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Happy Haggert Hurried Hungry Hitch Hiking Hired Henchmen Hivers.... apply within


I am the mysterious professor.
Pneumonia is treatable. It's odd they sent him home. Did he request it? I've also heard stories of others being left to live or die to deal with COVID-19 patients. Could that be the case here?

That being said, I feel for you and his family.

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Day six: So, I went back during the day with a rolling suitcase. I filled it up with more stuff from his kitchen including two manual can-openers ( I have one,but you can always have a spare). Then I grudgingly looked through Jim's pockets (ick ick ick dead guy) but he didn't have his keys or even his wallet on him. I looked on the bookcase by the door and found a bowl that had his keys and wallet,I grabbed the keys and went to the basement door and after 3 keys I found one that worked. The door opened into darkness,so I reached for the switch and turned the light on and went down. Once I reached the bottom, I looked around letting the memories come back to me as my eyes lingered on his custom made poker table, honestly the only custom part were the cup holders he had made. ( I once won $150 with a full house). After looking away from the table to the far corner, I noticed a book case pulled away from the wall and walked over to it, It had been covering a small door, that I opened revealing a crawlspace. In side the crawlspace were several Items,so I started pulling them out. It looked like Jim had stored a few guns and ammo,along with a large hiking bag that was heavy and must have been filled. There was also a smaller bag. I guess Jim had bought the guns before everything hit the fan. I took everything up stairs and laid it all down next to the door,I figured I would need to make to two trips to get everything back to my house. First, I looked around to make sure no one was watching before I started.

Once I got everything back to my house, I decided to see if there was anything worth while on TV. The channels,at least those that didn't show the technical difficulties image,had all been broadcasting the same messages saying about the nation wide curfew,staying in doors unless it's an emergency, the phone you were supposed to call if you or someone who lives with you came down with the bug but now there appeared to be a news conference of some kind. The banner said the person speaking was General Edwards the commander for Northern Commander meaning he was in charge until Martial law was lifted. He naturally denied the rumors regarding barges filled with the dead being taken out to sea, along with the rumors regarding burning bodies. A new thing he denied was that the bug was created here in the U.S. He further reminded everyone that looters would be shoot on sight and any curfew violators would be placed in detention centers. He also said that a cure was in the works,and would be shipped out soon, at that point I turned off the tv and attempted to surf the web. Even more sites came up as a not found page.


Hopefully writing this will keep my sane,so here we go. It's been about three or four months since this all started. We all mocked those who grabbed the TP,and then laughed about the store shelves being empty due to folks getting crazy. It's also been three weeks since the last time someone from government non-military spoke to the Nation. That was when Martial law was declared, followed by all over seas troops being brought home,along with giving all over sea Americans a deadline of 24 hours to get to the nearest embassy/consult or be left in whichever country they are in. Luckily, the power hasn't gone out or or at least it hasn't here. There's rumors from both coast that barges are being taken out to the oceans filled with bodies and then coming back empty. I still have enough food to last a few more weeks,but I may have to go and scavenge after my supply runs out. I haven't heard gun shots yet,just the occasional siren. I'll write more later if I can.


I decided i'd keep count of the days by counting form when i started this diary,it seemed easier than anything else. The days sort of blend together at this point. I did hear a window break,so I looked out my front window and saw someone stealing a neighbor's car. I attempted to call 911,but all I got was an automated message about them being overwhelmed and what do to do if I suspect I have the virus. I don't even even know if the neighbors are still alive or what. I might attempt to go over there and check. I have been noticing that some websites are starting to turn into 401 errors. That's it for now.

I was going to go over to my neighbor's house to check on them but then I saw some military vehicles drive down my street from my window so I watched t them instead. I'm not sure where they were heading to, but they did have at least four dump trucks with them. I'm pretty sure they were loaded with dead bodies. Before the media clamp down, they were saying that the virus seems to have mutated into a deadlier form. Twitter and other social sites have posted notices about outages due to power/server issues. Frankly, i'm surprised that the government hasn't attempted to shut them down, hell i'm not even sure if they can do that. My lights did flicker a bit, but I'm not that worry since I have solar and a storage system along a back up generator.

Well, I went over to my neighbor's house across the street,knocked a few times,pushed the door bell but no one answered. I then checked to see if the front door was locked. It was,so I went around back and found that they had been broken into. The door was opened a bit,so I walked in and was assaulted by the smell of death. I almost threw up. After finding a wash cloth to hold to my nose in hopes of keeping the smell at bay I looked around for the source. I found Jim's body slumped against the wall next to the front door with several bullet holes in it and his tv and other electronics missing. While thinking back on the good times I had had with him, he made some killer ribs, I decided that I would head back to my house and find a better way to cover my face before looking for any supplies. Before I left back the way I came, I unlocked the front door and found a sink plug,so I plugged the empty kitchen sink up and filled it up. This was done so,i could come back with any empty bottle and fill them up with water before the water pressure stopped.

:Well, I took a large gym bag with me back to Jim's house. I covered my mouth and nose with a bandanna. I wait till dark before making my trip. I didn't brother with a flash light just in case anyone else was watching. Jim had a full pantry of canned goods,things like soups,vegetables etc. I grabbed as much as I could fit in the bag before looking around the rest of his house making a mental list of what to grab on my next trip. I found the downstairs door locked,which puzzled me since it was his game room/man cave from when he was married. I wondered where the key was and what was down there that required the door to be locked. I'll have to risk a trip during the day and look around for the key.


I am the mysterious professor.
I've practiced social distancing for most of my life. 6 feet is the minimum distance women tell me to stay away from them.


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
So, this bit of statistics is going around at the moment:

Voidrunner's Codex

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