I kind of 'bounced off' it hard at first too. But when AW came out player-facing games was a radically different playstyle that I was completely new to. I seriously had to warp my brain to get around it. I kept thinking in terms of trad games like, "okay, what do I roll to hit?" ... ie: my character wants to hit the bad guy. Finally, it all snapped together "OH! I just hit the guy!" -to do it, I just do it (fiction first)!
I think the shift is from 'attempting/trying' to do things in game, to actually doing the things and then dealing with how good or bad the result is. It took me a minute to understand how cinematic the game is and that there is no whiff. 'There is no try,' lol. So I understand some readers coming to AW and finding Baker's writing pretentious, but really, I think he was just trying hard to snap trad players like myself out of an old frame. It all became so much easier when I just trusted the rules and played the game (wow, if I just run the game like it says, it works!).
I apologize if I'm not making sense in this post. I'm trying to put into words the actual shift in thinking I had to do from traditional play to PbtA. In short, from my experience, gaming concepts like 'fiction first,' 'player-facing,' & 'no whiff' were all new to me.
I think the shift is from 'attempting/trying' to do things in game, to actually doing the things and then dealing with how good or bad the result is. It took me a minute to understand how cinematic the game is and that there is no whiff. 'There is no try,' lol. So I understand some readers coming to AW and finding Baker's writing pretentious, but really, I think he was just trying hard to snap trad players like myself out of an old frame. It all became so much easier when I just trusted the rules and played the game (wow, if I just run the game like it says, it works!).
I apologize if I'm not making sense in this post. I'm trying to put into words the actual shift in thinking I had to do from traditional play to PbtA. In short, from my experience, gaming concepts like 'fiction first,' 'player-facing,' & 'no whiff' were all new to me.