GF9 is updating the D&D 5E SPELL CARDS

The spellbook cards from Gale Force 9 were generally positively received, but they did have their fair share of criticism. Gale Force 9 has heard that criticism, and is updating the cards. The new ones have rounded corners, and a concentration notation, which were the two main complaints about the cards. These new cards should be headed to stores right about now. Finally, tow missing spells have been added, and small add-on packs will contain archetype cards. (Thanks to Jeremy for the scoop).

The spellbook cards from Gale Force 9 were generally positively received, but they did have their fair share of criticism. Gale Force 9 has heard that criticism, and is updating the cards. The new ones have rounded corners, and a concentration notation, which were the two main complaints about the cards. These new cards should be headed to stores right about now. Finally, tow missing spells have been added, and small add-on packs will contain archetype cards. (Thanks to Jeremy for the scoop).

Here's GF9 on the new cards:

Hey everyone,

The new versions of the cards should be making their way to stores now.

To answer some of your questions, These cards will have a large C (in a coloured diamond) in the duration field to denote spells that require concentration.

The easiest way to identify the new cards also relates to one of the issues people had, the sharp corners. The updated cards will have lovely rounded corners on them.

In regards to ritual tags, you'll find that ritual spells have always been labelled as such. On each card, directly underneath the spell's name, is a line that reads, "1st-level divination (ritual)" to use Detect Magic as an example.

Finally, the two spells that were missing (Destructive wave for Paladins, and Mislead for Arcane casters) have been put back in their rightful place.

And in some exciting news. We've heard the complaints from people who are disappointed that archetype cards are missing from the decks (Light Cleric's Fireball etc.) so we are currently looking at ways that we can produce small, add-on packs that will contain these cards.



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Jack Abrasion

First Post
Too bad there is no mention of the other missing spell card, Dissonant Whispers. It's a warlock Great Old One expanded spell for 1st level that doesn't show up in any other class spell list. I'm pretty sure they built their list of spells for the cards from the Class Spell Lists instead of from the alphabetical list of all the spells in the PHB to make sure they got them all.

Dissonant Whispers is a Bard spell. I don't believe any class' expanded spells are exclusive to that class i.e. they can all be found in the "spells by class" list at the beginning of ch. 11. And as stated in the article, GF9 plans to release expanded packs for warlock patrons, cleric domains, etc.

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First Post
I asked GF9 about an upgrade path for the existing cards and they referred me to WotC as they sent GF9 "incomplete info" on the first card set. The PDF idea is a good one for the missing cards.


I read the reviews and stayed away.* That they've actually fixed the problems means I might pick up some in the future. Sucks for the people that bought them before, I hope GF9 will at least have some sort of send-us-a-SASE program for people that want the missing cards. It wouldn't really cost them much.

(*Along the same lines, I also held off on the first two printings of Shadowrun 5th. Still waiting for the third printing, which should finally have the errata incorporated.)

This is ultimately an early-adopter thing, though. I went ahead and bought the core three books knowing that I'd end up buying new copies at some point (whether a minor correction or a 5.5 version), but I figure it's worth it because I don't have to wait a year or three.


I bought so,e of the original cards. I am glad they are updating them. I wish they had hot them right the first time but oh well.

I may pick up the new ones eventually but I am in no rush. The ones I have work fine.


GRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!! I already have the crappy first print....I really dislike the square cut and how the spell description are not complete..... Not buying any more of these....

You can find a "corner rounder" at a crafting store (Hobby Lobby, for example) in the scrapbooking section.


You can find a "corner rounder" at a crafting store (Hobby Lobby, for example) in the scrapbooking section.

that's what I did. I don't like that the I got the old version, but I am glad that they fixed the issues. I will be using a sharpie about the concentration spells, problems solved... no need to whine about it.

The two missing cards, well, those I would like to get.

Queer Venger

Dungeon Master is my Daddy
Could I request for somenone who picks up the new corrected spell decks to post here or start a new thread? That way the rest of us know that the new decks are hitting stores.



First Post
Dissonant Whispers is a Bard spell. I don't believe any class' expanded spells are exclusive to that class i.e. they can all be found in the "spells by class" list at the beginning of ch. 11. And as stated in the article, GF9 plans to release expanded packs for warlock patrons, cleric domains, etc.
Wow, I totally missed that spell on the Bard spell list when I did that search. It should still be in the Arcane spell cards though, since it's also a Warlock spell. I shouldn't have to buy the Bard spells just for that one card. A PDF would be great, but the mini packs for the additional cards for things like Warlock pact spells and such would be cool as well.


These guys are great, they listened to my feedback and responded to my emails.

I can't say that I am a fan. The GF9 website lists the cards as "low stock," so I ordered three sets (bard, ranger, paladin) only to be told that all three sets are actually out of stock and will not be available until late March or early April. If something is out of stock, don't list it as "low stock" on your website. That's just deceptive.



I can't say that I am a fan. The GF9 website lists the cards as "low stock," so I ordered three sets (bard, ranger, paladin) only to be told that all three sets are actually out of stock and will not be available until late March or early April. If something is out of stock, don't list it as "low stock" on your website. That's just deceptive.

Maybe, but they've been having distribution issues due to how popular they are. My FLGS sells out the entire run within a week (if not a couple days) of getting them in, and has a standing order for three sets of each.

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