D&D 3E/3.5 Good build and Items for Human Half Celestial Fighter Lv 5 (ECL 9)


Hey Guys... I really need your help.
So... I want something like this:
Human - gives only bonus feat.
Half Celestial - Give a lot of pluses, Like:
+1 Natural Armor
Special Abilities - 5 Hit Dice.

Daylight effect at will,
Smite Evil once per day,
Damage Reduction 5/Magic, Resistance to 10 Acid, 10 Cold, 10 Electricity, +4 Fort vs Poison, Immunity to Disease, Darkvision 60 feet (something Human don't have.), Spell Resistance 15 (10 + 5HD)
+4 STR, +2 DEX, +4 CON, +2 INT, +4 WIS, +4 CHA
The Human becomes an Outsider... but doesn't get any skill points or stuff like this... Little Disappointed But I want the wings.

He will be Fighter - Level 5, Because Level Adjustment +4

Alignment: Chaotic Good* (Fixed from Evil)

Number of feats to use + The feat I choose.
Human gives 1 Bonus Feat (1) - Two-Weapon Fighting
Level 1 gives 1 Bouns Feat (2) - Weapon Focus - Scimitar
Fighter Level 1 gives 1 Bonus Feat, (3) Weapon Focus - Battleaxe
Fighter Level 2 gives 1 Bonus Feat (4) Combat Expertise
Level 3 gives 1 Bonus Feat (5) Improved Trip
Fighter Level 4 gives 1 Bonus Feat (6) High Sword Low Axe
At Level 6 I will get 2 Bonus Feats... And Prestige Class Occult Slayer.
But until this... I'll use my melee combat...
So... After I got all of this, Which Items I can use to become powerful?
Or maybe you think there's even a good fighter style or something that can be more powerful at fighting?

The Campaign:
We're Fighting an Necromancer and Also We're Right now on Psionic Area... Then We will go into Elves Kingdom... After that we will be on Desert Area... But we already fought against:
Undead Creature's, Wight Undead Creature... Barbarians... On Psionic Area Dromites and also Half-Giants and 1 Maenad.
We try to find the killer (We think he's a necromancer) That killed a lot of good clerics.

The reason the play Human Half Celestial Fighter is because I wanted to play Planetar... But it's impossible so, I've found this good option, But I don't really know if this fighting style is ok.
Also, Which Armor Planetar use?

Best Regards Everyone!
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Combat Style:
Go with what you picture your character using. Otherwise you can always go Power Attack and wield a greatsword. It's been done a million times before but there are reasons why.

Do you plan on investing more into Two Weapon Fighting? If you're going to have a battleaxe in your off hand, you're going to take extra penalties since it isn't a light weapon. In Complete Adventurer is the feat Oversized Two Weapon Fighting which will allow you to use two one handed weapons while two weapon fighting. High Sword Low Axe is very feat intensive.

If you're looking to do some tripping, you could also consider a halberd, and you could even use the spinning halberd feat, or go with the improved shield bash, shield slam, and shield charge feats. Spiked chain is always a good option for tripping if you don't mind spending a feat on Exotic Weapon Proficiency. Remember, you only get your trip attack with HSLA if you hit with both your sword and your axe.

Planetars aren't listed having armor. Most likely because they have +19 natural armor. I would go with whatever armor your dex bonus allows. I also dislike dropping my speed. Boots of Striding and Springing should help counter that.

Occult Slayer:
You'll need to pick up Improved Initiative before prestige classing. Be mindful of your cross class ranks for Knowledge (Arcana) and Spellcraft. Look into getting Pierce Magical Concealment / Protection. Pick up evasion from either rogue or a ring. If you can somehow get Mettle, all the better.

Hope this helps.


Staff member
The only time I used polearm builds in 3.5Ed was when I had a high-Dex PC and got to use the full suite of polearm and opportunity attack feats. (As I recall, some of those were in the Dragon Compendium.)

