D&D 5E Greyhawk: Why We Need Mo' Oerth by 2024

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Book-Friend, he/him
That assumes Mercer is a Greyhawk fan. ;)
He is, as I recall. He's an old school AD&D player and DM at heart.

The Exandria pantheon is just yhe 4E default pantheon, but that means it's mostly Greyhawk deities. And look at who his BVEG in the iriginal campaign was.


Book-Friend, he/him
That assumes Mercer is a Greyhawk fan. ;)
I swear I've heard Mercer gush about Greyhawk somewhere in the hundreds of hours of footage I've watched him in, buy a quick search did turn this up:

"The panel was done mostly in a question and answer format, and there were a ton of inside jokes that flew right over my head. But I do know Dungeons & Dragons, and Matt Mercer’s abilities as DM are legendary–as I’m sure you know. When asked what world he would like to dive his stories into, Gygax’s original land of Greyhawk was floated, but Mercer ultimately decided he’d want to poke around in Planescape, because of the possibilities it holds."



I swear I've heard Mercer gush about Greyhawk somewhere in the hundreds of hours of footage I've watched him in, buy a quick search did turn this up:

"The panel was done mostly in a question and answer format, and there were a ton of inside jokes that flew right over my head. But I do know Dungeons & Dragons, and Matt Mercer’s abilities as DM are legendary–as I’m sure you know. When asked what world he would like to dive his stories into, Gygax’s original land of Greyhawk was floated, but Mercer ultimately decided he’d want to poke around in Planescape, because of the possibilities it holds."

Hmmm... I wonder if someone with Matt Mercer's cred among younger gamers could boost the popularity of a Greyhawk 50th anniversary product (assuming he would be willing to endorse it, or to incorporate parts of it into his own streams, of course).


He is, as I recall. He's an old school AD&D player and DM at heart.

The Exandria pantheon is just yhe 4E default pantheon, but that means it's mostly Greyhawk deities. And look at who his BVEG in the iriginal campaign was.
It's a bit hard to separate Greyhawk deities from "general" D&D deities, but by my count the Dawn War pantheon has four of the former and eight of the latter, out of twenty.

I would not be surprised if he started out with the default Pathfinder pantheon and switched to the Dawn War when they went on screen, since one of the PCs in the original campaign was a cleric of Sarenrae.


Book-Friend, he/him
It's a bit hard to separate Greyhawk deities from "general" D&D deities, but by my count the Dawn War pantheon has four of the former and eight of the latter, out of twenty.

I would not be surprised if he started out with the default Pathfinder pantheon and switched to the Dawn War when they went on screen, since one of the PCs in the original campaign was a cleric of Sarenrae.
No, they started with the default 4E pantheon because it started as a home 4E one shot, and he just kept the 4E gods in the Setting when they switched to Payhfinder, but let Ashkey take the default deity from the Pathfinder core rulebook when she made her character.


Book-Friend, he/him
Hmmm... I wonder if someone with Matt Mercer's cred among younger gamers could boost the popularity of a Greyhawk 50th anniversary product (assuming he would be willing to endorse it, or to incorporate parts of it into his own streams, of course).
He quite cheerfully shows off every WotC book as the come out.

What, you mean Youtube and Discord channels, Facebook groups, wikis and dedicated fan sites aren't enough???

Is that what this "progress" thing is all about? ;)
You can never have enough promotion!!!!
Especially since the hip new app can change at a moment's notice.
But what are the Youtube/Discord/Facebook/areas for Greyhawk fans?? Is there a list I can look at???

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