to trip his opponents with the hooks and to keep
them at reach. He was exceptional with the orcish short bow along with
other ranged and thrown weapons. He learned to throw daggers with great
speed and accuracy and it was in this way he made his first kill. Zurd killed a
rival male over a deer carcass in a bad winter when he was only 10 summers.
One quick strike to the back and it was over. The valuable lesson – killing was
easy; best from a distance and behind.

Zurd earned his way onto a raiding-party in his 13th summer. The target
was a rival orc tribe the Swift Axes. He earned his manhood that day as
well when he bravely held 3 orc warriors at bay with his long “spear” when
the chieftain was sorely pressed on his flank. He was given a choice of spoils
from the raid. The others laughed loudly at him when he chose two orphaned
dog pups and some food stores as his prize over some female slaves. He was
not yet a man when it came to females yet so he had no interest in them,
however that would soon change.

Zurd, now a warrior in the tribe had one more thing going for him. In his
youth the other orc mothers seemed to like him and prized his gentleness.
He would braid their hair; make them necklaces of shells and shiny trinkets
and just talk to them. They along with his mother had a good hand in helping
him get to his teens, they protected him, he was everyone's son they said.
In fact Zurd in the regional tribal dialect means “every son”.

Now as a warrior of the tribe with rights to females this like and respect turned
to something else – interest. Love among the orcs is short and brutal like everything
else. The females as little more than possessions stand to gain little of any union
save pain followed by the potential pain of childbirth. Zurd had turned into a favorite
of the ladies, he was considered very handsome among them and he was “schooled” by many of the older women of the tribe and leaned his trade well. His gentle and accommodating manner made him a favorite of the young and old alike. He listened
to them and comforted them during storms and was there to fill the void when their
brutal masters were away or too drunk. He had finally found a way to fit in – a role
in the tribe. However, just as he found a place in the hierarchy and a role for himself
his newfound popularity would be his undoing.

He came to fall in love with the gentle spirit Magruh, the daughter of the tribe’s
shaman. As the shaman they lived in a cave further down the mountain from the
rest of the tribe. Zurd came to spend much time there and in the territory in
between the camp and the shaman's cave during the spring of his 15th summer.
He and the big puppies, who were never far from their friend spent many a spring
day in the woods gathering ingredients for his love's potions and concoctions.
The puppies even helped by scaring up some game for an impromtu meal now and
again. The puppies always managed to get more than their share.

Magruh was a healer and an accomplished alchemist, capable of making all manner
of useful things. Stones that would explode in a loud bang, bags that would stick
someone’s very legs together and evne liquid fire in a bottle among other things.
She taught some of this art to Zurd on their many visits. They even made a
small lean-to home for themselves in the woods outside the regular tribal hunting

Unbeknownst to either of them Magruh’s father was soon to give her to Hrog the
tribes up and coming champion. He was big cruel, brutal and horribly strong.
Hrog and her father had been cooking up a plot to take down the current chieftain
who was getting weak. This was to solidify the deal. Neither of them knew she was
to be given away as son as the solstice ceremony that very day and were there
coyly trying to hide their feelings as usual exchanging glances and an odd touch
at the ale keg like cubs.

When the drums stopped during the feast, the point in the ceremony where cubs are named, warriors are affirmed and mates claimed both were looking bored and for a
good chance to escape the boredom to enjoy a dip in the stream. Then it happened,
her father and Hrog stood when the time to claim mates was heard. Zrud and
Marguh both froze; they knew she was the only female of her father’s spawn of mating age. In a blur of emotion and disbelief she was awarded to Hrog. She screamed as
Hrog carried her off to the caves….

Zurd was angry and confused, what to do, what to do? He needed to make a plan
to get her back. There was no way to do it now; Hrog had a large following already
among the younger warriors and would have them set to watch his back on this night.
Zurd sulked off into the woods to plot his revenge and the retaking of his mate.

He spent the next few days in the woods alone not able to grace the fire for fear of
seeing her there with him. Finally he had to return for the hunt. He was walking with
the pups through the burial circle and noticed there was a new pile of stones in the
burial ring, it was covered with flowers and therefore must be new. As death was an everyday thing in the tribe someone died almost every day, but only the graves of the females were ever respected with flowers as the innate feminine bond between them transcended the real world. He, as a “friend” to most of the older females, thought he should ask at the circle who it was so he could show his respects with a wreath.

He had come with his gear for the hunt, and as he stood there waiting for the other
males to assemble he spied Kirguh an older female who was like a mother to him. ...The scream was so primal and loud it shook the very trees in the woods.... All the other
orcs saw and heard was Zurd running down the mountain two confused pups in tow, screaming in rage and horror. Someone later asked what happened?

The response was in typical orc “Grugh no knowz, Kirguh juzts sayd to him dat da Hrogz
new womenz jump from clivs two dayz ago"...Den he takz off runz to da woodz"...He waz too humanz any wayz"..."harg hah haz". "Me hopz he dun comz bakz dem twoz dogz was bitez me onze to much".