However, the flail and heavy flail can be fun weapons to use if you want to do disarms and trips.

Another thought: since your PC has +2INT, you might want to look into the Knowledge Devotion Feat from Complete Champion. With the right distribution of skill points, it kind of becomes akin to smiting or favored enemy, but with a little more variability…and flexibility.*. Boosted high enough (with Int & skill points), and it becomes a pretty reliable source of damage.

* the key Knowledge skills powering this feat are:
Arcana: constructs, dragons, magical beasts
Dungeoneering: aberrations, oozes
Local: humanoids
Nature: animals, fey, giants, monstrous humanoids, plants, vermin
Religion: undead
The Planes: outsiders, elementals
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Combat Style:
Go with what you picture your character using. Otherwise you can always go Power Attack and wield a greatsword. It's been done a million times before but there are reasons why.

Do you plan on investing more into Two Weapon Fighting? If you're going to have a battleaxe in your off hand, you're going to take extra penalties since it isn't a light weapon. In Complete Adventurer is the feat Oversized Two Weapon Fighting which will allow you to use two one handed weapons while two weapon fighting. High Sword Low Axe is very feat intensive.

If you're looking to do some tripping, you could also consider a halberd, and you could even use the spinning halberd feat, or go with the improved shield bash, shield slam, and shield charge feats. Spiked chain is always a good option for tripping if you don't mind spending a feat on Exotic Weapon Proficiency. Remember, you only get your trip attack with HSLA if you hit with both your sword and your axe.

Planetars aren't listed having armor. Most likely because they have +19 natural armor. I would go with whatever armor your dex bonus allows. I also dislike dropping my speed. Boots of Striding and Springing should help counter that.

Occult Slayer:
You'll need to pick up Improved Initiative before prestige classing. Be mindful of your cross class ranks for Knowledge (Arcana) and Spellcraft. Look into getting Pierce Magical Concealment / Protection. Pick up evasion from either rogue or a ring. If you can somehow get Mettle, all the better.

Hope this helps.
Hey Bro, Thank you for your support comment!
So... About Combat Style:
I've thinking High Sword Low Axe is really intensive feat... Friend recommend me on this... But I've thinking it's not worth it...
What I really want is, to have the ability to use 2 swords and 1 bow in the future as a Fighter Occult Slayer.
I want a Combat Style that can help me have high attack rolls and high initiative and critical.
Also In the future having at least 1 feat for bow, can help me be good at it without any penalties.
I think I'll go Level 6 as Fighter because I get not 1 bonus feat, But 2 bonus feats...
I've thinking to get Mage Slayer as a Bonus feat, What do you think?
Can you help me choose my feats?

About Armor:
Yes, I've thought of getting something that can help me get high attack rolls and high ac... to have a higher Dexterity bonus to be a beast.
I thinking to get light armor (leather armor) and probably get some stuff for good AC... I still don't know what to choose, But right now we get ECL 9 so only 36,000 Gold for the good stuff.

About Occult Slayer:
100% Take this, But as you said, cross-class skill points will be wasted a lot, So I need to think about how I can prove the Knowledge (Arcane) and Spellcraft with low usage of skill points, that's can be with feats or something else?
As I calculated, I will get only 49 points as Human Fighter.
A fighter at the first level = 16 Skill points,
Human gives 9 Skill points, (4 + 1 x 5 per class level.)
Then the fighter gives 4 per level so 4 x 4 = 16
So overall it's 41 Skill points.

Can you please help?

The only time I used polearm builds in 3.5Ed was when I had a high-Dex PC and got to use the full suite of polearm and opportunity attack feats. (As I recall, some of those were in the Dragon Compendium.)

However, the flail and heavy flail can be fun weapons to use if you want to do disarms and trips.

Another thought: since your PC has +2INT, you might want to look into the Knowledge Devotion Feat from Complete Champion. With the right distribution of skill points, it kind of becomes akin to smiting or favored enemy, but with a little more variability…and flexibility.*. Boosted high enough (with Int & skill points), and it becomes a pretty reliable source of damage.

