Grade the Powered by the Apocalypse (PbtA) System

How do you feel about the PbtA (Powered by the Apocalypse) system?

  • I love it.

    Votes: 35 24.6%
  • It's pretty good.

    Votes: 29 20.4%
  • It's alright I guess.

    Votes: 22 15.5%
  • It's pretty bad.

    Votes: 8 5.6%
  • I hate it.

    Votes: 8 5.6%
  • I've never played it.

    Votes: 40 28.2%
  • I've never even heard of it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

Eyes of Nine

Everything's Fine
To make conversation:
  • Which PbtA games out there have no business using PbtA or would have benefited from using a different system?
Tremulus (maybe the 2nd PbtA game?) is widely regarded as not a high-water mark in PbtA design

Ok, back to the positivity...

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Tremulus (maybe the 2nd PbtA game?) is widely regarded as not a high-water mark in PbtA design

Ok, back to the positivity...
Huh, I've never seen it played, nor read it, or even really heard much about it before. Judging from the DTRPG page and the number of supplements and such it has proven popular somewhere though. Not to say that makes it a "Good PbtA" I guess. Lovecraftian style horror seems like a rich sort of vein to tap though. The GM has basically infinite ways to turn the screws, and for the players its a pretty classic "and now the even worse badthing happens!" which is totally genre appropriate. Again, not to say this particular game managed to pull it off well.

Voidrunner's Codex

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