D&D 5E Greyhawk: Why We Need Mo' Oerth by 2024

I wouldn't call that too Redundant. IIRC, Melora is wild nature, and Erathis is cities. There's still no healing/protection/fertility god that I'm aware of, and it'd be nice to give halflings (and gnomes) some representation.
I wouldn't, but I would suspect the 4E design team would have.

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I dunno. Maybe Greyhawk enthusiasts need to go through all the fan material and try to compile it into one, fully-updated sourcebook.

This is the closest thing at this point in time, and it is impressive: https://www.patreon.com/posts/free-5e-release-51285134

Other noteworthy Greyhawk 5E conversion work: Free Resources – Greyhawk Grognard



I wouldn't, but I would suspect the 4E design team would have.
Maybe, although I got the impression that they didn't care so much about redundancy as they did about providing only player-friendly gods. And there aren't (or don't seem to be) a huge number of players who want to worship a down-to-earth hearth-type god.

Yes, grognards always have the originals and 40 years of fan-developed content. Your lawn holds no interest here. It does not reach new audiences and that is the shame of it.
Nostalgia is a powerful draw, but it is not enough to breathe new life into Oerth. They should play up that both good and evil are treated as threats to the world by the powers that be. The Circle of Eight is a real Illuminati, beyond any government, challenging the will of the divine and profane. Do the PCs fight the secretive cabal of self-appointed wizards or serve as their agents to maintain balance on Oerth? If you add in the breaking of the Circle and Rary the Traitor fleeing to the Bright Desert, who steps into the vacuum? Iuz, Rao, the Scarlet Brotherhood, Tharizdun? That is 591CY. What is 601CY or 620CY look like? The balance is upset. Chaos is on the march. Oerth needs heroes to bring back balance or fight for good or evil? Throw in some stronghold and world influence rules, gaining power from ruins of the past.

So, while this post is going on here, I want to share with everyone what you are missing. There is a vibrant growing, Greyhawk Community, comprising of Live Streamers, Blogs, Discords, and Websites. My 3rd Annual Virtual Greyhawk Con will be upcoming first weekend of October Virtual Greyhawk Con 2022. Also, legends of the game are participating in content, including Jim Ward, Roger Moore, Jeff Grubb, and other great names. Ed Greenwood and other names like Eric L. Boyd, actively play in my Greyhawk game (live streamed too)! As far as WoTC, I am working on a published box set with Troll Lord Games, within my 42+ year Greyhawk Campaign. We have received written permission, from WoTC, to place this in my Greyhawk Setting, using Fan Content Rules to get around licensing issues. If you are interested more in what is going on in Greyhawk, please feel free to reach out to me here on on my Twitch channel. www.twitch.tv/lordgosumba

I wouldn't call that too Redundant. IIRC, Melora is wild nature, and Erathis is cities. There's still no healing/protection/fertility god that I'm aware of, and it'd be nice to give halflings (and gnomes) some representation.
Pelor has agriculture covered in his 4e version.
But I have a theory about why there's no god of healing or protection in 4e: that's what all clerics and, by extension, all gods do. So a god of healing is redundant.

As far as WoTC, I am working on a published box set with Troll Lord Games, within my 42+ year Greyhawk Campaign. We have received written permission, from WoTC, to place this in my Greyhawk Setting, using Fan Content Rules to get around licensing issues.

Huh. This gives me flashbacks to when someone said they had permission to publish a Mystara book... and then they didn't.

Huh. This gives me flashbacks to when someone said they had permission to publish a Mystara book... and then they didn't.
Well then you can wait for the Official annoucements for the project Kickstarter coming from Troll Lord Games; then see for yourself. Please do NOT call me a liar. It has been announced multiple times on my Live Streams and Troll Lord Games' Streams as well.

Well then you can wait for the Official annoucements for the project Kickstarter coming from Troll Lord Games; then see for yourself. Please do NOT call me a liar. It has been announced multiple times on my Live Streams and Troll Lord Games' Streams as well.
I don't think lying was being suggested: the Mystarra fan site in question thought that they had the go ahead and announced as much before they had to backtrack. I'm intrigued by the project you are talking about, but my skeptical eyebrow is raised.

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