D&D (2024) Greyhawk Confirmed. Tell Me Why.

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Book-Friend, he/him
The Ghost Tower of a City in Scotland would make a decent sample dungeon. It's relatively small and has lots of clichés archetypical features.

ToEE is too big for a sample adventure, ToH is in TftYP, which is still "current", I don't know Mauve Castle.

Castle Greyhawk would make for a good old school "here is the start of a megadungeon, now you draw the rest" example.
What Chris Perkins said in the video was that they had these sample Adventures in anew format" thst they thought DMs might like to use to write up their own. We also see in this same Gizmodo article that they are pushing worksheets as a solution for DMs. So whatever the Adventures end up being, I expect them to not be lengthy narrative explanations, but bare-bones filled out worksheets associated with provided maps, to show DMs how it can be done.

As such, a set of ToEE maps with some bare notes seems quite possible. Maybe better than T1-4 being reprinted.

Castle Maure was a famous dungeon of Rob Kuntz design that kicked Gary Gygax butt as a player, so they published 3 Levels of it in 1E as Mordenkainen's Fantastic Adventure.


Book-Friend, he/him
But, in any case, likely a tad too large for a sample dungeon.
Well, we know there are 15 D&D Beyond useavle maps associated with these 5 Adventures.

  • Castle Maure would need 3
  • Tomb of Horrors would need 1
  • Ghost Tower of Iverness has multiple Levels, but due to the tower size the original is 2 map sheets
  • I seem to recall that there were details somewhere about the first 3 Levels of Castle Greyhawk (I ain't an expert on thst), so let's say 3 Levels for Greyhawk.

So, that would be 9 map pages for those 4. I could see a selection of 6 maps sampled from ToEE.

Well, we know there are 15 D&D Beyond useavle maps associated with these 5 Adventures.

  • Castle Maure would need 3
  • Tomb of Horrors would need 1
  • Ghost Tower of Iverness has multiple Levels, but due to the tower size the original is 2 map sheets
  • I seem to recall that there were details somewhere about the first 3 Levels of Castle Greyhawk (I ain't an expert on thst), so let's say 3 Levels for Greyhawk.

So, that would be 9 map pages for those 4. I could see a selection of 6 maps sampled from ToEE.
I think any adventure would get a modern treatment, which means it’s likely to have an outdoor area map.

Not to mention incidental locations, such as Umeatada Inn.


Book-Friend, he/him
I think any adventure would get a modern treatment, which means it’s likely to have an outdoor area map.

Not to mention incidental locations, such as Umeatada Inn.
Maybe, but thise may not be keyed for Beyond usage. That's part of the big question mark, whatever these end up being, these are in a "new format" and we will find out. It could as easily be all-new maps to illustrate major types of locations, too. I just find it curious they would mark the Ghost Tower of Iverness but not other famous Greyhawk Adventures.


Book-Friend, he/him
Is it just me, or is there a bit of futzing about with the sizes of various places? Some of them seem a bit smaller.
I've pondered this further, and while it seems to me that everything seems correct, I think maybe your impression is based on the vibe that is given off by the stark differences in color gradation between Darlene's take and Schley's more naturalistic look.

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