H4H: Red Hand of Doom (full)


First Post
That is cool, quite a few of us from the old group are showing interest. Yeah, I think we only got two post in apiece before it stopped. How exactly are you doing the "random" magic items? Is it a risk that wizards might get armor, and warriors might not have any weapons? Or are you just rolling on the table in the MIC and taking ones that make sense? If flaws are allowed I would make some minor changes as well.

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EvolutionKB said:
That is cool, quite a few of us from the old group are showing interest. Yeah, I think we only got two post in apiece before it stopped. How exactly are you doing the "random" magic items? Is it a risk that wizards might get armor, and warriors might not have any weapons? Or are you just rolling on the table in the MIC and taking ones that make sense? If flaws are allowed I would make some minor changes as well.

He said:

It is assumed that your party will already have known each other so you can and are even encouraged to swap items OOC.

So I would not count on even getting class appropriate items.


First Post
I would think that the magic items would be somewhat class appropriate -- each of the PC's will have reached level 5 before the beginning of the adventure, so a fair amount of equipment/treasure will have been found.

My interpretation of H2H's statement was that sharing of magic items is to be encouraged between PC's -- so if you have something that would benefit the party, as a whole, more being used by another PC, then you would freely exchange, rather than hoard items.

Plus, if ingame you found a better piece of equipment, say a +2 weapon or armor, then you would give your older +1 item to another member of the party, etc, etc.

My $0.02.
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First Post
I need to get a background and personality in sometime soon, I just wanted something down for your perusal. I made up the deity, it could even be that he worships "ideals"...

[sblock=Kirrg Vrolo]Male Half-Orc Cleric
Alignment: CG

Abilities: (32)
STR - 16 (6 Points; +2 Racial)
DEX - 8 (0 Points)
CON - 14 (6 Points)
INT - 10 (4 Points; -2 Racial)
WIS - 17 (10 Points; +1 Level Increase)
CHA - 12 (6 Points; -2 Racial)

HP: 8 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 10 = 42
Speed: 30ft
Initiative: -1

AC: 13 (+4 Armor; -1 Dex)

Fort: 6 (4; +2 Con)
Reflex: 0 (1; -1 Dex)
Will: 7 (4; +3 Wis)

BAB/Ranged/Grapple: +6/+2/+6

Greataxe +7 1d12+4 x3 Slashing

Class Abilities:
Turn Undead
-Turn Check 1d20+3
-Damage 2d6+6

Racial Abilities:
+2 Str, -2 Int, -2 Cha

Listen – 3 (0 Ranks + 3 Wis)
Spot – 3 (0 Ranks + 3 Wis)
Heal – 11 (8 Ranks + 3 Wis)
Knowledge Religion – 8 (8 Ranks + 0 Int)

-Sacred Boost (CD pg 84)
-Power Attack
-War Domain:
-Weapon Focus (Greataxe)
-Martial Weapon Proficiency (Greataxe)


Equipment: Cost Weight
Chain Shirt (under clothes) 100gp 25lbs

Greataxe 20gp 12lbs

Backpack 2gp 2lb

In/On Backpack:
Bedroll 1sp 5lb
Flint and Steel 1gp 0
Waterskin (Water) 1gp 4lb
Soap 5sp 1lb
Rope (silk) 10gp 5lb
Grappling Hook 1gp 4lb
Holy Symbol 25gp 1lb
Trail Rations 5gp 10lb
Holy Water 25gp 1lb

Total Weight: 70 lbs
Max Weight: 76, 77-153, 154-230 lbs

Money: 9gp, 4sp

Per day:
-Orisons – 5
-1st – 4+1 Domain
-2nd – 3+1 Domain
-3rd – 2+1 Domain

-Orc: Smite Ability: Once a Day; +4 Attack, +Level Damage
1st: Cause Fear
2nd: Produce Flame
3rd: Prayer
-War: Martial Weapon Proficiency, Weapon Focus
1st: Magic Weapon
2nd: Spiritual Weapon
3rd: Magic Vestment

[sblock=Physical Appearance]More to come soon...[/sblock]
Age: 25
Height: 6’8”
Weight: 304 (22 x 2d6 (1, 6) + 150)
Eyes: Solid Black
Hair: Black
Skin: Stone Gray

[sblock=Background]More to come soon...[/sblock]

[sblock=Personality]More to come soon...[/sblock]

I only gave him the Max 1st Level Gold. Are we supposed to have any more than that?


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