D&D 5E Greyhawk: Why We Need Mo' Oerth by 2024

Gord was dual wielding when Drizzt was still in diapers.
Oh, snap!

Aside: If Greyhawk doesn't see a remake beyond Saltmarsh, which ONE classic product would folks suggest could be the best source of inspiration to launch a home campaign that could sustainably move a 5e group through many, many sessions of exciting emergent world/setting/adventuring/make-it-your-own-Greyhawk fun?

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I'm not a serious Greyhawk fan, but for me (who just started DMing a 2e campaign in Greyhawk), if they played up those elements in a new release, I wouldn't buy it or touch it with a ten foot pole, because I'm not interested in 5e anymore, its moved away from how I like to play in, and run my games. I'd also continue doing what I'm doing, using the material I want to include, that is out there already in print, and not really complain about it.
<shrug> "Twas just a thought. Not being a Greyhawk fan, I'm hard pressed to find reasons to want to play in the setting. Saying that it has weird and cool elements like a crashed spaceship and moon-clones makes it interesting and different, but if they're regulated to a few tiny tidbits of weirdness here and there then, to me, it goes back to a being fairly standard setting where the weirdness is more jarring than interesting.

Oh, snap!

Aside: If Greyhawk doesn't see a remake beyond Saltmarsh, which ONE classic product would folks suggest could be the best source of inspiration to launch a home campaign that could sustainably move a 5e group through many, many sessions of exciting emergent world/setting/adventuring/make-it-your-own-Greyhawk fun?
I got you, Fam:

This was originally meant to be a complete solution for DMs to build out years of Adventure, and frankly, it's almost entirely Edition or even system neutral. It has a lot of the features that @AcererakTriple6 has praised in Wildemount, such as population details and a robust but usable weather generation system.

I play in the Greyhawk setting. I like it becasue it feels more coherent than kitchen sink settings like the Forgotten Realms, and still has a very great variety. In the Forgotten Realms, civilization exists in separate islands with little contact. Each genre has its own area: if you want generic fantasy its the coast, for chivalry there is Cormyr, a more points of light setting in the Dalelands etc (I am not a FR scholar and some of these examples might be wrong, but I thik you get the idea). In Greyhawk the nations border each other and infulence each other: The Great Kingdom and Nyrond might be arch-enemies, but they are also mirror images of each other. Having a world originally made to set miniatures battles in it means there are actual international politics. I like that.

But this doesnot mean that I want a new updated Greyhawk setting. I like that the official story of Greyhawk has ended. I use the Greyhawk Wars and Crimson Tide as the last canon events, after that Greyhawk is my own. This allows me to mix things up, for example the Northern Province of the great Kindgdom is now a modified Republic of Andoran from Golarion.

A new version of Greyhawk set in the original era would work for me, but I don't think it would be of much use. My Greyhawk is a socially more advanced setting. The original setting is for me set in 1E, where the only arcane powers available were magic-users and illusionists. Some years later with 2E, lesser bards (not the 1E bards) began dabbling in arcane magic. Even later in 3E, Pathfinder, 5E, and homebrew rules, magic flourished further. In my Greyhawk a century later, there is a plephora of magic traditions. Magic has bloomed, not declined. The same goes for almost every field. Cannon are changing warfare. Merchant cities are changing seafaring. The scarlet Brotherhood has gone underground and become a colonialist mercantile force, close to 19th century racism. Lots and lots of changes that would not exist in an official published setting.

I wouldn't mind a new edition of Greyhawk, but I likely wouldn't support it much either.

I got you, Fam:

This was originally meant to be a complete solution for DMs to build out years of Adventure, and frankly, it's almost entirely Edition or even system neutral. It has a lot of the features that @AcererakTriple6 has praised in Wildemount, such as population details and a robust but usable weather generation system.
I need this POD stat

Let's remember if Hasbro wants the return of the old lines, it is not only to publish TTRPG sourcebooks but also other type of products, and with this goal those lines are going to need a metaplot. In this time all the metaplots, but FR are practically frozen, but after the action-live movie we can guess there will be other projects.

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