* The key Knowledge skills powering this feat are:
Arcana: constructs, dragons, magical beasts
Dungeoneering: aberrations, oozes
Local: humanoids
Nature: animals, fey, giants, monstrous humanoids, plants, vermin
Religion: undead
The Planes: outsiders, elementals
I don't want to have polearm or flail... it's not what I'm looking to play, But it's a really awesome idea.
I can use only 2 books right now, it's always PHB + something else, So I choose Complete Warrior for good feats and Occult Slayer Prestige Class.
But it's awesome that you let me know strong knowledge about the skills itself.

Thank you!

Have a great day everyone! <3

@EdenNotRaven If you can use PHB and one other book, this will limit our options. But I'll do my best to help. Something like this may be what I'd do:

Feats /Skills:
1st - Improved Initiative (Required for Occult Slayer)
Human - Weapon Focus (Any) (Required for Occult Slayer)
Fighter 1 - Two Weapon Fighting
Fighter 2 - Open Feat
3rd - Open Feat (Finish Spellcraft requirements here)
Fighter 4 - Weapon Specialization (Whatever you took Focus in)
5th level - (Finish Knowledge (Arcana) requirements here)
6th - Open Feat
Fighter 6 - Open Feat

After you finish your skill requirements, stop putting ranks in Knowledge (Arcana) and Spellcraft. You're going to keep falling further and further behind compared to a wizard or cleric. Instead, spend your ranks however you want. With your wings, climbing and jumping may not be worth investing too much into. Do you still get your bonus skill point from human?

You want to use two swords, so it sounds like two weapon fighting is the way to go. I personally would go with short swords. You can use them in your off hand while two weapon fighting, weapon focus apply to both hands then, and so would weapon specialization. Later, if the game progress to higher level, you can take improved critical (short sword) and have that apply to both of your weapons. This will also help offset the penalties for Two Weapon Fighting.

Mage Slayer, Pierce Magical Concealment, and Pierce Magical Protection are in Complete Arcane. If you can only use PHB+1 other book, you may be locked out of this. Talk to your GM and see if (s)he would be willing to make an exception or if it will be an option in the future.

Bows really require two feats. Point Blank Shot and Precise Shot. Precise Shot helps you shoot into melee and avoid the soft cover your allies provide. A nefarious GM will say that if you miss your target due to that soft cover then you accidentally shot your buddy in the back. This will vary from table to table but is something to be aware of at least.

In Complete Arcane, there is a five level prestige class called Tempest that is focused on Two Weapon Fighting. Again, you're book limited but it never hurts to ask.

Thoughts on your open feats:
Two Weapon Defense - If you won't be able to pick up an animated shield or don't like the idea of having a shield floating around you, then you can grab this to boost your defenses.

Dash - If the mage your hunting moves away from you, then you can surprise them by keeping up. Plus, I think this would feed into your fly speed as a half-celestial.

Weapon Finesse - This will depend on how your stats pan out. Are you rolling? Point buy? Array? But if your dex is very high, consider picking this up.

Iron Will - As a fighter, your weakness is going to be your will save. Reflex saves just reduce HP and you have plenty of that. You have good fortitude saves and constitution so you should be okay there. But if a wizard drops charm monster or deep slumber on you, you're toast.

Pin Shield - Give up your off hand attacks to remove shield bonus to AC of your enemy. This will be very campaign dependent. If your GM uses a lot of fighters, this is something to consider picking up. But if your GM likes to use creatures from the Monster Manual, then it won't see as much use.

Improved Toughness - More HP is always useful.

Improved Two Weapon Fighting / Defense - As you level up, keep picking up the Two Weapon Fighting feats. If you opted for Two Weapon Defense earlier, I'd keep boosting your defenses, too.

Exotic Weapon Proficiency - In case there is something that strikes your fancy.

