God Rules: Players Guide (5e)

Hey hey, a very welcome update!

Thanks LunarSquid amigo! :giggle:

It looks awesome, super excited to hear more about the project.

I think I posted the chapter breakdown before:

Chapter 1 Epic - what is epic?
Chapter 2 Immortality - trappings of immortality, how to become immortal, divine realms, immortal races etc.
Chapter 3 Divinity - higher tiers of play, divinity templates, new dimensions
Chapter 4 Purviews - your divine 'classes', divine abilities now baked into the purviews, 7 sample deities
Chapter 5 Powers - epic weapon mastery, plus epic, divine, cosmic (etc.) boons, 8 more sample deities
Chapter 6 Artifacts - artifact creation, new materials, 80 artifacts
Chapter 7 Magic - new (simplified) epic spell system, problem spells and dealing with magic abuse, 80 epic spells (more if I can fit them in) with maybe 10 new epic monsters (as part of summoning spells).
Appendices - 6 Divine Rank 1 PCs from mythology, Character Sheet, a few non-epic spells

There are 20 pages before chapter 1. Chapter 1 is 24 pages, all the other chapters average about 60 pages (Chapter 3 is 68, Chapter 5 is 52, etc.).

Current state of Progress (as of July 23rd) doing a quick page count: approx. 40 illustrations (about half being disembodied magic items) and 102 pages of writing still to do - I average about 10 pages per week (and finish off the odd art piece every other evening or so). So as you can surmise still a few months of work. Plus the website to attend to.

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I'm particularly excited about the New Simplified Epic Spell System! Can't wait!!!

Cheers Dante & Vergil buddy!

That bit is written, basically just 1 big table and a few smaller tables (IIRC), will do multiple passes over it to make sure its easy to understand.

Been concentrating on getting the art done (for a week or so), think I can get all the art done by the end of this month. Then I can concentrate on the last remaining pages that still need typed up.

Voidrunner's Codex

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