D&D 3E/3.5 Good build and Items for Human Half Celestial Fighter Lv 5 (ECL 9)


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You want me to become archer when I focus on Melee attack? Sound not bad actually.
What I should replace in feats for this thing?
You don’t really need to go THAT far. You just need to have a decent ranged option.

When you’re in an open space or fighting foes who don’t need to close, default to your bow. If/when they close, drop the bow and give ’em hell with your halberd!
I saw the low-cost Psionic items, but I don't know what I should even buy with the money left for me.
There's low-cost Third Eye?
What the Psionic tattoo even doin?
Low cost is relative. There’s a few Third Eyes at 10k+/- GP: Aware, Concentrate, Gather, Penetrate, View.

Psychic Tattoos are like potions. They’re single-use items that can deliver a psionic effect of up to 3rd level. A character can have up to 20 on their body at one time.

And there’s other items as well. How good they would be for you depends on your character concept.
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As a matter of personal style, when I play psionic PCs, I want to immerse them In psionicness. I’ll opt for psionic analogs of magic items, or things unique to that power source. It helps make the PC unique.


You don’t really need to go THAT far. You just need to have a decent ranged option.

When you’re in an open space or fighting foes who don’t need to close, default to your bow. If/when they close, drop the bow and give ’em hell with your halberd!

Low cost is relative. There’s a few Third Eyes at 10k+/- GP: Aware, Concentrate, Gather, Penetrate, View.

Psychic Tattoos are like potions. They’re single-use items that can deliver a psionic effect of up to 3rd level. A character can have up to 20 on their body at one time.

And there’s other items as well. How good they would be for you depends on your character concept.
So you gave me idea...
What about, buying a lot (20) of crawling tattoos with situation effects, and upgrade the animated heavy shield with Ranged effect, what do you think of this? 😎


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Maxing out the PsiTats (I haven’t looked at the Crawling Tattoos) would add flavor and a lot of situational flexibility, for a cost of about 15k GP. The trick, of course, is picking out which ones!

Expansion (PsyWar1) is an obvious choice, boosting your size to L, giving you a reach of 10’, +2Str, and increasing your melee weapon damage dice. It’s something I’d get 2-4 of.

Force Screen (PsyWar1) is essentially the psychic version of Shield, which you could use in place of the animated shield to some extent. And Inertial Armor (PsyWar1) is psionic Armor. Either could be handy if you’re in a situation where obvious arms & armor aren’t permitted.

Body Adjustment heals 1d12 damage. Not shoddy.

And of course, there’s powers that modify weapon damage.

Remember, too, that your PsiTat power options are not limited by your class- you can choose from any class’ list. So if you wanted, you could get tats for Dimension Swap, Energy Cone, Ectoplasmic Form, etc.

While AC is vital for a frontline fighter, I’m not 100% sold on beefing up the shield. It definitely has flavor, though.

Instead, I might be tempted to supercharge the halberd or ensure my backup weapon(s) had at least some magic to them.


Maxing out the PsiTats (I haven’t looked at the Crawling Tattoos) would add flavor and a lot of situational flexibility, for a cost of about 15k GP. The trick, of course, is picking out which ones!

Expansion (PsyWar1) is an obvious choice, boosting your size to L, giving you a reach of 10’, +2Str, and increasing your melee weapon damage dice. It’s something I’d get 2-4 of.

Force Screen (PsyWar1) is essentially the psychic version of Shield, which you could use in place of the animated shield to some extent. And Inertial Armor (PsyWar1) is psionic Armor. Either could be handy if you’re in a situation where obvious arms & armor aren’t permitted.

Body Adjustment heals 1d12 damage. Not shoddy.

And of course, there’s powers that modify weapon damage.

Remember, too, that your PsiTat power options are not limited by your class- you can choose from any class’ list. So if you wanted, you could get tats for Dimension Swap, Energy Cone, Ectoplasmic Form, etc.

While AC is vital for a frontline fighter, I’m not 100% sold on beefing up the shield. It definitely has flavor, though.

Instead, I might be tempted to supercharge the halberd or ensure my backup weapon(s) had at least some magic to them.
But look on my Psionic power selecting.
Looks like I already got expansion as power.
Do you recommend to replace it?


Staff member
I missed that, TBH, but having a PsyTat or two of it still makes sense. Like a Cleric with potions of CLW, you’d have access to the power’s benefits without having to expend your personal abilities.

That could come in handy if you’re out of power points or you’re trying to maintain another psionic power.


I missed that, TBH, but having a PsyTat or two of it still makes sense. Like a Cleric with potions of CLW, you’d have access to the power’s benefits without having to expend your personal abilities.

That could come in handy if you’re out of power points or you’re trying to maintain another psionic power.
Hey Danny Alcatraz.
What kind of build can you make with Psychic Warrior Synad Level 9?
I want Trip build with Halberd Weapon as you see... to make my allies like you.
Which feats you would use?



Staff member
I don’t recall the Synad race. Can you refresh my memory and enlighten me as to why you picked them? The last 2 builds along these lines were focused more on Combat Reflexes- they could trip, but it wasn’t their focus. One was human (bonus feat), the other, a Githhzerai (big Dex binus).

For a Psionic tripper build, I’d go with a Half-Giant. There’s a Dex penalty, but bonuses to Str and Con. They get 2 PSP to start, along with low light vision. They have a Psionic Stomp1/day, which is essentially an AoE (Cone) trip attack. And they’re able to use weapons as if they were one size larger than they actually are- that means more damage with the halberd. 1d10 would become 2d8.

The feats Combat Expertise and Improved Trip are must haves. Combat Reflexes & a high Dex gives you more tripping opportunities, which is good, especially when operating in a target-rich environment. Knock Down would seem to be good option, as would the Collision weapon power.

With Expansion, it would be wise to have either Improved Unarmed Combat or spiked armor so you can still affect creatures that slip inside your Reach. There’s a feat called Shorten Grip in Dragon Compemedium that lets you use a reach weapon against enemies that have gotten close inside your reach, and there’s a similar feat in PHB2 called Short Haft, but those wouldn’t be available to you, as I recall.
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