Combat Styles:
You mentioned wanting to pick up one of the combat style feats. Most of the combat styles that use a sword require you to take weapon focus in an additional weapon as well. Another option to consider is Three Mountains. Wizards are not known for their fortitude and if you if hit twice in the same round, then they have to make a scaling fort save versus nauseated. Nauseated is a very powerful debuff and removes a caster's ability to, well, cast! However, this doesn't fit with your preference for Two Weapon Fighting and swords.

Hammer's Edge makes your foe make a fortitude save or be knocked prone. However, Hammer's Edge is also very feat intensive; just like High Sword Low Axe. You can get knocking things prone much easier by taking something like a halberd or spiked chain and Improved Trip.

One last thing to consider, damage types. With short swords and a bow you'd only have piercing damage. A skeleton and a lich is going to require bludgeoning damage. Zombies need slashing damage. A necromancer big bad is probably going to have at least one of those monsters as a minion.

You have a fly speed as a half celestial. If I recall correctly, you cannot fly if you're carrying a medium or heavy load. So pick up the best light armor you can. Elven Chain or a mithril shirt is probably the best way to go and have it magically enchanted. You could also consider bracers of armor but I think you'd be better served with mithril armor.

Hope this helps!


@EdenNotRaven If you can use PHB and one other book, this will limit our options. But I'll do my best to help. Something like this may be what I'd do:

Feats /Skills:
1st - Improved Initiative (Required for Occult Slayer)
Human - Weapon Focus (Any) (Required for Occult Slayer)
Fighter 1 - Two Weapon Fighting
Fighter 2 - Open Feat
3rd - Open Feat (Finish Spellcraft requirements here)
Fighter 4 - Weapon Specialization (Whatever you took Focus in)
5th level - (Finish Knowledge (Arcana) requirements here)
6th - Open Feat
Fighter 6 - Open Feat

After you finish your skill requirements, stop putting ranks in Knowledge (Arcana) and Spellcraft. You're going to keep falling further and further behind compared to a wizard or cleric. Instead, spend your ranks however you want. With your wings, climbing and jumping may not be worth investing too much into. Do you still get your bonus skill point from human?

You want to use two swords, so it sounds like two weapon fighting is the way to go. I personally would go with short swords. You can use them in your off hand while two weapon fighting, weapon focus apply to both hands then, and so would weapon specialization. Later, if the game progress to higher level, you can take improved critical (short sword) and have that apply to both of your weapons. This will also help offset the penalties for Two Weapon Fighting.

Mage Slayer, Pierce Magical Concealment, and Pierce Magical Protection are in Complete Arcane. If you can only use PHB+1 other book, you may be locked out of this. Talk to your GM and see if (s)he would be willing to make an exception or if it will be an option in the future.

Bows really require two feats. Point Blank Shot and Precise Shot. Precise Shot helps you shoot into melee and avoid the soft cover your allies provide. A nefarious GM will say that if you miss your target due to that soft cover then you accidentally shot your buddy in the back. This will vary from table to table but is something to be aware of at least.

In Complete Arcane, there is a five level prestige class called Tempest that is focused on Two Weapon Fighting. Again, you're book limited but it never hurts to ask.

Thoughts on your open feats:
Two Weapon Defense - If you won't be able to pick up an animated shield or don't like the idea of having a shield floating around you, then you can grab this to boost your defenses.

Dash - If the mage your hunting moves away from you, then you can surprise them by keeping up. Plus, I think this would feed into your fly speed as a half-celestial.

Weapon Finesse - This will depend on how your stats pan out. Are you rolling? Point buy? Array? But if your dex is very high, consider picking this up.

Iron Will - As a fighter, your weakness is going to be your will save. Reflex saves just reduce HP and you have plenty of that. You have good fortitude saves and constitution so you should be okay there. But if a wizard drops charm monster or deep slumber on you, you're toast.

