D&D General Goodman Games To Reincarnate Jennell Jaquays' Caverns of Thracia

Game designer Jennell Jaquays has announced that Goodman Games will be reviving her 1979 Caverns of Thracia adventure for D&D 5E and its own DCC RPG. The Greek-themed adventure is set in a detailed dungeon, and was originally published by Judges Guild. After over two years of biting my tongue and ignoring friends' questions, I can finally share this news. In addition to owning Dark Tower...

Game designer Jennell Jaquays has announced that Goodman Games will be reviving her 1979 Caverns of Thracia adventure for D&D 5E and its own DCC RPG. The Greek-themed adventure is set in a detailed dungeon, and was originally published by Judges Guild.


After over two years of biting my tongue and ignoring friends' questions, I can finally share this news.

In addition to owning Dark Tower, the game adventure that I created 43 years ago for Judges Guild; Goodman Games also owns The Caverns of Thracia... which some fans consider to be the better of my two Judges Guild mega-dungeon/campaign adventures.

It will eventually be getting the same treatment as Dark Tower as a Goodman Games Original Adventures Reincarnated product

Dark Tower, another of Jaquays' Judges Guild modules, is currently on Kickstarter with three weeks to go.

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To further elaborate on what Parmadur already wrote, there are two different three-volumes set. One for DCC and the other for 5e. The first book of each set is the same (it's a scan of the original version plus some essays). The other two volumes (one for the converted adventure, the other for new extra material) are game specific.
Right but it doesn’t seem like you can buy the volumes separately (except as pdfs?).

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Golden Procrastinator
Right but it doesn’t seem like you can buy the volumes separately (except as pdfs?).
It doesn't look like it is possible. The $50 level gets you a PDF of all three volumes. The previous OAR was the Temple of Elemental Evil, a 2-volumes set and they are also not sold separately.


Book-Friend, he/him
We’ve been really lucky to get the TSR OARs we did. I think it was a perfect storm that engendered it. A lot of those specific things don’t exist in the same way and I’ll bet the original contract was only for a short while. But! It’s still possible there are more on the way.

I mean if you squint you’ll see that GG, with Temple, was getting into riskier terrain. I wonder if that prompted them to do KSs just to make sure the next one was a success out if the gate. And maybe a bit to show WotC what might be possible.

That’s all speculation and wishful thinking in my part.
I mean, they could be doing both. Time shall tell.


CoT was a tremendously creative adventure and way ahead of its time. I ran it more than once. Jennell Jacquays certainly deserves whatever profit and recognition she gets from this. Thanks to Goodman Games for Kickstarting Dark Tower and now this.


It doesn't look like it is possible. The $50 level gets you a PDF of all three volumes. The previous OAR was the Temple of Elemental Evil, a 2-volumes set and they are also not sold separately.
I wouldn't mind having to get all three in PDF format, as I can just ignore the two volumes I don't want, but it would be nice to be able to get a hard copy of just the 5e version. Ah well.

I was hoping for this. I picked up the original in print maybe ten years ago but I hate bringing it out because it's so flimsy.

This is a top notch module.

Oh, what I would give to see all of Len Lakofka's Lendore Isles ("L"series) compiled and modernized...

I love L1 but despite playing the heck out of L2 and having tons of nostalgia for it the module has some flaws. Just reread L3 and as presented the maps make it a literally railroad, but I think by switching the map to something less linear it might be improved.

I rewrite of the whole series and expanded would be great.

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