• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Yah, it's the basic scale of fantasy minis these days. Heroic is 28mm with certain proportion distortion. Usually heads and hands are a bit bigger. I think Games Workshop started that practise but I'm not sure. And man do some of those Avatars of War minis look like straight out from GW. So much that I'm amazed they haven't been hit with a cease and desist...


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
I've been doing some painting too. Bought some eldar harlequins and assembled my own suicide squad :D Or more of a troupe of murder clowns. I based most of them some well known monster clown. So there's Joker and Harley of course, Kefka from FFVI, Deadpool and good ol Ronald McD...
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Finished painting my Chainmail Spearmen figures that I will use as House Deneith grunts. Now working on other Dragonmarked marked house members. Also a few dragons I had sitting around assembled and coated but never painted.

Dog Moon

Well, interesting weekend for me. Got together with a friend on Friday. Saw the new Mission Impossible movie. Wasn't bad.

Saturday was weird. Supposed to get together with two friends at 11am, got a message from one saying he had woken up late, so we switched to 11.30am. Then he sends another message after the other friend was on the way saying he was stopping apparently to do an errand on the way so we should start without him because he didn't know how long it was going to take.

So the friend that arrived on time and I started playing one game. Of course then the late friend arrives so we end up stopping that to play Eldritch Horror and the new xpac that recently came out. As we're playing the late friend says he would like to hurry because he can only play one game and has other things to do that day. After we finished and he left the first friend and I looked at each other. We were really annoyed because of how the friend had acted. People shouldn't organize game days and then do other stuff on the way causing your tardiness and then leave early...

And then today was an annoying day. We're playing the Shattered Star AP and last week there were three of five PCs [two players called in unable to make it] and there was a TPK. So this week there were three new PCs. We're level 5. Apparently there's a trap of some sort that cause three simultaneous fireballs. I passed the first Reflex save and failed the second two. I took 55 damage and died immediately. The others were injured greatly. THEN, immediately there were two oozes. Another PC died, though he decided to get rezzed using the gear my character had had to afford the component.

So I spent soooo long figuring out everything for a Magus, died last week then created an Inquisitor which died before the first combat this week. I am now a Kineticist. Interesting class, though not enough options for Infusions, feats or items. :(

I know, is a lot to say in one post. I just don't visit EnWorld much anyway, stop in usually just for this thread. Otherwise, I visit the Paizo forums more often now.

Voidrunner's Codex

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