Pin Shield - Give up your off hand attacks to remove shield bonus to AC of your enemy. This will be very campaign dependent. If your GM uses a lot of fighters, this is something to consider picking up. But if your GM likes to use creatures from the Monster Manual, then it won't see as much use.

Improved Toughness - More HP is always useful.

Improved Two Weapon Fighting / Defense - As you level up, keep picking up the Two Weapon Fighting feats. If you opted for Two Weapon Defense earlier, I'd keep boosting your defenses, too.

Exotic Weapon Proficiency - In case there is something that strikes your fancy.

Combat Styles:
You mentioned wanting to pick up one of the combat style feats. Most of the combat styles that use a sword require you to take weapon focus in an additional weapon as well. Another option to consider is Three Mountains. Wizards are not known for their fortitude and if you if hit twice in the same round, then they have to make a scaling fort save versus nauseated. Nauseated is a very powerful debuff and removes a caster's ability to, well, cast! However, this doesn't fit with your preference for Two Weapon Fighting and swords.

Hammer's Edge makes your foe make a fortitude save or be knocked prone. However, Hammer's Edge is also very feat intensive; just like High Sword Low Axe. You can get knocking things prone much easier by taking something like a halberd or spiked chain and Improved Trip.

One last thing to consider, damage types. With short swords and a bow you'd only have piercing damage. A skeleton and a lich is going to require bludgeoning damage. Zombies need slashing damage. A necromancer big bad is probably going to have at least one of those monsters as a minion.

You have a fly speed as a half celestial. If I recall correctly, you cannot fly if you're carrying a medium or heavy load. So pick up the best light armor you can. Elven Chain or a mithril shirt is probably the best way to go and have it magically enchanted. You could also consider bracers of armor but I think you'd be better served with mithril armor.

Hope this helps!
Bro!!!!!!!!!! You get me excited so much!!! You're terrific and king 👑
So now you make me think about this... What If I go with 2 Holy Scimitars? Since it's killing zombies better?
Hmm... Feats... What about:
1st - Improved Initiative (Required for Occult Slayer)
Human - Weapon Focus -> (Scimitar) (Required for Occult Slayer)
Fighter 1 - Two-Weapon Fighting
Fighter 2 - Open Feat -> Iron Will
3rd - Open Feat (Finish Spellcraft requirements here) - What does it mean? Weapon Finesse? or maybe Mage Slayer if DM approves?
Fighter 4 - Weapon Specialization -> (Scimitar) <- (Whatever you took Focus in)
5th level - (Finish Knowledge (Arcana) requirements here) - What does it mean? Dash? or maybe Pierce Magical Protection if DM approves?
6th - Open Feat -> Point Blank Shot
Fighter 6 - Open Feat -> Precise Shot

I also think about Greatsword... Should be very cool to use it like a real Planetar.
So we need to think about other feats that can fit.

Combat Style:
It's very cool what you say, I didn't know Lich, Zombies, and Skeletons got damaged in this kind of situation...
What if I do not have a Combat style? Does this matter?

What is Mithril shirt giving?

The biggest problem you'll run into with trying to dual wield scimitars is that a scimitar is a one handed weapon, not a light weapon. When you a use two weapon fighting, you take penalties to your attack roll depending on your feat selection and the weapons you are using. The penalties are on pg. 160 of the Player's Handbook and are summarized below:

TWF + Offhand Light-2-2
TWF + Offhand Not-Light-4-4
No TWF + Offhand Light-4-8
No TWF + Offhand Not-Light-6-10

So if you use two weapon fighting and two scimitars, you'll take a -4 to your attack roll. A scimitar and light weapon, like a dagger or short sword, would be a -2. The reason I suggested two short swords is because it minimizes your attack roll penalties (-2 instead of -4) and helps you conserve your feats. One feat for both weapons!

