Grade the Pathfinder 2E Game System

How do you feel about the Pathfinder 2E System?

  • I love it.

    Votes: 31 17.5%
  • It's pretty good.

    Votes: 32 18.1%
  • Meh, it's okay.

    Votes: 39 22.0%
  • It's pretty bad.

    Votes: 15 8.5%
  • I hate it.

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • I've never played it.

    Votes: 59 33.3%
  • I've never heard of it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%


A lot of my issues with P2 are not going to be touched by the remaster. I still find it needlessly complex and was unfun to play

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Thomas Shey

A lot of my issues with P2 are not going to be touched by the remaster. I still find it needlessly complex and was unfun to play

Honestly, like I said, other than some issues with text arrangement, or ones where someone is upset about particular missteps with some classes, its hard to see how it could. Its pretty clear that "fixing" it from some people's point of view would make me manifestly uninterested in it, so it comes down to "Who do you want to like your game" since you can't make it all things to all people (much as D&D has tried with its current edition).


That someone better
A lot of my issues with P2 are not going to be touched by the remaster. I still find it needlessly complex and was unfun to play

I have noticed that there is a bit of a divide beginning to occur in the hobby.

A lot of PF2's public proponents on youtube play via a VTT - where a lot of the complexity is offloaded by automation from the players and GM.

I wonder how much this will begin to impact the hobby as you could have entire subsets of an RPG's player base that is used to having all the rules-complexity handled by automation via a VTT, vs. those that still play over a table with paper sheets and dice...


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
I have noticed that there is a bit of a divide beginning to occur in the hobby.

A lot of PF2's public proponents play via VTT - where a lot of the complexity is offloaded by automation from the players and GM.

I wonder how much this will begin to impact the hobby as you could have entire subsets of an RPG's player base that is used to having all the rules-complexity handled by automation via a VTT, vs. those that still play over a table with paper sheets and dice...
Pre-covid I think this would have been a big deal, but post I feel like there has been a wind change. Youngsters more comfortable with tech and many soon will have never known physical books and minis...

Thomas Shey

I have noticed that there is a bit of a divide beginning to occur in the hobby.

A lot of PF2's public proponents play via VTT - where a lot of the complexity is offloaded by automation from the players and GM.

I wonder how much this will begin to impact the hobby as you could have entire subsets of an RPG's player base that is used to having all the rules-complexity handled by automation via a VTT, vs. those that still play over a table with paper sheets and dice...

Just as a side note, while our GM uses a VTT with automation, and I run entirely through VTT these days, other than a dice roller I don't use any automation and I still don't consider PF2e excessively complex (to the degree I do its just my general gripe with overly exception based design).

Just as a side note, while our GM uses a VTT with automation, and I run entirely through VTT these days, other than a dice roller I don't use any automation and I still don't consider PF2e excessively complex (to the degree I do its just my general gripe with overly exception based design).
Foundry does automate a fair amount, but I've found enough edge cases where I'm glad I took the time to learn the game so when it doesn't calculate something right, I can fix the mistake. It happens at least once a session it seems like.

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