D&D General Ginni D Yes, And

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Front Range Warlock
Nice advice, but it has been around for years (it's literally nothing new). [Edit: I first encountered these options circa 2012 in Archipelago.]
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Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
Nice advice, but it has been around for years (it's literally nothing new). [Edit: I first encountered these options circa 1012 in Archipelago.]
For us old fogies who spend our time engaging with the ancient medium of forums, sure. It might be new for the young whipper-snappers who spend their time engaging with the (now only slightly less ancient) medium of Youtube.


Follower of the Way
Alright, posting this now, before hearing more than about three seconds of audio: In general, I'm a big fan of "yes, and" for D&D, and roleplay in general. I recognize, as she said in those few seconds, that RPGing is not 100% identical to theatrical improvisation, and I presume she will heavily qualify that statement as soon as I hear more. I'm mostly just...well, a real damn skeptical audience right from the get-go because I've seen a lot of arguments I find deeply wanting that aimed to take on "yes, and" DMing.

Will post again actually responding to the content therein.

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