The best way to get dual wielding scimitars would to see if you can get the Oversized Two Weapon Fighting feat from Complete Adventurer. Again, if you're only allowed the PHB and one other book, this could be problematic. Insert Drizzt joke here

In your original post you mentioned being evil. If you are, then you cannot properly use a holy magic weapon. Because holy weapons are Good (think: filled with the powers of Celestia) then just holding them while as an evil character drains you of strength. Which gives, you guessed it, more penalties! There are ways you can fool things like holy magic weapons. But they either require a heavy skill point investment or are hard to find magic items.

My comment about "Finish X requirement here" is just a reminder that you need so many ranks in both Spellcraft and Knowledge Arcana to become an Occult Slayer. So if you devote all of your skill resources starting at level 1 to those two skills, that's when you should finish meeting those requirements.

Not having a combat style feat is not a problem. Those feats were designed, if I recall correctly, to encourage people to try picking up different weapons. In the height of 3.5, there were some players that believed if your character was not wielding certain weapons then you were playing the game wrong. Otherwise there's nothing really wrong with just swinging your sword and smacking the bad guy.

If you go for a great sword, like your planetar ancestor, then your options change a little.

First and foremost, instead of Two Weapon Fighting, you're taking Power Attack. Do not take Cleave or Great Cleave. Unless your GM is throwing tons of small enemies, those feats just aren't going to come up very often.

Power Attack opens the path to Improved Sunder. But you have to be careful because you could wind up destroying your loot while attempting to defeat your enemies.

Leap Attack is in Complete Adventurer and is a great option for a character using Power Attack. Again, we're adding another book.

Improved Buckler Defense is in Complete Warrior, which you're using, and allows you to retain your buckler's defensive bonus while fighting. Normally, if you have a buckler strapped to your forearm and you use that arm to help fight, you lose buckler's shield bonus to armor class.

Mithril Armor is probably the best light armor you can get in the game. It offers a +4 armor bonus to your armor class and has a maximum dexterity bonus of +6. It doesn't reduce your speed and only weighs 10 lbs. Which will be very handy if you are going to be flying. Leather armor, as you previously mentioned gives a +2 armor bonus to your armor class and has a +6 maximum dexterity bonus. So, for a bit more money, you've doubled your armor bonus. Because mithril is a special material, ask your GM if it is available. I cannot see him/her saying no, but communication is very important in this game.

Also be sure to ask your GM if you have to worry at all about items and equipment not fitting properly because you have wings. The answer should, hopefully, be no. But it's better to know up front than when you try to put on a magic cloak and the GM says it doesn't fit.

Just a quick question, do you have your stats yet? It occurs to me that your character is going to be a bit MAD (Multiple Attribute Dependent) and we should probably check to make sure you're not going to run into any problems.

Hope this helps!


The biggest problem you'll run into with trying to dual wield scimitars is that a scimitar is a one handed weapon, not a light weapon. When you a use two weapon fighting, you take penalties to your attack roll depending on your feat selection and the weapons you are using. The penalties are on pg. 160 of the Player's Handbook and are summarized below:

TWF + Offhand Light-2-2
TWF + Offhand Not-Light-4-4
No TWF + Offhand Light-4-8
No TWF + Offhand Not-Light-6-10

So if you use two weapon fighting and two scimitars, you'll take a -4 to your attack roll. A scimitar and light weapon, like a dagger or short sword, would be a -2. The reason I suggested two short swords is because it minimizes your attack roll penalties (-2 instead of -4) and helps you conserve your feats. One feat for both weapons!

The best way to get dual wielding scimitars would to see if you can get the Oversized Two Weapon Fighting feat from Complete Adventurer. Again, if you're only allowed the PHB and one other book, this could be problematic. Insert Drizzt joke here

In your original post you mentioned being evil. If you are, then you cannot properly use a holy magic weapon. Because holy weapons are Good (think: filled with the powers of Celestia) then just holding them while as an evil character drains you of strength. Which gives, you guessed it, more penalties! There are ways you can fool things like holy magic weapons. But they either require a heavy skill point investment or are hard to find magic items.