Zurd ran and cried and ran and ran, until he fell down with exhaustion and cried himself
to sleep. He was alone he thought. Ironically at that moment, he was the victim of a slobbering puppy kiss. He looked into the dogs eyes and kissed him gently on the nose, "looks like its us from here on out" he said. Just then the other puppy nuzzled her way in as if to say,”hey don’t forget me”. He realized that he had never named them…odd, “I shall call you (the male) Krug for you are brave, and you Kura for you are smart”,
he said.

Well it was just the three of them and for 15 moons they lived in the woods alone; the
half-orc and the puppies. Well they weren’t exactly puppies anymore they were upwards
of 150lbs each - furry and usually very hungry. The three of them had a cave of their
own and Zurd had become a good hunter, he had his bow and the rest if his gear with
him when he ran so he had what he needed to survive.

The hardest day was the day they had to fight the bear. It was obviously an old bear
as it was grey around the muzzle and had a gray stripe along its back, maybe thats why they did. Maybe it was becasue Zurd had taught the dogs to help him fight that they had won the day. Early in the fight the bear broke his orc bow in half, a loss to the group but he was glad it was not his head. He kept the bear at reach with his long “spear” and the dogs harried the animal from the sides. The final strike came when the bear charged Zurd set the “spear” against a tree and the great bear impaled himself upon it. He and the dogs ate freely for a week and the group had a new blanket for the winter.

Zurd often thinks of the bear admiringly... He was old and perhaps he just wanted to die
in battle he thought; an honorable death. Animals are no different than orcs he thinks.
It was spring there was plenty of game and berries about so there was no competition for food, and the bear was nowhere near its den so teretory was not the issue. Why did he fight... Perhaps, Zurd will never know.

One day as Zurd and the dogs were out scouting their little empire they came upon a road. Moving down it was a host of wagons with a number of human children riding on them and driving. Before he could stay ithe dogs they wereoff at the sight of the other dogs around the wagon train, there were lots of them and off the puppies went running breakneck speed for the wagons wagging their tails all the way. This scared Zurd, he knew that the human mothers and fathers might think the dogs dangerous and kill them on sight. So he gave chase, not thinking that he might indeed scare the drivers more than the dogs. The dogs beat him there of course and were jumping and playing when he came upon the caravan winded from running. At a glance som of the children were smoking and had beards, he thought that this was unusual but then he’d only seen a few humans; his mother a couple other slaves all female and a few children that one another tribe had at a trade meeting.
So he wasn’t sure what to think.

The people were colorfully dressed in bright clothes with fancy hats and ribbons in their hair. There were flags on the wagons. Two small people rode up to Zurd on some dogs about the size of Krug and Kura. “Hullo”, they said together. The older looking of the
two spoke, “I am Jan and this is Gurn”. “You look a little out of breath there my friend”
Jan said, with a broad toothy smile on his face, “We were just about to set up camp for
the night, would you like to join us for supper”? Trying to remember what his mother
would have said to him about etiquette, he decided it impolite to decline the invitation. Zurd very awkwardly bowed and said in almost unintelligible common, “Eh world be diluted”.

Zurd, also thought to ask if their parents would mind and received a hearty laugh from
the two – men. They had a lovely diner with tastes that Zurd had never dreamed off.
One was salt the other was pepper that one was curry but there were more many more,
his mind was in a blur. His taste buds in heaven! He sat on cushions and drank from a
silver cup. He ate with a fork and a knife and at makeshift table. (It seems that he could
sit at one of their “field” tables with no chair.) There was music and dancing and performers of all kinds a man ate flame and spit it back out, one made things appear and disappear out of nowhere. A woman sang a song that made Zurd cry. The dogs sat at Zurd's side and took it all in and they ate everything that he did. When the fires had died down and the “real children" had gone to bed, only then did they ask him his story. He related to them everything above and one said it was a great love story and sat about to making verse. Zurd fell asleep on the comfortable cushions and with a belly full of sweets just like his mother always said civilization would be.

They stayed like this for a couple of days and on the next night a storm blew in scattering the ponies and a good portion of the other livestock. This upset the little people, who referred to themselves as halflings. Zurd offered to help as he had learned a way with animals. He and the dogs were able to round up all of the horses, all but one goat, and they saved most of the foul as well. A few had fallen prey to wolves and small predators in the night. The caravan master said that was a fair piece of work and offered to let him tag along if he wanted to get out of the woods. One of the older halflings suggested that having a big’un around wouldn’t be such a bad idea. So, Zurd went along, he couldn't argue with the comforts the caravan offered.

