• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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All purpose ingredient list:
Hydrogen, time FIRE

Fixed that... :p

My Chemistry teacher in high school, Mr. Spano, had an interesting way to instantly capture everyone's attention on the first day of class - he would have a balloon full of hydrogen floating near the blackboard, and would poke it with a long wooden match...

He got our attention, alright...

He lit the whole damn chalkboard on fire, lol.

Mr. Spano was awesome - he was a small wiry guy with glasses and a long scraggly beard wearing a stained lab coat, totally rocking the mad scientist vibe... :cool:

He caught a bunch of kids in the lab after school when we did the distillation experiment using it to make alcohol, and all he said was, "If somebody else catches you, you're gonna get expelled...", then walked off. Pretty sure he'd been doing the same thing himself...

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I backed the Nations & Cannons Kickstarter (historical roleplaying in the American Revolution using 5E rules) yesterday. Just downloaded the already-published stuff I picked up besides the upcoming book - the core rules, the firearms rules, and the Misfire Deck, which is a critical fumble deck for when your gun Misfires (each firearm has a misfire rating between 1 and 3, so you don't want to roll low on your attack)...
Haven't had time to read any of it yet, but I'll check it out this weekend.
From what I've read here on the forum, it looks like it'll be pretty cool.
Ever since I read the first book in D.B. Jackson's Thieftaker series, about a sorcerer working as a thieftaker in just-barely-pre-Revolutionary Boston, I've been intrigued by the concept of mixing magic into the American Revolution.

I backed the Nations & Cannons Kickstarter (historical roleplaying in the American Revolution using 5E rules) yesterday. Just downloaded the already-published stuff I picked up besides the upcoming book - the core rules, the firearms rules, and the Misfire Deck, which is a critical fumble deck for when your gun Misfires (each firearm has a misfire rating between 1 and 3, so you don't want to roll low on your attack)...
Haven't had time to read any of it yet, but I'll check it out this weekend.
From what I've read here on the forum, it looks like it'll be pretty cool.
Ever since I read the first book in D.B. Jackson's Thieftaker series, about a sorcerer working as a thieftaker in just-barely-pre-Revolutionary Boston, I've been intrigued by the concept of mixing magic into the American Revolution.
I've seen that advertised on facebook lol


I would like to think Hell was a bit chilly yesterday, as for a brief while Finland was leading in Eurovision. They definitively won the popular vote. Sweden crushed everyone in the jury groups and lead for most of the competition, so we got the popular votes last... We won, but not by much.
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Jack is attempting to be a productive monkey today...

- Dropped my phone last night, now the display is kinda wonky and the system is acting weird, so finally got around to activating the new phone I bought about A YEAR AGO when I first cracked the screen on the old one. Currently in the process of attempting to transfer all my data from old to new, but new phone needs to be charged first.

- Got my printer hooked up, but need to try to fix the ink or something, printing pics is coming out wonky. Need to try to scan something later on so I can see if I'll be able to copy my hand-drawn D23 maps.

- Testing the wood putty and cherry stain for my shadowbox project, waiting for it to dry. So far, looks promising.

- Gonna try to get the remaining three shelves finished and attached this weekend.
(Staining it will need to wait for next weekend probably, as I still need to do the wood putty and the clean-up sanding.)

- Actually went and bought a new package of socks for the first time in forever. May consider updating some of the underwear this weekend as well - being unemployed for so long, new clothes weren't a priority, so I ended up sewing a bunch of jeans and shirts that had ripped, but the socks and underwear were getting a bit worn out in ways that couldn't be fixed with needle and thread.

- Picked up a 500 gb external hard drive at Wallyworld on clearance, so I've been transferring all my non-system programs (video games, GIMP, etc.,) pictures, videos and other big files onto it... Was debating copying my CD collection onto it (had it copied on the previous puter before it drowned), but probably not worth the effort since I'm looking at upgrading the puter within the next six months to something that won't catch fire when I try to check my email, lol.

So here's hoping I can Get Stuff Done this weekend.

Voidrunner's Codex

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