My comment about "Finish X requirement here" is just a reminder that you need so many ranks in both Spellcraft and Knowledge Arcana to become an Occult Slayer. So if you devote all of your skill resources starting at level 1 to those two skills, that's when you should finish meeting those requirements.

Not having a combat style feat is not a problem. Those feats were designed, if I recall correctly, to encourage people to try picking up different weapons. In the height of 3.5, there were some players that believed if your character was not wielding certain weapons then you were playing the game wrong. Otherwise there's nothing really wrong with just swinging your sword and smacking the bad guy.

If you go for a great sword, like your planetar ancestor, then your options change a little.

First and foremost, instead of Two Weapon Fighting, you're taking Power Attack. Do not take Cleave or Great Cleave. Unless your GM is throwing tons of small enemies, those feats just aren't going to come up very often.

Power Attack opens the path to Improved Sunder. But you have to be careful because you could wind up destroying your loot while attempting to defeat your enemies.

Leap Attack is in Complete Adventurer and is a great option for a character using Power Attack. Again, we're adding another book.

Improved Buckler Defense is in Complete Warrior, which you're using, and allows you to retain your buckler's defensive bonus while fighting. Normally, if you have a buckler strapped to your forearm and you use that arm to help fight, you lose buckler's shield bonus to armor class.

Mithril Armor is probably the best light armor you can get in the game. It offers a +4 armor bonus to your armor class and has a maximum dexterity bonus of +6. It doesn't reduce your speed and only weighs 10 lbs. Which will be very handy if you are going to be flying. Leather armor, as you previously mentioned gives a +2 armor bonus to your armor class and has a +6 maximum dexterity bonus. So, for a bit more money, you've doubled your armor bonus. Because mithril is a special material, ask your GM if it is available. I cannot see him/her saying no, but communication is very important in this game.

Also be sure to ask your GM if you have to worry at all about items and equipment not fitting properly because you have wings. The answer should, hopefully, be no. But it's better to know up front than when you try to put on a magic cloak and the GM says it doesn't fit.

Just a quick question, do you have your stats yet? It occurs to me that your character is going to be a bit MAD (Multiple Attribute Dependent) and we should probably check to make sure you're not going to run into any problems.

Hope this helps!
I must say!! It was a mistake!! Chaotic Good Alignment!! hahaha XD I was shocked when I read this comment.

1. I get down from the idea with TWF feat, It's not worth it and it will destroy my will to have high attack rolls vs undead, necromancers, and mages.
2. I should go with Greatsword and Power Attack, With that, I can go with Improved Critical to? Or Dash is even better?

1st - Improved Initiative (Required for Occult Slayer)
Human - Weapon Focus -> (Greatsword) (Required for Occult Slayer)
Fighter 1 - Power Attack
Fighter 2 - Open Feat -> Iron Will
3rd - Open Feat (Finish Spellcraft requirements here) - Weapon Finesse \ Mage Slayer if DM approves. (I think she will not.)
Fighter 4 - Weapon Specialization -> (Greatsword) <- (Whatever you took Focus in)
5th level - (Finish Knowledge (Arcana) requirements here) - Dash \ Pierce Magical Protection if DM approves. (I think she will not.)
6th - Open Feat -> Point Blank Shot
Fighter 6 - Open Feat -> Precise Shot
7th -> Start Occult Slayer Prestige Class!
3. Ok, so the mithril shirt it's an amazing shirt and can prove to me a lot of things, I like it!
I will ask her also when she comes back from Germany! :)