He became an animal handler for the caravan and took care of the horses and such. He was able to teach them a few tricks as well. Mostly though, he helped keep the order at their little circus and more often than not helped the group move out in the knick of time before the “locals caught on” to their little scams. The hins were really good at acquireing things and finding lost items. Sometimes this was a little confusing to the patrons. So Zurd got rid of patron’s who had a few too many drinks, that flowed freely to help the group's persuits. He also tossed those who thought they might have lost something, and said so just a little too loudly. He'd show them the sign – MANAGEMENT NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR LOST OR STOLEN PROPERTY! The most useful skill he learned was how to get people to do what you wanted them to do with some harsh words and a good stare – teach them you mean business. This would come in handy later when in their travels he went into town.

The group stopped at many a town and Zurd loved and learned all he could about civilization. There was one dark thing he learned real quickly about civilization – it didn’t have much of a place for him. He got kicked out of a lot of bars once they figured out his orc blood. So he asked his new family if they could help him fit in. They finished the education his mother started. They showed him the right clothes and how to act how to talk. His common got better and better every day. Now, sometimes people didn’t even notice his orc blood at all. He was after all in the words of his own father - too human.

As they traveled his relationship improved within the troupe and he wanted something to do other than scare people and kick them out. So he taught the dogs to perform. He made up a little routine they could do. It was a big hit. They learned to stand up and walk upright, to roll over and beg and to jump though hoops and to catch balls and to balance them on their heads. The routine was a skit where Krug was the knight and Kura was the maiden and had to be rescued from a tower. Zurd wore the dragon suit and was defeated in the end. They traveled and traveled but there was always something missing. Until they came to the City of Orussus, Zurd found that while the people of the city varied in their acceptance of his orc blood the bigger the place the more likely he was to be accepted. So he waved goodbye to his second family this morning and with his two dogs intends to make his fortune in Orussus.

First things first to the Red Dragon Inn for a Drink! ….

Level-up Log


Exploring the Hase-Suna Complex:
Level 1 to Level 2: HP+3; BAB +0; WILL save +2; Bluff +2;
Spells Known 4/2; 0th -Detect Magic; Daze; Acid Splash;
Prestidigitation (DC13); 1st - Shield; Color Spray (DC13);
Spells Per Day 5/4[/sblock]


First Post
Also, I have the information back for my character, Gideon Redcloak, but I don't see the Hired Hands end of game post. Has anyone managed to find that? Once I can link to that, Gideon will be finished and I'll have all 3 of my characters restored.


LEW Judge
DerHauptman said:
So, I have no character information. I went here to what Erekose13 was able to recover however, I am not able to get any actual posts from it. I can down load it and unzip it and it even says there is data in there but nothing happens after that. I get an AOL icon that is an HTML page but when I try to open that it nothing happens. Has anyone been able to actually recover a character from that posts link?

I got Nurlan from that link (I hadn't save his 5th level update to my own computer; I've learned my lesson and will do that now) but as far as Zurd is concerned -- all is not lost! Fortunately Zurd is playing with a DM who uses a spreadsheet, so most of the crunchy bits are on *my* computer. (What do you make of that -- I keep more up-to-date data on your character than on my own.)

So here's the nuts and bolts of Zurd, Level 2. There are some gaps to fill in. I recorded final numbers (e.g. skill bonuses) but not the breakdowns to calculate them. I didn't record most of what you're carrying, although I do remember it's a light load for you, and I think Kurg's stats are in one of the recovered posts (see the new game thread). Of course I don't have the character background, and for some reason I didn't get your spell list (since you just acquired spells, feel free to choose again if you can't remember what you selected last time). But here's something to start reconstructing from:

Name: Zurd
Class: Half-orc Paragon 1 / Sorceror 1
Race: Half-orc
Size: Medium
Gender: Male
Alignment: N
Str: 14 +2 (4p)		Level: 2	XP: 1075
Dex: 14 +2 (6p)		BAB: +1    HP: 11 (1d8+1d4)
Con: 10 +0 (2p)		Grapple: +3	currently: 7 
Int: 10 +0 (4p)		Speed: 30' 	CP: 3000
Wis: 8 -1 (0p)		Init: +2 
Cha: 15 +2 (13p)	ACP: -1 
	Base	Armor	Shld	Dex	Size	Nat	Misc	Total
Armor:	10	+3	+0	+2	+0	+0		15 
Touch: 12
Flatfooted: 13
	Base	Mod	Misc	Total
Fort:	+2	+0	.	+2
Ref: 	 +0	+2	.	+2
Will:	 +2	-1	.	+1
Weapon	Attack Damage	Critical
Scimitar	+3	1d6+2	18-20/x2
Ranseur	+3	2d4+2	20/x3
Dagger  	+3	1d4+2	19-20/x2

Monstrous Mien
Feats: Persuasive
Skill Points: 59 Max Ranks: 7/3.5
Skills		Ranks	Mod	Misc	Total
Climb				.	+3
Jump				.	+3
Swim				.	+8
Craft				.	+4
Survival			.	+0
Bluff				.	+6
Handle Animal			.	+6
Intimidate 			.	+13
Equipment: 		Cost	Weight
Studded leather armor 
Spells: ??

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