D&D 3E/3.5 Good build and Items for Human Half Celestial Fighter Lv 5 (ECL 9)

If you’re going to go with any of the feat branches with Combat Expertise at the root, you need to commit to a single branch and actually commit to following it. Wandering off onto another branch or a completely unrelated feat tree (e.g. Power Attack) is a recipe for frustration. And make sure your stats and gear play into the feats you pick.

So if you want to play a tripper, make sure you have the Int and a good tripping weapon to support it.
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If you’re going to go with any of the feat branches with Combat Expertise at the root, you need to commit to a single branch and actually commit to following it. Wandering off onto another branch or a completely unrelated feat tree (e.g. Power Attack) is a recipe for frustration. And make sure your stats and gear play into the feats you pick.

So if you want to play a tripper, make sure you have the Int and a good tripping weapon to support it.
my rolls are like 18 14 17 15 15 14
STR 18 = +4
WIS 17 +1 Lv4 = 18 = +4
CON 15 +1 Lv8 = 16 = +3
DEX 15 +2
INT 14 +2
CHA 14 +2
And this is without any gear yet.

Which Weapon is good and not exotic for tripping?
Why do I need good int for trip technic?
And how would you change the feat list?

Well , you need a minimum Int of 13 just to qualify for the Combat Expertise feat.

Taking the aforementioned Knowledge Devotion feat could go a long way to offsetting the Att penalties when using CE to boost your AC. It would also let you be more effective when actually tripping enemies. If you go that route, the higher your Int, the better your odds of having good Att/Dam bonuses from the feat.

Knock Down is a decent feat, especially for a tripping build, but it’s a 3Ed feat, not reprinted in 3.5Ed AFAIK.

As for non-exotic weapons…again the Flail weapons are all tripping/disarming friendly. See also the Guisarme, Halberd, Scythe, and Sickle.
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Well , you need a minimum Int of 13 just to qualify for the Combat Expertise feat.

Taking the aforementioned Knowledge Devotion feat could go a long way to offsetting the Att penalties when using CE to boost your AC. It would also let you be more effective when actually tripping enemies. If you go that route, the higher your Int, the better your odds of having good Att/Dam bonuses from the feat.

Knock Down is a decent feat, especially for a tripping build, but it’s a 3Ed feat, not reprinted in 3.5Ed AFAIK.

As for non-exotic weapons…again the Flail weapons are all tripping/disarming friendly. See also the Guisarme, Halberd, Scythe, and Sickle.
Im ok with 14 int, it's the last thing Important for me as a Psionic.

Cannot take this knowledge devotion feat, since I can choose 2 books in additional to PHB, So I took the 2 Psionic books.

Knock down maybe will not approve as a 3ed feat, thanks for let me know.

Halberd seems very cool. What do you use if you was behalf of me?

Be sure to grab combat reflexes. You can substitute your attack of opportunity for a trip attack. This is one of the reasons that most trip fighters try to have some form of reach; either through their weapon, magic, race or some feat. The more ground you can control, the better. I don't know much about psychic warrior but you can always get potions of Enlarge Person pretty cheap. Or ask your GM if you can get a magic vest that does something similar.

Spiked Chain is sometimes considered the best tripping weapon. It has reach, but can also attack adjacent to you. However, it's an exotic weapon and you stated previously that you do not, or cannot, use an exotic weapon.

I prefer halberds. You can trip with it and set to receive a charge. If you can somehow get a pair of Steadfast Boots (Magic Item Compendium) you are always considered to be set to receive a charge. It's cheesy; allowing you essentially infinite readied actions each turn. If only you got advantages for pulling people off horseback....

Flails are another option. A normal flail would let you also use a shield. You could also branch into disarming with a flail. You would already have the pre-requisite feats for improved disarm. Combat Expertise feeds into both Improved Trip and Improved Disarm.

The guisarme can trip, has reach, but cannot attack foes adjacent to you. Invest in something like a spiked gauntlet so you can punch people in the face. Or, if you can convince your GM, pick up the feat Shorten Grip from Dragon Compendium. It lets you attack foes adjacent to you with a reach weapon but you take a -2 penalty to hit. You can also use Short Haft from Players Handbook 2 but that costs you your swift action instead of taking a penalty to hit.

Finally, the scythe can trip. The biggest appeal of this weapon is that sweet sweet x4 crit multiplier!

@Dannyalcatraz Knock-Down is in the 3.5 srd. But it looks like it was printed in Deities and Demigods and in Sword and Fist, both 3.0 books.

Halberd seems very cool. What do you use if you was behalf of me?
Personally, I prefer the 1-handed tripping weapons, especially when my sourcebook resources are limited. So that would be the flails and the sickle.

If you go with a polearm, though, there’s 3 quick fixes for the problem of foes getting inside your reach. The 2 “cheapest” are spiked armor and the Improved Unarmed Strike feat. The “expensive” one is a dip in any class that gives Improved Unarmed Strike as a class feature.

In 3.5Ed, there’s only a couple that I can recall offhand. The first- obviously- is the Monk. It’s “expensive” because of the compromises you’d need to make for your build. There’s also the Oriental Adventures Shaman. While OA was never republished as a 3.5Ed product, the classes (and as I recall, the feats) were given an official 3.5Ed update in Dragon Magazine.

For future reference, if you had a more open rule book selection, the Combat Reflexes feat tree REALLY opens up when you have access to Dragon Compendium v1, and can take the various polearm feats. I’ve built 2 ComRef polearm builds (yes, with Enlarging options) and each was an absolute BEAST in controlling the battlefield.

Good save!

So now the question is whether you can use online resources, and if so, which ones? (Because they’re not all the same,)
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