4. Still not rolled for stats...
But here I did:
15, 15, 16, 15, 15, 19 (The last roll WTF!!!!)

5. Skills, I will fill them as level 5.

BTW our DM is very nefarious... When I started as a new player on her campaign, with a lot of new players, I took Orc Barbarian and she kills me in the first battle (Session 2) with 17 barbarians jumping on me and everyone tried to take my nonmagical battle axe.
I also build a bad character, it was the first time I played d&d 3.5 and my orc was without any magical defenses or stuff like this because I was thinking "ah, I'm barbarian, why do I need magic anyway?" and was with 17 ac... :( she also almost kills another guy, but she focuses on me... from then, I replaced my characters because I don't find something that I want to play.
When I played Ranger lv 2 and Rogue lv 6, When I rolled 1 on dice, I always hit someone if they didn't roll high reflex...
After that, I wanted to play evil orc cleric but she denied it, she told me "there will be no evil on my campaign" and so I lost the motivation to play something I don't want, I build with her approval Desert Orc Half-Fiend Cleric so I didn't let my character into the party but at least fight them.
right now I got Sun Elf Wizard Lv2, Fighter lv4, and Abjuration Champion lv3. - But she told me that I can die in the future... So I want a backup character... I right now want Human Half-Celestial Fighter Occult Slayer...(CG) I think it will fit me to play someone like that.
you're right it's just a game, but after killing my character, I don't find my favorite character.
I'm the only one that dies until now in this campaign.
I think I got trauma...
this is all my experience right now...

On another campaign, I play as ECL 12 Minotaur half-dragon fighter lv1, an amazing character. XD
The DM doesn't know how to kill this thing, 32 AC!
He also approved to play whatever I want, with 2 books, and not make choosing an only natural or good alignment.
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Staff member
Re: damage types & monsters

There’s a few weapons out there that do more than a single damage type, and owning such a weapon gives you a little extra bang for the buck. One of my all time faves is the Morningstar. It’s a simple 1-handed weapon that does 1d8 B & P damage. Cheap and effective.
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I must say!! It was a mistake!! Chaotic Good Alignment!! hahaha XD I was shocked when I read this comment.

1. I get down from the idea with TWF feat, It's not worth it and it will destroy my will to have high attack rolls vs undead, necromancers, and mages.
2. I should go with Greatsword and Power Attack, With that, I can go with Improved Critical to? Or Dash is even better?

1st - Improved Initiative (Required for Occult Slayer)
Human - Weapon Focus -> (Greatsword) (Required for Occult Slayer)
Fighter 1 - Power Attack
Fighter 2 - Open Feat -> Iron Will
3rd - Open Feat (Finish Spellcraft requirements here) - Weapon Finesse \ Mage Slayer if DM approves. (I think she will not.)
Fighter 4 - Weapon Specialization -> (Greatsword) <- (Whatever you took Focus in)
5th level - (Finish Knowledge (Arcana) requirements here) - Dash \ Pierce Magical Protection if DM approves. (I think she will not.)
6th - Open Feat -> Point Blank Shot
Fighter 6 - Open Feat -> Precise Shot
7th -> Start Occult Slayer Prestige Class!

Go with your heart with regards to Two Weapon Fighting or the Greatsword. :)

If you go with Greatsword, you cannot use weapon finesse when wielding that so don't spend a feat on that.

Improved Critical requires BAB +8 so you cannot get that just yet. You can also get a similar effect with an Oil of Keen Edge or the Keen Weapon Enhancement. With an expanded critical range (17 to 20), Power Critical is nice to ensure that you are consistently critting.

I'd probably do this for my feats:

1st Level - Improved Initiative (Required for Occult Slayer)
Human - Weapon Focus (Greatsword) (Required for Occult Slayer)
Fighter 1 - Power Attack
Fighter 2 - Improved Buckler Defense
3rd Level - Mage Slayer (pending approval*) or Iron Will or Dash
Fighter 4 - Weapon Specialization (Greatsword)
6th Level - Point Blank Shot
Fighter 6 - Precise Shot

*Something to note, if you go for Mage Slayer, your caster level for your Half Celestial Spell Like Abilities is reduced by 4. I don't think you can use Practiced Spellcaster to offset this loss. So, I probably would not skip this feat actually.

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