GF9 is updating the D&D 5E SPELL CARDS

The spellbook cards from Gale Force 9 were generally positively received, but they did have their fair share of criticism. Gale Force 9 has heard that criticism, and is updating the cards. The new ones have rounded corners, and a concentration notation, which were the two main complaints about the cards. These new cards should be headed to stores right about now. Finally, tow missing spells have been added, and small add-on packs will contain archetype cards. (Thanks to Jeremy for the scoop).

The spellbook cards from Gale Force 9 were generally positively received, but they did have their fair share of criticism. Gale Force 9 has heard that criticism, and is updating the cards. The new ones have rounded corners, and a concentration notation, which were the two main complaints about the cards. These new cards should be headed to stores right about now. Finally, tow missing spells have been added, and small add-on packs will contain archetype cards. (Thanks to Jeremy for the scoop).

Here's GF9 on the new cards:

Hey everyone,

The new versions of the cards should be making their way to stores now.

To answer some of your questions, These cards will have a large C (in a coloured diamond) in the duration field to denote spells that require concentration.

The easiest way to identify the new cards also relates to one of the issues people had, the sharp corners. The updated cards will have lovely rounded corners on them.

In regards to ritual tags, you'll find that ritual spells have always been labelled as such. On each card, directly underneath the spell's name, is a line that reads, "1st-level divination (ritual)" to use Detect Magic as an example.

Finally, the two spells that were missing (Destructive wave for Paladins, and Mislead for Arcane casters) have been put back in their rightful place.

And in some exciting news. We've heard the complaints from people who are disappointed that archetype cards are missing from the decks (Light Cleric's Fireball etc.) so we are currently looking at ways that we can produce small, add-on packs that will contain these cards.



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I can't say that I am a fan. The GF9 website lists the cards as "low stock," so I ordered three sets (bard, ranger, paladin) only to be told that all three sets are actually out of stock and will not be available until late March or early April. If something is out of stock, don't list it as "low stock" on your website. That's just deceptive.

I feel your pain. I ordered all the sets back in early Feb. I got the Paladin, Druid and Bard cards in right away - which no one is playing right now. Also got the Ranger cards, which my one player is using. Still waiting on the Divine spells and the Arcane spells finally came for me last weekend to discover that it had duplicates of the 0th-1st level spells and was missing over half the 2nd and 3rd level spells. I've finally managed to get a hold of someone at customer support, and I *think* they're sending replacements, but I am not happy. Won't buy any more EVER again, I would have been better off making my own.

Queer Venger

Dungeon Master is my Daddy
The graphic designer who worked on the cards emailed me that they have printed an entirely new run of cards, which are printed and being shipped, these will be the corrected cards with the concentration tag and the missing spells. They have the rounded corners as well. He estimated sometime in March. But yes, they are very popular and they sell out really quickly.


Just bought a full set of these yesterday from GF9. I'll let you all know when they arrive and what arrived, if that'll help.

I had a bad experience buying through GF9 (Battlefront). I e-mailed them about my order, placed 8 February, and asked them to hold it until they could fulfill with the revised printings, and they wrote back to say that the updated decks were expected in "late March or early April", and that my order would ship then.

But the next day, they sent me a copy of the original, uncorrected Arcane deck. I wrote back to say that it wasn't what I'd ordered, and asked how I could return it... and then asked again when they hadn't replied after three days.

Their reply, a week after I'd first asked, mostly just confused me:
Battlefront Customer Service said:
Unfortunately there is nothing in place to replace the original card sets. This was an error caused by Wizard of the Coast sending the wrong files to be printed. Should you need to seek compensation may I suggest contacting their customer service department?

So I wrote again:
I'm very confused by this reply: I understand that the corrected printings aren't available yet, and at this point I just want to return the first-printing box which you shipped me (despite my having e-mailed twice to ask for my order to be held until new printings are available). How should I return this unwanted item?

Their reply of this morning:
Battlefront Customer Service said:
We are not accepting returns or exchanges for these cards. Please direct any further questions to Wizards of the Coast. This error is on their side.?

So please be aware that if you order now through Flames of War (the Battlefront online store, which also handles orders from GF9's web site) you may receive uncorrected cards and may not be able to return them. Caveat emptor.

(Me, I've written to ask Battlefront to cancel the rest of my order and will be taking matters up with my credit-card company.)


"Please direct any further questions to Wizards of the Coast."?!?!?! Really? Wow. That's unbelievable.

That's how I felt after the first rebuff, which is why I replied again, trying to give them the benefit of the doubt: I really thought I must have been hugely unclear about wanting to return the deck, but... no, apparently that's their answer.



"Please direct any further questions to Wizards of the Coast."?!?!?! Really? Wow. That's unbelievable.

Yeah even if it IS a WOTC mistake, WOTC isn't going to refund another company's product. GaleForce should take the returns, provided they're unopened and unused (lots of places don't accept open product and I think that's fair, imperfect or not). Unfortunately after that the only recourse for GF9 is to take legal action against WOTC to get their money back.

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