Oddly, I found Cortex more appealing than Fate myself, and I'm not entirely sure why. I think its because there's a lot more baked in assumption that at least one of a each category of traits is likely to be involved in everything, so as a GM you're less pushed to decide if anything goes there at all.
Before Cortex Plus, I would have rated it pretty good (B) or rather good (B+). After, it drops to "It's alright" (C) with Fate Core, due to blandness being actually C-, while the two I've done multi-session with (Dresden Files and SOTC) being C+ still.
For Dresden Files, I think Fate is a really good fit... especially for playing white court vampires. Cortex Plus conditions are more reliable than Fate... Fate, they last until cancelled, but cost to use a second or later time. CP, they can be reused, but stacking them requires spends.
The difference in reuse is part of my dropping my view of Fate.
I don't mind fate dice at all,
The ladder makes perfect sense to me. Difficulties being the answer to "What level of expertise is required to do this?" and the roll modifying your skill being "How well am I acting above/below score at the moment?", with the aspects being literally conditional modifiers.
My favorite Fate flavor has scope as a consideration - you can not tag more than one aspect each from character, tool, scene, nor chapter.
Cortex Plus also has scope rules in each version - one from each category, more costs extra.