D&D 5E Greyhawk: Why We Need Mo' Oerth by 2024

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I have never played Eberron, so I can't speak on it.

DL, though, is more of a deity-based fight just taking place on Krynn, though. While there are gods in GH, that's not the basis for the conflict, really.

I don't find the aesthetics from the GH:FtA setting identical to anything else in the D&D universe, but maybe I have bad vision.
It could also be my lack of understanding. I own all the old Greyhawk material in PDF form, but I'm curious, what aesthetics really stand out about Greyhawk too you? This isn't in bad faith — I just want to see what about it makes it stand out for its long time fans!


Guest 7034872

It's kind of broken for me. It asked me when the last time I've played a non 5e D&D game was, then assumed I haven't played any D&D in the past year.
Yeah, I got that, too. It was weird, as though no D&D existed before 5e.
I had a moment with that, too, but in my case it was just a question of going back to the preceding question, re-reading the question, and entering more precise data.

Huh, I forgot that Iuz was Tasha's kid. I wonder how that will be handled in modern lore, which has a less villainous take on her? (If Ghosts of Saltmarsh is still canon, we know Iuz still exists...)
Well Iggwilv is noted as having been a really bad person.
She was pretty much the same person she always was, it's noted she was cruel, arrogant, and despite trying to appear as a benevolent Fairy Godmother to hide from her enemies, cracks in the façade were noted to slip through. Like her idea to help a man who felt guilty about bad things he did, was to put him in a cage and slowly transform him into a manes cause manes don't feel guilt. While she is noted as being ultimately a better person than she used to be, a major reason for this is because she dampened her more negative and evil feelings by incarnating them into demons and locking them in a room (With those emotions returning to her if the Demons are destroyed).

And yet Ghosts of Saltmarsh was exactly that - a repackaging of old Greyhawk adventures updated for 5e.
Greyhawk and some Dungeon Adventures ones that weren't specifically set there, but had a nautical theme and could fit well into that book.
Which kinda brings up the idea if they could do something similar with other adventures set there. There's the whole GDQ line, the Slavers line, the Tjoscanth/Tharizdun duo. What I'm not sure of is if there were anything in Dungeon they could use to fill out a book based around any of those...

in addition, this was completely in keeping with the multiverse ethos at the time, which provided that there were an infinite number of Greyhawks that a person could travel to, each slightly different (in fact, this was the way that people could "port" their PCs from one campaign to the next).

Really? That’s interesting; I never heard that before. I always assumed taking a PC from one game to the next was just handwaved for the purposes of getting down to the dungeon crawl. Did people actually roleplay as if their characters were from separate greyhawk timelines?


I didn't ignore it. What, should I take seriously a post that completely ignores the entirety of the OP for reasons?

And if you don't like "Classic Snarf," I would suggest maybe not going into the Greyhawk threads I start to make your brilliant points about how you, personally, don't like Greyhawk because ... wait for it ... it's from the 70s and 80s and "before you were born."


'Cuz, really, if you don't like to learn about things that occurred outside of the last five years, maybe my threads aren't for you?
Yeah, you may not care for "classic" snarf, but "new" snarf was just terrible! It was like they were trying to copy a competitor, but didn't acknowledge what made classic snarf so unique.

Thank goodness it wasn't on the shelf for long before good ol' snarf returned. Although some people still say it was just a marketing scheme. :unsure:

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