Great Hero Showdown Round 4 (Voting Closed)


First Post
1. Conan the Cimmerian (Robert Howard's novels, Conan movies)
2. Batman (Batman comics, Batman movies)
3. Sherlock Holmes
4. Captain James T. Kirk (Star Trek)
5. King Arthur (mythology, various novels)
6. Luke Skywalker (Star Wars)
7. Han Solo (Star Wars)
8. Spider-Man (comics, movies, TV shows)


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First Post
1. Indiana Jones (Indiana Jones movies)
2. Odysseus (mythology)
3. Sherlock Holmes
4. Captain James T. Kirk (Star Trek)
5. Robin Hood (mythology, movies)
6. Luke Skywalker (Star Wars)
7. Han Solo (Star Wars)
8. James Bond (movies, Ian Fleming's stories)


My votes.

1. Indiana Jones (Indiana Jones movies)
2. Batman (Batman comics, Batman movies)
3. Gandalf the Grey
4. Captain James T. Kirk (Star Trek)
5. Robin Hood (mythology, movies)
6. Luke Skywalker (Star Wars)
7. Han Solo (Star Wars)
8. Spider-Man (comics, movies, TV shows)


First Post
Dark Jezter said:
How do you figure?

It all depends on what definition of hero the person is using.

As a protagonist to cheer for and be wowed by, he's definately the hero.
As a good, righteous, and noble person to emulate, I can't see him as such.
As a sandwich he fails miserably.


1. Indiana Jones (Indiana Jones movies)
2. Odysseus (mythology)
3. Sherlock Holmes
4. Captain James T. Kirk (Star Trek)
5. King Arthur (mythology, various novels)
6. Samwise Gamgee (Lord of the Rings)
7. Buffy Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
8. Spider-Man (comics, movies, TV shows)


First Post
ThirdWizard said:
It all depends on what definition of hero the person is using.

As a protagonist to cheer for and be wowed by, he's definately the hero.
As a good, righteous, and noble person to emulate, I can't see him as such.
As a sandwich he fails miserably.
What he said.

Conan is a great character, and I like him much, but I don't see him as a "hero" as much as a "protagonist".

Hor Kai Lan

First Post
1. Indiana Jones - the movie hero
2. Batman - the DC hero
3. Sherlock Holmes - the lit hero
4. Captain James T. Kirk - the old TV hero
5. King Arthur - the myth hero
6. Luke Skywalker - the SW hero
7. Buffy Summers - the new TV hero
8. Spider-Man - the Marvel hero

see everyone's happy and everyone wins... next round... well...

Dark Jezter

First Post
ThirdWizard said:
It all depends on what definition of hero the person is using.

As a protagonist to cheer for and be wowed by, he's definately the hero.
As a good, righteous, and noble person to emulate, I can't see him as such.
As a sandwich he fails miserably.

Well, there are several occasions where Conan charged into nearly certain death to save a friend/love interest. Not to mention that, after usurping the crown of Aquilonia from the tyrant king Namedides, Conan's reign brought such previously unknown concepts to the people such as religious tolerance, free speech, low taxes, and relief from being pushed around by the noble class. When he is captured and his kingdom usurped in The Hour of the Dragon, his primary motivator in the quest to reclaim his kingdom is his loyalty to his people.

If Conan dosen't deserve to be on this list, then neither does Han Solo or any other character that started out as a self-centered rogue.


A suffusion of yellow
Dark Jezter said:
If Conan dosen't deserve to be on this list, then neither does Han Solo or any other character that started out as a self-centered rogue.

I agree entirely.
The Conan of the books is most definately a hero

in fact by Thirdwizards' definition the only character who deserves to be on the list is Sam Gamgee since he is the only one who makes the ultimate sacrifice out of pure love for his friends. Maybe Spidey too

all the others are slightly rougish/have negative qualities - King Arthur has the whole dysfunctional family relationship with his sister going on, Sherlock is too self involved (and a drug addict), Indiana Jones is a grave robber, Odysseus suffered from his own arogance


First Post
Dark Jezter said:
If Conan dosen't deserve to be on this list, then neither does Han Solo or any other character that started out as a self-centered rogue.

Quite true. I voted against Odysseus and Han and Conan and the other rogues.

Voidrunner's Codex

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