D&D 5E Guiding Bolt too good for a level 1 cleric spell?


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It seems to be the best 1st level damage spell...
Guiding Bolt 4d6 + advantage on next attack on hit
Inflict Wounds 3d10 on hit
Burning Hands 3d6 15' cone save for 1/2
Thunderwave each creature adjacent to you takes 2d8 and 10' push away on failed save, save negates
Magic Missile 3d4+3 + auto hit

I think 3d6 or 2nd level spell makes sense. The extra damage is not that big a deal I guess but it is a no brainer and the cleric can out spell damage the wizard early on.

For cantrips the cleric is keeping up quite well too in the spell damage department.
Sacred Flame 1d8 no cover bonus
Fire Bolt 1d10 start fires
Ray of Frost 1d8 speed -10'
Shocking Grasp 1d8 advantage to hit wearing metal armor

Shocking Grasp should be 1d12 then it would actually make sense.
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First Post
Remember though, a Wizard will eventually turn his favorite lvl 1-3 spells into cantrips that can be cast whenever. A Cleric will ALWAYS have to cast that spell like normally.


First Post
Remember though, a Wizard will eventually turn his favorite lvl 1-3 spells into cantrips that can be cast whenever. A Cleric will ALWAYS have to cast that spell like normally.

Oh right the level 18 and level 20 Wizard class features. Uh huh.


Magic 8-ball says "Not Encouraging"
It seems to be the best 1st level damage spell...
Guiding Bolt 4d6 + advantage on next attack on hit
Inflict Wounds 3d10 on hit
Burning Hands 3d6 15' cone save for 1/2
Thunderwave 2d8 and 10' push away on failed save, nothing on made save
Magic Missile 3d4+3 + auto hit

I think 3d6 or 2nd level spell makes sense. The extra damage is not that big a deal I guess but it is a no brainer and the cleric can out spell damage the wizard early on.
It's good, but it's not broken good. Just compare to magic missile. Unless you're hitting with guiding bolt on a 6+ (75% chance to hit), MM (average 10.5 damage) is outdamaging GB (average 14 damage). And if the enemy's AC is low enough that you're hitting on a 6+, that advantage also provides less utility, because advantage gives its biggest bonus at the middle of the hit range. Plus, it can't hit multiple targets, unlike MM.

Inflict Wounds is probably a little worse, you gain 2.5 points of average damage, but must be in melee range AND no granting of advantage (which is probably worth about 2-3 points of damage at low levels).

Can't compare BH and TW to GB, too many variables to compare AoE damage to single target.

So, I'd say clerics are competitive single target blasters to wizards, but can't match up with their ability to hit multiple targets.


First Post
Cleric's at first level have better single target spells. Mages on the other hand are better at hitting multiple targets. I see no problem with this.

It seems to be the best 1st level damage spell...
Guiding Bolt 4d6 + advantage on next attack on hit
Inflict Wounds 3d10 on hit
Burning Hands 3d6 15' cone save for 1/2
Thunderwave each creature adjacent to you takes 2d8 and 10' push away on failed save, save negates
Magic Missile 3d4+3 + auto hit

I think 3d6 or 2nd level spell makes sense. The extra damage is not that big a deal I guess but it is a no brainer and the cleric can out spell damage the wizard early on.

For cantrips the cleric is keeping up quite well too in the spell damage department.
Sacred Flame 1d8 no cover bonus
Fire Bolt 1d10 start fires
Ray of Frost 1d8 speed -10'
Shocking Grasp 1d8 advantage to hit wearing metal armor

Shocking Grasp should be 1d12 then it would actually make sense.

Has this been a problem that has presented itself in actual play? How many game sessions has everyone else felt like a BMX bandit to the angel summoning cleric?


Inflict Wounds is probably a little worse, you gain 2.5 points of average damage, but must be in melee range AND no granting of advantage (which is probably worth about 2-3 points of damage at low levels).

While melee range is almost always a issue*, it does mean you don't suffer disadvantage when using it when you are in melee, so that's some benefit*.

**look how I avoid saying disadvantage/advantage...

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