D&D 5E General PHB Speculation Thread [+]


My prediction, while not exactly positive, is that there will be little gaps and corners in the "backwards compatibility" of the new rules that will lead to at least one or two builds that turn out to be very... popular (I won't say broken, i won't say broken, I won't say broken)
Oh, there's no DOUBT that something will sneak through that becomes the new OP go-to. It's inevitable. I'm not sure that it'll have anything to do with "backwards compatibility" though!

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You know you’re replying to a reply to a joke about Gygaxian prose, right?

ETA: Look, I never advocated for obfuscating language in rulestext, so please stop trying to invent an argument with me about it.
Oh I'm sorry, I didn't want to sound argumentative. I just thought of a better way to put my point, and I didn't want to come off completely against evocative language either.


I’d be very happy if every class had roughly the same space dedicated to it… but I don’t know if they’d be willing to cut down on domains (If there’s a class that should be mix-and-match like the Warlock, it’s the Cleric)… As long as they don’t go with eight similar subclass for the Wizard we’ll be fine.

I wonder if any supplementary subclass will be made core? Like the Bladesinger or the Mastermind or Shepperd Druid or whatever…


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
Oh I'm sorry, I didn't want to sound argumentative. I just thought of a better way to put my point, and I didn't want to come off completely against evocative language either.
No worries then.
I’d be very happy if every class had roughly the same space dedicated to it… but I don’t know if they’d be willing to cut down on domains (If there’s a class that should be mix-and-match like the Warlock, it’s the Cleric)… As long as they don’t go with eight similar subclass for the Wizard we’ll be fine.

I wonder if any supplementary subclass will be made core? Like the Bladesinger or the Mastermind or Shepperd Druid or whatever…
They actually announced in UA 7 what subclasses are in. It’s 4 per class, so yeah we get roughly equal’ space.

Voidrunner's Codex

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