• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Happy Haggert Hurried Hungry Hitch Hiking Hired Henchmen Hivers.... apply within

Moonfall is an absurd movie. It's no worse than The Day After Tomorrow or 2012, but not any better. There was a mention of Q clearance at one point. I wonder if it's intentional. The NASA administrator shouldn't have Q clearance, it's a Department of Energy thing
That was your issue with it? lol

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Why am I awake? I should be asleep.

EDIT: Just spent like half an hour digging through my pics for stuff to post in the duck pic thread... I am an idiot. :rolleyes:
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I am the mysterious professor.
I just listened to a voicemail from a few days ago. It was the clinic at Walmart telling me my appointments will go from $40 to $100. They have me coming in every 3 months. I can't afford it. Corporate greed is going to kill us all. No one can stop them. Politicians are just as greedy and don't want to stop them. It just means less money in their pockets. All I can do is shout into the void. I'm less than a nobody to them. My voice will never matter to anyone. If I get cancer or some other major illness I will die. I'll never be able to afford the care. Health care should be a universal human right. Free health care when needed should be available to everyone. When I die few will morn. Many will celebrate my death. Some will lament it didn't happen sooner. I'm really hating life right now.


I am the mysterious professor.
I thought it was well acted. Patrick Wilson, Halle Berry, and Samwell Tarly did a fine job with what they had to work with.

Also, I had hoped they would have had a way for what was left of humanity to move into the moon. Earth can't be very hospitable at this point. They were really setting up for more at the end. I think they're expecting a sequel.


I am the mysterious professor.

Creepy babydoll


Skeleton wedding? I'm going to try for a better picture. There were a lot more out of frame.


I am the mysterious professor.
I scored more points with the woman at work I'm talking to. I noticed her haircut and complimented her. She got a big smile and thanked me. She said she's surprised at how few noticed. I make an effort to notice these things. I know women like compliments on their shoes, hair, and/or outfit. I don't go nuts with it. I stopped at the hair. I wanted to say something about the outfit. She wore a denim jacket over a Nike tshirt. Nothing too special but on her and the way she was standing when I first saw her, she looked like a fashion model. The look worked, or at least l, it worked for me.

I keep telling myself I need to go beyond just talk. It's not easy for me. I see it as a Rubicon, no going back once you make that move. It changes everything.

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